lolbama! Part 205

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From Lane:

[reference link]

From Les of Nuking Politics:

From Smilin’ Jack:

From Smilin’ Jack:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Bob B:

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From James:

[reference link]

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

Hatless in Hattiesburg for fastidious note-counting.

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 204

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From James:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Bob B:

From Charlie:

From Charlie:

From DamnCat:

From me (Harvey):

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 203

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From dodsfall:

From frogmouth:

From Kris:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From walruskkkch:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Gabe:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:


Les of Nuking Politics has an update on that Gruber fella who thinks you’re stupid.

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 202

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Kris:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Kris:

[ref 1,ref 2]

From Peregrine John:

[reference link]

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Bob B:

From Bob B:

[reference link]

From Les of Nuking Politics:

[reference link]

From me (Harvey):

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

Kris, for knowing every trivial throw-away line in The Simpsons

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 201

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

[reference link]

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link]

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From HokieGomer:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From James:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

Three good obscure ones this week, so it’s a 3-way tie between Walrus, Hokie, and James in my book. I’ll let you bicker & argue about which one’s MOST obscure in the comments, if you want.

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 200

[STRAY THOUGHT: I’m a little sad that Obama beat me to 200.]

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[ref 1,ref 2]

From Kris:

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Kris:

From Smilin’ Jack:

[reference link]

From Smilin’ Jack:

[reference link]

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Andy B:

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[reference link]

From WC:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

Hatless in Hattiesburg. Man… I *really* miss the Iraqi Information Minister…

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 199

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From Burt:

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[reference link]

From Smilin’ Jack:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Bob B:

From Bob B:

From Bob B:

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

From Katy:

From Katy:

From Katy:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 198

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From Burt:

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From James:

From Kris:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

[reference link]

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Bob B:

[reference link]

From Bob B:

[reference link]

From Bob B:

From Bob B:

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[reference link]

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

Hatless in Hattiesburg, for showing compassion to people with drinking problems.

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 197

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From The People’s Cube:

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[ref 1,ref 2]

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From bigwave:

From Bob B:

[reference link]

From Proof of Proof Positive:

From Les of Nuking Politics:

From Mike:

From me (Harvey):

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

Me (Harvey), because no one knows the penultimate lines in “Casablanca”. Heck, I had to look ’em up myself.

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 196

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[ref 1,ref 2] (Obscury!)

From Hatless in Hattiesburg:

[reference link]

From Proof of Proof Positive:

[reference link]

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Kris:

[reference link]

Bonus cartoon, submitted by Kris:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

[reference link]

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

Hatless in Hattiesburg for knowing who the heck Kerlikowske is and using his name in perfect context.

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 195

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From James:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:


From Les of Nuking Politics:

[ref 1,ref 2]

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link]

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

walruskkkch for knowing what all that Islamic jibber-jabber means

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 194

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From James:

From Les of Nuking Politics:

From tanstaafl44:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

[reference link]

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link]

From walruskkkch:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

walruskkkch, who – unlike me – knew that the song “Turning Japanese” is a reference to the popular 80’s stereotype of Japanese people being obsessed with photography (a dead stereotype now that EVERYONE is obsessed with taking pictures with their phones).

By the way, anyone else think the lead singer for The Vapors in that video looks like Jim Parsons?

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 193

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From WC:

(Obscury!) [I was told it’s a play on a line from an old MST3K episode, “We’re rocks and we’re smarter than the actors in this movie”, but Google gives me nothing. Can any MST3K fans at least tell me what movie they were riffing?]

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

That’s Barack with a life-size cardboard cut-out of Michelle.

WC – so obscure, even Google can’t find it.

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 192

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From me (Harvey):

[reference link]

From Roger:

From Smilin’ Jack:

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link](Obscury!)

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link]

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link]

BONUS LINK from Mark:

Leading Obama Left – you’ll probably need to scroll down and read the detailed description in the right-hand column to get all the references, because there are a LOT of them.

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

walruskkkch, for actually staying awake that far into “The French Connection”

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

lolbama! Part 191

Submit entries to

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

From Eric Praline:

[reference link]

From James:

[reference link]

From Travelwise42 of Wise Up:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

[reference link]

From walruskkkch:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From walruskkkch:

[reference link] (Obscury!)

From walruskkkch:

From walruskkkch:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

Walruskkkch, for knowing that Paul Reiser’s film career went beyond “that annoying guy who got eaten in ‘Aliens'”.

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

IMAGE SOURCES: Lots of great Obama pics to be found at the White House Flickr page.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.