Podcast Rerun Saturday – Lost Episode (Script)

I don’t know how I found it, but while I was searching for something else, I stumbled across something that Laurence Simon posted after the death of the IMAO Podcast. It’s a very rough draft of a sketch involving the IMAO crew launching a cruise ship:

The Rove Boat

Keep in mind that SarahK didn’t edit this, and Laurence sometimes “goes there”, so guard your sensibilities appropriately.

By the way, I scoured the archives, but I can’t find the “Mining Accident” sketch Laurence refers to. You can do a manual search of Laurence’s archives, if you’ve a mind to.

Let me know if you find anything.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Epilogue

The Leftovers

* Fun Facts About Minnesota Part 1
* My Ideal Candidate
* Fun Facts About Minnesota Part 2
* A Christmas Tale
* What I’m Thankful For

And an unfinished (ok, barely started and never recorded) script for: Fun Facts About Fun Facts About the 50 States

All of the above are things that I had recorded for the podcast, but which never got used.

Thanks for listening

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 23

IMAO Podcast #23 10-02-06

* Introduction
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Michigan Part 1
* Sarah K: Target Practice
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Michigan Part 2
* American Monkey with Spacemonkey: Chris Wallace’s Bill Clinton interview
* Sarah K: Post-election blues
* World of Knowledge with FrankJ: Oil
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Story: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
* Sarah K reviews “Smallville”
* FrankJ: What if Democrats win in 2006?
* Conclusion

That’s the last full episode of the IMAO Podcast that was ever produced. Next week, I’ll wrap this up with a pile of audio scraps I had laying around

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 22

IMAO Podcast #22 03-09-06

* Introduction
* Spacemonkey in New York
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Massachusetts Part 1
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Story: PeTA
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Massachusetts Part 2
* World of Knowledge with Frank J: Ports
* American Monkey with Spacemonkey: New Olympic Sports
* Laurence Simon: Art
* IMAO goes quail hunting
* Harvey: Cheney’s press conference
* Sarah K on American Idol: The Kelly Pickler Interview
* FrankJ: Focus on Family
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 21

IMAO Podcast #21 02-13-06

* Introduction
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Maryland Part 1
* Laurence Simon on the Danish cartoons
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Maryland Part 2
* Sarah K’s song
* World of Knowledge with Frank J: Cindy Sheehan (part 1)
* This week on “24”
* World of Knowledge with Frank J: Cindy Sheehan (part 2) [reference link]
* Right Wing Duck: Conversion to Islam
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Story: The Boy Who Didn’t Cry Wolf
* FrankJ: Beware of left-wing web sites
* Sarah K reviews: “Underworld Evolution”
* Liberals on the Superbowl
* Sage advice: garbage disposal
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 20

IMAO Podcast #20 12-24-05

* Introduction
* Harvey: Fun Facts About the North Pole Part 1
* Holiday Greetings
* Harvey: Fun Facts About the North Pole Part 2
* FrankJ on Christmas
* Sarah K on Christmas
* Harvey on Christmas
* Laurence Simon on Hanukkah
* Spacemonkey on Christmas
* Right Wing Duck on Christmas
* Kevin on Christmas
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 19

IMAO Podcast #19 11-14-05

* Introduction
* Berkeley Law
* Vote No on 75
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Maine Part 1
* Sling Blade: Attorney at Law
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Maine Part 2
* CSI: Nome
* WeHireAliens.com
* WeHireIllegals.com
* A Very Brady Survivor
* Law & Order: Special People’s Unit
* Clinton Natural Gas
* Hail to the Hottie [Holy crap! It’s Obama!]
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 18

IMAO Podcast #18 10-31-05

* Introduction
* The horror of Harriet Miers
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Louisiana Part 1
* Right Wing Duck: What scares me
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Louisiana Part 2
* FrankJ: What scares me
* Hail to the Hottie
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Vampires
* Sarah K: What scares me
* Halloween essentials
* Children’s fears
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 17

IMAO Podcast #17 10-19-05

* Introduction
* IMAO vs. Liberal Agenda-Driven Groups (Part 1)
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Princess and the Frog
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: The Founding of the ACLU
* Spacemonkey’s agenda-driven group
* IMAO vs. Liberal Agenda-Driven Groups (Part 2)
* SarahK reviews the 5th season of “Alias”
* Frank J’s agenda-driven group
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Kentucky Part 1
* Laurence Simon’s agenda-driven group
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Kentucky Part 2
* Coming soon: “Hail to the Hottie”
* IMAO vs. Liberal Agenda-Driven Groups (Part 3)
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 16

IMAO Podcast #16 10-11-05

Arguably the best episode of the whole series

* Introduction
* IMAO’s Wizard of Oz Parody (Part 1)
* SarahK: “She Blonded Me With Science”
* IMAO’s Wizard of Oz Parody (Part 2)
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Kansas Part 1
* IMAO’s Wizard of Oz Parody (Part 3)
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Kansas Part 2
* IMAO’s Wizard of Oz Parody (Part 4)
* Frank J: “The End of the Yellow Brick Road”
* IMAO’s Wizard of Oz Parody (Part 5)
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The ChallahBread Man
* Sarah K: “The End of the Yellow Brick Road”
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Crazy Weather Phenomena
* IMAO’s Wizard of Oz Parody (Part 6)
* Harvey: “The End of the Yellow Brick Road”
* SarahK reviews “Serenity”
* IMAO’s Wizard of Oz Parody (Part 7)
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 15

IMAO Podcast #15 9-12-05

* IMAO’s Time Machine (Part 1)
* Introduction, sponsors & guest Nathan
* Nathan “If I could go back in time”
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Is Time Travel Possible?
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Iowa Part 1
* SarahK “If I could go back in time”
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Iowa Part 2
* Spacemonkey “If I could go back in time”
* IMAO’s Time Machine (Part 2)
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Froggy Wizard
* Harvey “If I could go back in time”
* SarahK reviews the Glock 17
* Frank J “If I could go back in time”
* IMAO’s Time Machine (Part 3)
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 14

IMAO Podcast #14 8-29-05

Reference link: Pat Robertson calls for assassination of Hugo Chavez
Reference link: Crazy Turkmenistan President

* IMAO goes to Turkmenistan (Part 1)
* Introduction & sponsors
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: History of Tobacco
* Laurence Simon’s corrupting influence
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Indiana Part 1
* Right Wing Duck: IMAO News Moment (Part 1)
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Indiana Part 2
* Frank J’s corrupting influence
* Public Service Announcement: Smoking
* SarahK’s corrupting influence
* Right Wing Duck: IMAO News Moment (Part 2)
* Harvey’s corrupting influence
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: Little Red Riding Hood
* SarahK reviews “Sin City”
* IMAO goes to Turkmenistan (Part 2)
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 13

IMAO Podcast #13 8-22-05

* IMAO’s College (Part 1)
* Introduction & sponsors
* IMAO’s College (Part 2)
* Right Wing Duck’s College Class
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Stupidity
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Illinois Part 1
* Safe Partying Tips
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Illinois Part 2
* Spacemonkey’s College Class
* SarahK: She Blonded Me with Science
* Frank J’s College Class
* SarahK’s College Class
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
* Harvey’s College Class
* SarahK reviews “Arrested Development”
* IMAO’s College (Part 3)
* Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 12

IMAO Podcast #12 8-15-05

Note: Due to an error in editing down my Fun Facts material, former producer Scott cut out the line that I used as a callback during my epilogue. Here it is for reference:

“Idaho law forbids children from deliberately stepping on ants. The kids don’t mind too much, however, since pistol-whipping them is still legal.”

* Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 1)
* Introduction & sponsors
* Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 2)
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Aquaman
* Harvey: Fun Facts about Idaho Part 1
* Spacemonkey: My Superpower
* Harvey: Fun Facts about Idaho Part 2
* Right Wing Duck: My Superpower
* “Ask Ducky” with guest host Spacemonkey
* Laurence Simon: My Superpower
* SarahK: She Blonded Me With Science
* Harvey: My Superpower
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Tortoise and the Hare
* Frank J: My Superpower
* Buck the Marine: Batman
* Spacemonkey: American Monkey
* SarahK: My Superpower
* Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 3)
* SarahK reviews Toby Keith’s Big Throwdown Tour #2
* Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 4)
* Frank: Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 11

IMAO Podcast #11 8-8-05

* IMAO Strikes Oil (Part 1)
* Introduction & sponsors
* IMAO Strikes Oil (Part 2)
* Spacemonkey’s Alternative Fuel
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Hawaii Part 1
* Frank J’s Alternative Fuel
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Hawaii Part 2
* Sarah K’s Alternative Fuel
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: Jack and the Beanstalk
* IMAO Strikes Oil (Part 3)
* Harvey’s Alternative Fuel
* W vs. Canada’s oil
* Buck the Marine reviews “Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike”
* SarahK: She Blonded Me with Science
* Ask Ducky with Right Wing Duck
* IMAO Strikes Oil (Part 4)
* Frank: Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.