IMAO Podcast – Build Your Own Candidate

Batteries not included.
Hooray! We came back for a second week in a row! This week in the IMAO Podcast:

We tell you about our ideal political candidates – now quick, someone build one while there’s still enough fuel!
Harvey has Fun Facts about Minnesota! Really, Harvey, I had no idea about those parkas! Noted.
Lair tries to tell a CrappyCreepy Bedtime Story…
SarahK discusses the new Battlestar Galactica politics!
Frank tells you all you need to know about elections, and angers his wife in the process!
and more!

So go download it now and tell your friends. Seriously. Or we’ll stop doing them again. 🙂

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Fun with Podcasting

This is what happens when Frank J. and SarahK sit down to record stuff together. Frank just doesn’t know how to be serious.
Bad Frank.

Continue reading ‘Fun with Podcasting’ »

It’s the IMAO Podcast – Yeehaw!

The latest IMAO Podcast, Friends Don’t Let Friends Shoot Friends in the Face, is up! In this episode, there is lots of funny, lots of music, and new bumper music that scares me just a little bit. I heart xylophones!
In this podcast:

The IMAO gang go on a team-building quail-hunting trip!
American Monkey returns with Olympic Winter sports monkey would like to see!
SarahK interviews Kellie Pickler!
Harvey has Fun Facts About Massachusetts!
In World of Knowledge, Frank J. tells you everything you need to know about ports!
and much more funny

So you go download it now, and comment on it here! Yay!

It’s the IMAO Podcast… Yee-haw!

The newest Podcast is finally up! Look at all the exciting stuff that’s in the podcast this week!

In Frank J.’s World of Knowledge, he gives you a close and personal interview with Mama Moonbat, Cindy Sheehan, whose accent and voice remarkably morph throughout the interview!
SarahK (that’s me) reviews Underworld Evolution and also sings!
Harvey has Fun Facts about Maryland!
Exclusive preview for tonight’s 24!
Everyone rants about wacky moonbats or Muslims or both!
The Crappy Bedtime Story returns!

and much much more! Hooray! So go download it now, and comment on it here!

IMAO Audio Exclusive: The Meeting Between Governor Schwarzenegger and Stanley Tookie Williams

I can’t reveal my sources, but I have obtained audio of a meeting between the Governator and Tookie on the matter of his clemency. We all know how that turned out, but I still think it’s of historical interest.
Listen to it here.

IMAO for the Chronically Non-Deaf

Episode 17 – Agenda Driven to Destruction

Fantastic news, everyone! The latest IMAO Podcast (or IMAudio, whatever) is up! Go now! Listen to our podcast!
If you don’t, I’ll make every post on IMAO a bad segue into linking to it until you do! Do it!
This week on the podcast:
ïThe IMAO gang need a plan to destroy some agenda-driven institutions!
ï Frank interviews the founder of the ACLU!
ï Harvey gives you fun facts about Kentucky!
ï SarahK tells us what will happen on ALIAS this season!
ï Laurence Simon tells another Crappy Bedtime Story – this time, the Frog Prince!
ï Promo for a new Hollywood show!
ï IMAO creates our own agenda-driven institutions! and more! (or maybe that’s all)

Where’s My Podcast IMAudiO?

We hope to have it finished before tomorrow. We’ve had a lot of challenges with this IMAudiO, including producer change (to me, which is gonna not be nearly as good as Scott producing it), hurricanes, birthing of babies, cast member dropping out, and other things. I’m sure that somehow it’s all Frank’s fault. 🙂
Look for it tomorrow. If it’s not here, look for it Friday. Don’t look for it Saturday, unless you lose it from earlier in the week.

The New Bombing System

In this new addition of IMAO for the Non-Deaf™ produced by Scott McCollum, you get to hear Bush trying out the new bombing system.
Click here for the audio. And make sure you have an updated media player before you whine about it cutting off before the end.

I Come Not to Praise Arafat… But to Dance!

Here is BBC coverage of various world leaders mourning Arafat, and only I have the audio!

Fat Man Has the Button

Everyone loves Michael Moore, so here is him in a new ad.
BTW, everyone go upgrade to the latest version of Windows Media Player and no one better complain to me about it cutting out early or I’ll beat you with my winner’s stick.

“I Need Directions to the Nearest Botox Clinic”

John Kerry is now doing radio ads! Hear it here. (This one is all Scott McCollum, so all praise should be directed to him)

Bush Speaks to the Country

Bush has delivered a speech outlining his plans for the next four years. You can hear the speech here.

Osama Speaks

Here is the surprise I told you about. In a final push for votes, the words of Osama are being used.

Click here to hear the audio.

Radio Ad: The Worst Thing About Bush

For balance – and you know my site is all about balance (it’s in my tagline somewhere) – here’s a brand new anti-Bush radio ad produced by Scott McCollum.
As always, feed back is appreciated.
If the sound clip cuts off early, follow instructions I posted with the previous sound clip.

Bush Talks to the Kids

Bush has stopped by the same elementary school that Kerry did to talk about being President for career day, and I think he schooled those kids good.
The audio is here.
(As always, lots of feedback is appreciated.)
A: If you are using WinAMP, Quicktime, or Windows Media Player and the IMAO audio ends abruptly, the fix is to get the FREE upgrade for the MP3 player you use:
Apple Quicktime:
Microsoft Windows Media Player:
If you have trouble hearing any of the dialogue (such as the “fast announcer” at the end of some ads) you can follow along with the closed captioning using the latest version of Microsoft Windows Media Player.
When playing the IMAO radio ads in Windows Media Player, follow these steps to turn on captions:
1. Click on the Play option on the menu at the top of the screen.
2. Click Captions and Subtitles
3. Choose the On if Available option to read the script of the IMAO radio ads.
(See? We are deaf-friendly.)