Bond Girlathon : Results 9/11/2024 : New matches for 9/18/2024

Hi guys. Sorry for the interruption with the site being down. Everything should be back to normal. We hope. Back to the Bond Girlathon.



Francoise ThierryNo PreferenceCarmen du Sautoy

Barbara BachNo PreferenceSue Vanner


Caroline Munro (Naomi) VS Olga Bisera (Felicca)


Actress:Caroline Munro
Bond Movie:The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)


Naomi was an aid for Karl Stromberg, and escorted Bond and Anya Amasova to Stromberg’s oceanic citadel, the Atlantis. After Bond’s meeting ended, Stromberg instructed henchman Jaws to kill the two spies. In an intense chase sequence with Bond and Amasova driving a Lotus Esprit, Jaws shot at them from a car, another henchmen tried to kill them with a sidecar-missile, and Naomi tried to shoot them down from a helicopter. She met her end as Bond blew up her helicopter with a surface-to-air missile.

Caroline Munro



Actress:Olga Bisera
Bond Movie:The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)


Felicca worked for Aziz Fekkesh, a black market dealer who was selling the microfilms of a submarine tracking system. Fekkesh instructed Felicca to entertain Bond, should he call round, so that henchman Sandor could kill him. In their brief time together, Felicca took a liking to Bond, and when she saw Sandor about to shoot him, she spun round and took the bullet herself.

Olga Bisera

Who do you prefer?
41 votes · 41 answers

Lois Chiles (Holly Goodhead) vs Corinne Clery (Corinne Dufour)

Holly Goodhead

Actress:Lois Chiles
Bond Movie:Moonraker (1979)


Holly Goodhead was a CIA agent working undercover as an astronaut for the Hugo Drax organization. After spending the night together with Bond, the two met up at the top of Sugarloaf mountain in Rio. On the cable car ride down, Jaws tried to kill them, and Holly’s cover was blown. Bond managed to escape, and rescued Holly after the pair were almost killed in a rocket blast chamber. They went to space together and shot down Drax’s globes that contained fatal gases meant to kill the human race on Earth.

Lois Chiles


Corinne Dufour

Actress:Corinne Cléry
Bond Movie:Moonraker (1979)


Corinne Dufour was Hugo Drax’s personal assistant and pilot. She flew Bond over Drax’s estate, giving him a guided tour of the Moonraker complex and flying him to meet Drax. After spending the night with Bond, Corinne revealed the location of Drax’s safe, where Bond photographed secret documents. Drax discovered this, and Corinne was killed by Drax’s vicious pack of dogs.

Corinne Clery

Who do you prefer?
38 votes · 38 answers

Bond Girlathon : Results 9/4/2024 : Matches 9/11/2024

The results are in and we have our winners for week 9/4/2024.

Madeline SmithNo PreferenceGloria Hendry

Maud AdamsNo PreferenceBritt Ekland

Week 9/11/2024

Carmen du Sautoy (Saida) vs Francoise Thierry (Chew Mee)


Actress:Carmen du Sautoy
Bond Movie:The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)


Saida was a Lebanese belly dancer, and the ex-lover of agent 002, Bill Fairbanks. When Fairbanks is found dead, Bond visits Saida to find out what happened. Saida mentions that she found the bullet that killed Fairbanks and now uses it as a lucky charm belly button. Bond tries to casually steal the bullet, but after getting hit on the back by the club bouncer, he swallows it by mistake.

Carmen du Sautoy


Chew Mee

Actress:Francoise Therry
Bond Movie:The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)


Chew Mee was a mistress of businessman Hai Fat. While visiting Hai Fat, Bond first saw sight of her while she was swimming naked in the palaces’ pool. Bond asked how the water was, and Chew Mee responded that he should come in and find out. Chew Mee had only a brief appearance, and Bond didn’t make it into the pool.

Francoise Thierry

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Who do you prefer?
26 votes · 26 answers

Barbara Bach (Anya Amasova) vs Sue Vanner (Log Cabin Girl)

Anya Amasova

Actress:Barbara Bach
Bond Movie:The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)


Anya Amasova, code name ‘Triple X’, was a KGB agent working under General Gogol. She had the same mission as Bond, to retrieve stolen microfilms for a submarine tracking system. After half co-operating and half getting in the way of each other, Bond and Amasova meet their bosses at the Egyptian HQ, who tell them that MI6 and the KGB are now co-operating, and the two should work together.

Barbara Bach


Log Cabin Girl

Actress:Sue Vanner
Bond Movie:The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)


The log cabin girl, played by Sue Vanner, was a KGB agent, and a lover of James Bond. While Bond and the girl were curled up under some furs on the floor of an isolated log cabin, M sent a message to Bond’s wrist watch that he was needed at once at HQ. As Bond got up to leave, the girl said “But James, I need you.”, to which Bond replied “So does England.” After he left, the girl radioed to KGB henchmen that Bond had let.

Sue Vanner

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Who do you prefer?
27 votes · 27 answers

Bond Girlathon : Results from 8/28/2024 New matches for 9/4/2024

Our new feature is up and running and I hope everyone is enjoying it. We have the voting results and the next two matches for your enjoyment.


Diana RiggAngela ScoularNo Preference


Jane SeymourCatherine SchellNo Preference

Matches for 9/4/2024

Gloria Hendry (Rosie Carver) VS Madeline Smith (Miss Caruso)

Rosie Carver

Actress:Gloria Hendry
Bond Movie:Live and Let Die (1973)


Rosie Carver was an inept and incompetent double agent, working for the CIA and for heroin baron Dr. Kananga. She checked into Bond’s hotel room as Mrs. Bond, and said she would take him to the spot where Bains, another MI6 agent, was killed. While picnicking near the area, Bond confronts Rosie, revealing that he knows she is working for Kanaga. Bond threatens to kill her, and Rosie runs away, only to be killed by a hidden gun in one of Kanaga’s scarecrows.

Gloria Hendry


Miss Caruso

Actress:Madeline Smith
Bond Movie:Live and Let Die (1973)


Miss Caruso was an agent of the Italian Secret Service. She was asleep with Bond at his home when, just before 6am, the doorbell rang. Bond answered the door to find M, who announced an urgent mission. He also casually mentioned that the Italian’s were complaining about their missing agent, Miss Caruso. In a scene lit with humour, Bond continually distracts M to avoid him finding Caruso, with a little help from Miss Moneypenny, who had accompanied M.

Madeline Smith

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Who do you prefer?
61 votes · 61 answers

Maud Adams (Octopussy / Andrea Anders) vs Britt Ekland (Mary Goodnight)

Andrea Anders

Actress:Maud Adams
Bond Movie:Octopussy (1983)


Octopussy ran an all-women floating island, the girls of which were acrobats for a circus that was a front for a jewellery smuggling operation. She was a partner in crime with Kamal Khan, who stole the jewellery for himself and tried to kill Octopussy. Octopussy saved Bond’s life, and Bond repaid the debt by saving hers. After killing Khan, Bond and Octopussy sail into the sunset, with the acrobat girls rowing for them.

Actress:Maud Adams
Bond Movie:The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)


Miss Anders was the girlfriend of Francisco Scaramanga, the $1 million a shot assassin, the man with the golden gun. She sent a golden bullet to MI6 with 007 engraved on the side, so that it would be thought that Scaramanga had Bond on his hit list. Miss Anders was hoping that Bond would respond to the threat and kill Scaramanga, freeing her from his possession. However, Scaramanga learnt of her betrayal and shot her through the heart.

Maud Adams


Mary Goodnight

Actress:Britt Ekland
Bond Movie:The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)


Mary Goodnight was Bond’s assistant in Hong Kong, and previously his secretary in London. She helps Bond to locate Miss Anders, the girlfriend of hitman Scaramanga. The two almost spend the night together on multiple occasions, and at one point Goodnight is embarrassingly shoved into a cupboard when Miss Anders pays Bond a surprise visit. Goodnight is eventually kidnapped by Scaramanga, but after Bond kills him, Goodnight helps Bond escape his Island.

Britt Ekland

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Who do you prefer?
59 votes · 59 answers

Bond Girlathon August 28, 2024

Hi guys. It looks like Mr. Walrus has chosen me to host the new feature, Bond Girlathon. I think I would have made a good Bond girl, don’t you think? Hehe.

Here is the format for the matches. There will be two a week until every girl has played every girl once. There are 81 girls broken into 2 divisions. The top 16 in each division will then play in the Championship tournament which will be single elimination.

The voting for these matches wil be ranked preference with you choosing how strongly you prefer either contestant. It will be on a scale of 1 to 4. Also, for you men who can’t choose, there will also be a no preference option. Let’s see how that works out.

So here we have our opening two matches.

Diana Rigg (Teresa di Vicenzo) VS Anegla Scoular (Ruby Bartlett)

Teresa di Vicenzo

Actress:Diana Rigg
Bond Movie:On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969)


Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo was the most important girl in Bond’s life, becoming Mrs Tracy Bond by the end of the film. Starting out troubled and suicidal, Tracy was rescued by Bond, who gradually fell in love with her. At their wedding, Bond vowed that they would have all the time in the world together. In a tragic twist of irony, Tracy was assassinated by Ernst Stavro Blofeld as the pair were stopped at a roadside to remove the flowers from their car.

Diana Rigg


Ruby Bartlett

Angela Scoular
Bond Movie:On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969)


Ruby Bartlett was one of the “angels of death” at Blofeld’s swiss clinic. She had been brought there to cure a chicken allergy, but was in fact being hypnotized by Blofeld as part of a plot to spread a crop virus around the country. When she first met Bond, disguised as Sir Hillary Bray, she discreetly wrote her room number in lipstick on his thigh, so that he could meet her later that night.

Angela Scoular

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Who do you prefer?
99 votes · 99 answers

Jane Seymour (Solitaire) vs Catherine Schell (Nancy)


Actress:Jane Seymour
Bond Movie:Live and Let Die (1973)


Solitaire was a psychic tarot card reader working for heroin baron Dr. Kananga. She predicted the movements of James Bond and other men who posed a threat to their operations. Solitaire was practically imprisoned by Kananga as he knew that, like her mother, she would lose her psychic gift if she were to make love. When first meeting Bond, Solitaire drew the lovers card, predicting the fate of her and Bond. Indeed, Solitaire soon lost her powers, and became a target of Kananga’s wrath.

Jane Seymour



Actress:Catherine Schell
Bond Movie:On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969)


After sneaking into Ruby Bartlett’s room in the swiss clinic, Bond had returned to his own room. He said to himself in the mirror, “Hilly, you old devil”, before noticing that another patient, Nancy, had snook into his room. Being the only man in the clinic, Bond had attracted the fancy of several of the girls.

Catherine Schell

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Who do you prefer?
103 votes · 103 answers