New Intern Polling

Hi gang I’m back from Vegas and boy was that fun. I hope you didn’t miss me too much while I was gone and you gave due consideration to our group of, possibly, new interns. Here they are again and please vote early and often for them. The poll will remain open until December 1st.

The poll has been updated to allow up to 4 yotes at one time.

Erika Eleniak

Tricia Hilfer

Penelope Cruz

Sybil Danning

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Who should join the ranks of the interns? You decide.

Well? Where Are They, You Lying Pony Soldier?

Someone posted this on FreeRepublic, with the caption:

This can’t be legal

While We’re on the Subject of “No Evidence,” Might as Well Add This:

VIP’s [the Voter Integrity Project’s] sampling of the 2020 election discovered evidence of thousands of illegal ballots across numerous contested states.

For example, VIP found more than 1,000 people in both Georgia and Pennsylvania who used a post office address as their home address, and attempted to disguise the post office by adding “Apt,” Suite,” Unit” etc. at the end.

It is a violation of law in both states to use a post office as your home address.

Braynard’s group also found more than 20,000 people in Georgia and more than 8,000 people in Nevada who cast ballots although they no longer met the residency requirements of their respective states.

In Arizona, VIP sampled 2,044 voters and found 44 percent [!] did not request an absentee ballot, even though they reportedly received one.

Arizona law prohibits sending a ballot to a voter who has not requested one.

The project also discovered nearly 6,000 people voted in the 2020 election who no longer met the Arizona’s residency requirements.

Moreover, the sampling revealed 157 people who voted twice in the state.


Step 2: ????? Step 3: Profit!

Kurt Schlichter dissects the Democrats’ psycho drama:

Apparently, his [Trump’s] plan is to somehow make it so the post office will be unable to deliver vote by mail ballots in order to prevent Democrats from winning the election that their senile old weirdo nominee is in the process of blowing. It might be interesting to examine the details of this conspiracy theory if there was even a coherent conspiracy theory to examine, but there’s not. It’s mostly “Trump bad!,” then low and undecipherable mumbling, then “And that’s how he will steal the election!”

The specifics of the alleged plot, to the extent you can identify them, are puzzling and elusive. What exactly is Trump going to do again? Is he going to order the mailmen to toss ballots in the shredder? Seems like it would be hard to pull off that flex with all those crack journalists out there. We are also told that he is rounding-up blue mailboxes from America’s street corners, and that this has been going on for a couple of decades is only further proof of his evil plan, somehow. What is not clear is how this might work in practice – so, the idea is that the Democrat voter comes home, ballot in hand, weeping because there are no blue mailboxes anymore to place his ballot into, and then he walks back inside his house past … his own mailbox? And then he just gives up? He sits at his dinner table, head in hands, sobbing at his inability to figure out how to drop a piece of correspondence into the postal system?

Now, that would be fine with me. I have no problem with you not voting if you are too stupid to mail a letter. Democracy then dies in dumbness.

Now, there is another alternative for those who can’t figure out how the mail works. You could, instead of walking those lonely streets in search of a rare blue receptacle, walk over to your local polling place on Election Day and vote like a normal person. That is a thing, you know. Ah, but the Can’t-Call-It-Chinese Chinese Coronavirus will kill us all if we go into a polling booth! Wait, I was told masks make you safe. Never mind. Hey, what if you are voting for someone woke, since wokeness seems to confer immunity to the flu? Regardless, feel free to go be around hundreds of other shouting people protesting that they have to go be around a few dozen other people who aren’t shouting down at their local precinct.

The Post Office Conspiracy Is First Class Stupidity | August 20, 2020 | Kurt Schlichter

Pete Math

You may be aware that Pete Buttigieg dropped out of the a Democrat race for the right to lose to Donald Trump in November. At first glance, this may seem surprising. In four contests, he finished in the top four in all of them, winning one, and getting the most delegates in two. That sounds like a pretty good showing. So, why did he drop out?

The simple answer is … math. But there’s a little more to it.

Pete Buttigieg can do something that most Democrats cannot do: math. That’s probably because he was the least worst of all the a Democrats running. That’s still pretty bad, but that just shows how bad all the other Democrats are.

Anyway, Pete can do math. And, if you look at the results a little closer, you’ll see why he had to drop out. It was to save the universe and all reality.

Pete came in first in the first contest, the Iowa Caucuses, so named because of all the Caucasians running.

In the second race, the New Hampshire Primary, Pete came in a close second.

The third contest, the Nevada Caucus, had Pete in third place.

The fourth, the South Carolina Primary, had Pete in fourth.

You see the pattern, right?

With 14 primaries and a caucus on Super Tuesday, Pete would wind up in 5th to 19th place. And that’s the problem. Only six Democrats of the 28 that were running are still in the race. So many Democrats have dropped out that for Pete Buttigieg to have stayed in the race, math would have fallen apart, and with it, the entire fabric of space and time.

So let’s thank Pete Buttigieg for his selfless sacrifice in dropping out of the race in order to save everyone. The rest of the Democrats should follow his lead.

One Last Cory Booker Jab

He was hot stuff some years ago, but was barely a blip this election cycle. One last jab at Cory Booker to close the work week.

[The Patriot Post]

Dropping Like Flies

Now Cory Booker has dropped out of the Democrat presidential race. He’s the … well, I don’t actually know how many have already dropped out. He’s number …

Hmph. Seventeen.

How about that. I knew there were a lot, but had no idea there were that many that used to be running. And that leaves … well, I don’t actually know how many are still running. Now I got to count that.

Hmph. There are still 16 running.

That means Booker was the mid-point. Before he dropped out, 16 had and 17 were still running. Now 17 have and 16 are still running.

So the balance has shifted. We’re halfway to finding out who will get the honor to find a way to lose to Donald Trump in November. I can hardly wait!

Feel The Bern

Sometimes, they ask for money from the wrong people. Paul Mitchell offered this advice:

Since we have entered the national election year, we will be bombarded daily by Democrat idiots blowing up our phones, emails, screeching on street corners, and giving away free opioids for your vote. Remember, just be nice to them, they can’t help it that they are stupid.

[Paul Mitchell on Facebook]

Can You Believe Democrats Actually Thought We CARED about Obama’s “Lack of Experience”?

Sorry, Losercrats, we didn’t. That was just a handy catchphrase to pummel him with. A convenient comedic device that we’re willing to defenestrate now that we can’t use it without looking like douchebags.
Here’s the truth.

“This bear? He looked at me funny.”

What really matters to Conservatives about their candidates is their ability to make decisions under pressure, their ability to stand by those decisions, and their willingness to accept the consequences – however bad they may be – and also accept the responsibility of making new decisions to address those consequences, as necessary.
I don’t know a lot about McCain’s political career, but I do know that he was a Naval officer. Having served under my share of them (U.S. Navy, 85 to 91, USS Enterprise 87 to 91), I know that McCain’s been trained in accountability.
While I don’t know a lot about Palin, it seems she’s done a good job staring down the forces of corruption in Alaskan gubernatorial politics. She’s made hard calls and stood by them while facing down angry men.
The essence of a good Commander-in-Chief is that he can look some ass**** right in the eye, tell him to go f*** himself, and not blink while doing so, if that’s what he honestly believes – to the best of his knowledge – is the right thing to do in order to further the goals of America’s interests, whether domestically or overseas.
I don’t think Obama has the stones to do that.
I KNOW McCain has them.
And I suspect that – while not technically stones – Palin’s titanium ovaries are equally qualified.

Why I Love the Sarah Palin Choice

Because (from a recent MorOn.Org email) it makes Democrats say things like this:

I think she’s far too inexperienced to be in this position. I’m all for a woman in the White House, but not one who hasn’t done anything to deserve it. There are far many other women who have worked their way up and have much more experience that would have been better choices. This is a patronizing decision on John McCain’s part- and insulting to females everywhere that he would assume he’ll get our vote by putting “A Woman” in that position.–Jennifer M., Anchorage, AK

Let’s do some subtle re-writing so that you can see why this makes me giggle so:

I think he’s far too inexperienced to be in this position. I’m all for an African-American in the White House, but not one who hasn’t done anything to deserve it. There are far many other African-Americans who have worked their way up and have much more experience that would have been better choices. This is a patronizing decision on the Democratic Party’s part – and insulting to African-Americans everywhere that they would assume they’ll get our vote by putting “An African-American” in that position.

Look for Jennifer’s PKB (pot – kettle – black) argument in various forms everywhere.

Close Enough

As Laurie mentioned to me in a recent e-mail, although we’ve been wishing for this:

At least we got this:

Either way, it means she’ll be serving 2 to 4 in obscurity, and she’ll be out of our hair for a while.
Later, PIAPS.
Meanwhile, in IMAO programming news, there’ll be a new WEsistance Challenge up on Tuesday to welcome you back from the holiday weekend, and I’ll be pushing the lolterizt! post to Wednesday.
Now go celebrate Labor Day by not doing any.

Girl Meets Boy, Girl Hates Boy At First, But By the End…

Yeah, picking Biden was 2008’s equivalent of the Dean Scream, Dukakis in a tank, and Kerry in a bunny suit all rolled into one, but there are… more disturbing scenarios…

running mates.jpg

And let’s be honest… this one’s still on the table until Thursday.
[via Grouchy Old Cripple, at the insistence of Jimmy]

Frank is Right – These Guys ARE Retarded

After going broke giving away Obama buttons, is now giving away Obama/Biden stickers.
I’m putting mine on that bag of used cat litter I put out by the curb on Mondays.
What are you going to do with yours?

McCain Needs a Celebrity Catchphrase

I watched the new McCain ad where he compares Obama to airhead celebimbos Paris Hilton & Britney Spears.
It’s not the GREATEST thing on the web, but he should get some credit for his newfound mastery of modern technology, since it’s in color AND a talkie.
Anyway, while watching this, it occurred to me that the secret of undeserved popularity appears to be having a catchphrase.
Britney’s got “Oops, I did it again.”
Paris has “That’s hot.”
Obama’s latched on to “Yes we can” (or “Vero Possumus” when he’s trying to lock in the Ancient Roman vote).
What’s McCain got?
If he’s going to save this country from the Tofu Brownie he’s going to need something snappy & memorable, and thus I attempt to do my part:

“I’ll grind yer bones to make me bread!”
  • Bomb it ’til it stops twitching!
  • Older than you, and smarter, too.
  • You call that torture?
  • I did your blue-haired granny.
  • I’m the Maverick, he’s the gelding.
  • I eat terrorists and crap freedom.
  • Get offa my lawn!
  • I married rich, he married bitch.
  • Have another cigarette, raghead.
  • I’ll negotiate unconditionally after they’ve surrendered the same way.
  • I’d drill that.

Please chime in, or the terrorists win.

New Latin Mottos for Obama

Let’s be honest. The REAL reason Barry ditched his fake presidential seal was that his Latin slogan “Vero Possumus” was interpreted by most people to mean something like “I [heart] possums”. Which is all well & good for capturing the Granny Clampett vote, but lacks overall appeal for the general election.
But personally, I say he should keep the faux seal and just change up the motto – my suggestions for which I offer below.
NOTE TO LATIN SCHOLARS:I know many of these are either ungrammatical or even just flat wrong. I had to resort to a crappy online Latin translator as a baseline for these, and I tweaked some of the results to make them sound better. So if you’ll forgo the flames in the comments, I’ll make it up to you by writing “Romani Ite Domum” 100 times. Hail Caeser!

Tributum Consumptus Repetitas
  • Sub Currus Vobis – Under The Bus With You
  • Genus Tabellae Victoria – Race Card Triumphant
  • Purus Articulatus Arrogantis Potius- Clean, articulate, arrogant, elitist.
  • Iste Infantia Patris – Your Baby Daddy
  • Non Terebratus Via Forus Hoc – Can’t drill your way out of this
  • E LVII Unum – Out of 57, one.
  • Quies Albi – Don’t criticize me, Whitey!
  • Praeterquam Senex – At least I’m not old.
  • Vostrum Novus Birotae – Barack Obama is your new bicycle.
  • Semper Volo Ad Pactus – Always willing to negotiate.
  • Cruor Tyrannis Dolor Mortis Atrocitas Miseria – Beloved man of the people.

Feel free to pile on in the comments.