Both Sides: Is Dissent on the War Patriotic?

Free speech is a sacred right in America, but is being critical of military actions in the time of war unpatriotic since it may help the enemy? To look into that question, IMAO is proud to present the opinions of noted right-wing blogger Frank J. and respected left-wing blogger Scary Evil Monkey to give you both sides.
Anyone Who Publicly Criticizes the War Is an Unpatriotic Little Douche
By Frank J.

 So we have a military conflict headed by generals with tons of knowledge and information none of us have access to, so why does anyone think they want the opinion of some goober who read a few newspaper articles online?

 Freedom of speech is important, but war is a special thing because lives and perhaps our entire country are on the line. The time to argue against a war is before it starts, and if the American people don’t listen to your homo baby whining about how we can solve conflicts through hugs — and they usually don’t — then once the war starts, it’s time to shut your stupid mouth from which your intellectual diarrhea constantly flows.

 What does arguing against a war achieve? It convinces the enemy we might give up and keeps them fighting — thus getting more people killed on both sides. If the loser whiny dillholes win out with their constant shrieking and finally cause us to retreat, then that will further convince our enemies we can be beaten causing them to draw us into even more conflicts and getting even more people killed. So why do people speak out against a war while their countrymen are currently getting shot at? Well, the chance of them knowing anything the generals don’t know is essentially nil, so the only reason they speak out is for their own arrogance — because it makes them feel smart. So, the public dissenters of the war think feeling good about themselves is more important than human lives and their country — that sounds like someone we can definitively label an unpatriotic little douche to me.

 I’m not saying they shouldn’t be allowed to speak, I’m just saying it would be less harmful if those people actually picked up a gun, went out on the battlefield, and shot at our troops — at least then they’d be eliminated quickly. Also, I’m saying I should be allowed my own freedom of expression to bash their faces in. And, my speech expression will actually achieve something useful for our country — namely bashing the faces in of unpatriotic douches. If those who feel they need to speak out against the war want to really help their country, they should kill themselves.
End the War Now or I Will Eat Your Eyeballs, Turn Them into Poo, and Throw the Poo at You
By Scary Evil Monkey

dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues! u maid war too maik halleeburton rich but now u all weel die! ur surge has failed! u cannot defeet the islamomonkeys an dey weel cum an blow u up for trying! u worship boosh but hee dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jue just lik de rest of u. everee wun hoo not a dum stoopid neocon heelbilly jue now turn on u. merryica now becum home of us monkeys. den u no wut happens?
u ar dooomed! u weel soon leev irak. den wee weel mak u leev afganeestan. u reed daily kos. dat hoo rul frum now on. maybee u bee gud an dey let u dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues liv… BUT PROBLY NOT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
after wee eet ur eyeballs, turn de eyeballs into poo an throw de poo at u, mee an my kos freends WEEL EET DE POO AGAIN, TURN IT INTO MOR POO, AN THROW DAT POO AT U!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this debate and hearing both sides of the issue. Please give us feedback so we here at IMAO can serve your needs better.

Next Week on IMAO

Wow. What another great week of IMAO blogging excellence!
Here’s what to look forward to next week:
* Part 5 of our 7 part series on whether John Edwards has girl parts where man parts should be
* An in depth look at what impact Fred Thompson’s announcement of entering the Presidential race could have on the global climate
* A visual guide to surviving a gay bomb attack
* A salute to firecrackers
All that and your daily horoscopes. Also, make sure to stop by for our fantastic weekend programming.
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Para emparejar tendencias de la corriente, todos los postes de IMAO ahora serán seguidos por una traducción española. Gracias por su ayuda continuada de este sitio.

Both Sides: Left-Wing Hate on the Internet

In reaction to the death of Jerry Falwell, there has been celebration on the left-wing side of the blogosphere. Similar things have happen when Tony Snow became ill again, with commenters and even posters in the left-wing blogosphere wishing ill will on him and his family. Is the wishing of violence and death upon those they disagree with an anomaly of the left-wing blogosphere or something indicative of a bigger problem with that culture? IMAO is proud to present the opinions of noted right-wing blogger Frank J. and respected left-wing blogger Scary Evil Monkey to give you both sides.
Conservative Bloggers Should Express Sincere Hope That Someone in Markos Zuniga’s Family Will Get Cancer
By Frank J.

 I was never a fan of Jerry Falwell, but by reading all the elation on the left-wing blogosphere of his death, I can’t help but think how there was no such celebration when Saddam was hung. Does anyone think they’ll be this happy when Osama bin Laden dies? Absolutely not. They don’t have hate for those who murder the innocent and cut off heads. No, it’s people like Dick Cheney and Tony Snow they reserve such hate for, as the only “enemy” they really hate are people in America who dare have different viewpoints than them or espouse Christianity. Liberal are inhuman scum. Let me repeat that: They are scum of a non-human variety. And, like everything that isn’t human, we are better off when it dies.

 In fact, I would argue that it is such a boon to America every time someone on the left-wing blogosphere dies, that it is cause for celebration. Real celebration with a keg of beer and phat tunes. Perhaps just a cheap keg of Coors Light when it’s merely a comment poster or DU troll who dies, but it’s certainly worth pulling out the checkbook and getting a keg of Guinness if a top left-wing blogger dies or gets a horrible, terminal illness. We should all draw strength from the suffering of these nutroots scum, and we should use that strength to party awesome hard.

 Remember how Markos Zuniga, the venomous Kos, once said “Screw Them” of contractors brutally murdered by terrorists in Iraq? I think everyone would agree with me on saying that it would be a glorious thing if he would get cancer and die painfully. In fact, it would be great — and I’m sure other right-wing bloggers such as Glenn Reynolds, Michelle Malkin, and Jonah Goldberg would back me up on this — if instead the person getting the cancer were someone in Zuniga’s family that he deeply cared about. How cool would it be to know that Zuniga, whose viewpoints I don’t care for, had to watch someone he cares about die slowly and in an extremely horrible fashion? It would be super cool. Thus, we should all wish death and disease on Zuniga’s family. I’d say we should pray to Jesus for it, but He just texted me saying He doesn’t want any part of this. Obviously, Jesus hasn’t been reading the left-wing blogs if that’s the way He feels.
I Will Eat Jerry Falwell’s Eyes, Turn It Into Poo, and Throw the Poo at You
By Scary Evil Monkey

yess! happee happee day! a nother dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jue is dead! falwell bad dum christin man now ded. my freends at kos an huffy post agree dat we shood all pay proper respect to po dum ded christin heelbilly neocon jue. no how we pay respect to heem?
u dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues weel all soon be like falwell! u weel be ded with no eyes an covered in poo! we at kos and huffy post weel control merica! we keel u all with help of islamo monkey freends! dey hate dum bad christin jues like u but they like us cause dey no wee smart. dey weel join us in eeting ur eyeballs and throwing the poo at u while u run a round wondering wut happening since u no see since ur eyeballs ar now poo. u dum stoopid christin jues hoo want to yell at kos and hurt islamo monkeys deserve nothing better than to be covered in eyes made into poo. and then u die like ur hero falwell. reel problem for merica is not islamo monkeys. reel problem is that u dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues ar alive and not ded.
now i go vote in kos poll on hoo won gop debate. ron paul only one of u hoo make sense. we agree he best. u all to dum to vote for heem which is why we hope u die like falwell and we eet ur eyes.

I hope you enjoyed this debate and hearing both sides of the issue. Please give us feedback so we here at IMAO can serve your needs better.