Frank Advice for Life

Speak softly and carry a big stick, unless you’re going through security at the airport. Then they’ll be like, “Why do you have that big stick? Stop speaking so softly; I can’t hear you!”

Frank Advice for Life

When making a pact with the devil, if he offers you the extended warranty on your pact, don’t go for it. It’s a scam.

Frank Advice for Life

Don’t just disbelieve everything your evil arch nemesis says as he could use that against you. Like maybe he assumed you wouldn’t trust him and thus recommended Geico so you won’t save a lot of money on car insurance.

Frank Advice for Life

It’s important to distinguish yourself as one of the educated class. The best way to do this is to wear a top hat, a monocle, and a bright orange t-shirt that says, “ME INTEELECTUAL!” Careful if David Brooks sees you, though, as he might get angry at you for stealing his outfit, and he does bite.

Frank Advice for Life

If you suspect a co-worker is an android, ask him to pat his head and rub his belly at the same time. Androids can’t do that, because they don’t make them with dual-processors. And it’s good to know if someone is an android, because then you can steal his lunch without feeling guilty.

Frank Advice for Life

They say don’t bring a knife to a gun fight, but I do. Then everyone is like, “Look at the stupid dummy who brought a knife when we all have guns! What a lame-o!” Then POW! …I shoot them all with the gun hidden in the knife’s handle. NOW WHO’S STUPID?!!!

Frank Advice for Life

Violence is never the answer… unless the question is “What is never the answer?” Then the answer is violence. Actually, I guess that’s a paradox. Probably best to just use violence when you’re not sure about the answer.

Frank Advice for Life

If a UFO lands in front of you and aliens come out and demand, “Take me to your leader!” immediately respond with, “I’m not a frick’n taxi service!” and then ignore them. With aliens, the same as with dogs, you need to assert your dominance.

Frank Advice for Life

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. It’s when you’re comparing a bird in hand to squirrels that the exchange rate gets confusing.

Frank Advice for Life

No matter where you go in life, never forget where you came from. This is especially useful in finding your car.

Frank Advice for Life

Make sure you memorize a codeword that only you know. That way if someone visits you claiming to be your future self, it should be easy for him to identify himself.

Frank Advice for Life

Get an old chest and put explosives in it and set a trigger so the explosives will go off when the chest is opened. Then bury the chest in a middle of nowhere making sure to note its location. Now, if you’re ever captured by pirates, you can tell them to spare your life and you’ll lead them to buried treasure. I think the rest is pretty self-explanatory.

Frank Advice for Life

Honesty is the best policy. The second best policy? When an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, you shoot the bastard.

Frank Advice for Life

Always keep your eyes on your goal… unless your goal is the Ark of the Covenant. It will melt your face if you look at it when they open it.

Frank Advice for Life

Every once in a while, stop and think about all the things you have in life to be grateful for. And then think of how secure those things are and who might know about them and whether those people will have to be eliminated to fully protect them.