Friday Classic Funny

“Hi Mr. Walrus, found some more Far Sides for you.”

“Excellent, anything else?”

“Some funny videos, may be classic someday.”

“Bring it on.”

Friday Classic Funny

“Hurry up Mr. Walrus. We’re late!”

“And who’s fault is that?”

Friday Classic Funny

Looks like Mr. Walrus is not up to witty banter this morning so posting the funny and then back to bed.

Friday Classic Funny

“Hi Mr. Walrus, was that Miss Cruz I saw yesterday?”

“Yes it was, good to see her again.”

“I agree.”

“Not as much as me.”

“You’d be surprised.”

Friday Classic Funny

“Good evening Miss Munro, auditioning for the Temple of Doom remake?”

“No, I usually wear outfits like this.”



Even better.”

Friday Classic Funny

“Good morning Miss Munro, ready for the Olympics?”

“How do you get ready for the Olympics?”

“Hmmm, got me.”

“Then how about some funny?”

“Works for me.”

Friday Classic Funny

“Very nice of Mr. Walrus the leave the keys to the liquor cabinet, that was one memorable Intern party. I am sure he will be sorry to have missed it. Only odd thing were all those blinking red lights behind the plants and in the vents. Oh well, probably not something important.”

Friday Classic Funny

Ready for the pool Miss Munro?”

“Yes sir, I remembered my bathiing suit at the last moment.”


Friday Classic Funny

“Good morning Miss Munro, what ya got for today?”

“Just some post holiday videos, nothing much.”

“Continuing a trend I see.”


“Never mind.”

Friday Classic Funny

“So Mr. Walrus, decided to show up today have we?”

“Sorry but I am a busy man with busy man stuff to do.”

“And that would be?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“On second thought. Probably not.”

“Good choice.”

Don’t know if it is funny but I love you guys and had to share.

Friday Classic Funny

“Watch it, those things are sharp!”

“Most spears are.

“Oh yes, that as well.”

Friday Classic Funny

“Mr. Walrus, so good to see you again.”

“And I am overjoyed to see you.”

“I’m sorry I only had time to throw this on.”

“I’m not sorry.”

“You devil you.”

Friday Classic Funny

“Good morning Mr. Walrus.”

“Errr, ummm, yes. Good. It is good and, ahhh morning.”

“A bit tongue tied I see.”

“Well if you can see what I see you can see why my tongue is tied.”

“Am I distracting?”

“That’s a hard yes.”

Friday Classic Funny

Sorry about the delay but housing questions needed answering and the time just slipped away. As Napoleon said, “Ask me for anything but time.” But on to the fun.

Friday Classic Funny

“Morning Miss Munro. You look ready to swing!”

“I got the music in me and a little surprise.”


“We got some Far Sides and a long lost friend.”

“Do tell.”

“You probably remember our songmistress.”

“Miss Harris!”

“Hi ya’ll, good to be back.”

“What you got for us?”

“Well we are going to revisit an old Hootennanny.”

“I like it.”