Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

Good evening and it is with no small regret that I am putting the Midnight Special on hiatus once again. The Rock n Roll Throwdown is taking up too much of my time. Sorry.

No one guessed last week’s trivia which was all the songs mention a shotgun. Where have you gone Les?

So no trivia tonight and I guess there is only one thing that would be appropriate to end the broadcast day.

Midnight Special : Trivia

Welcome to tonight’s contest. Been a struggle with so many “Page unresponsive” I thought I would run out of time.

Tankdemon guessed last week’s contest guessing they were all about crimes or criminals.

On to tonight’s test.

Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

Well a good evening to all. It seems like I got another guitar as no one guessed my devious quiz. The answer is that all the first letters of the band names spell out “W-A-L-R-U-S-K-K-K-C-H”. Start the maniacal laughter.

On to tonight’s offering.

Midnight Special : Trivial Edtion

Evening all and it looks like Les gets his sixth guitar correctly assaying that all the bands had names which are misspelled. Very well played sir.

As soon as I can find a picture of 6 guitars I’ll circle back to you.

Now for tonight’s line up. Hope it stumps everyone.

Good luck.

Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

While not quite what I was hoping for we will give Boone the win on this one. The answer was the longest time between 1st and last #1 hits. When you speak of me, speak kindly.

Enjoy your award and be sure to store it in a cool, dry place.

On to tonight’s test which should be super easy, barely an inconvenience to anyone.

Midnight Special : Staying Trivial

Well it took Les two weeks to get it. They were all artists who appeared on the Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome mix tapes Volume 1 and 2. Or it might be the Cleveland Guardians. I don’t recall. Anyway I got your Four Guitars around here somewhere.

So on to tonight’s trivia. Let us double our pleasure and double or fun with double the music of the 5 artists central to the answer.


Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

Well it looks like nobody played last week. I guess it is a third guitar for me! Wait, what? Give them another chance? How is that fair? Alright, alright but only reluctantly.

This week’s contest is an extension of last week’s. Both different and the same. Well, almost the same answer.

Good luck.

Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

Ha Victory is mine at last! Mine, all mine! Bwahahahahahaha…

Cough, cough.

Yes, well no one guessed that all the songs were released in years ending with double digits starting in 1922 and ending in 2011.

So, I present myself with the double.

I am after you Les. I’m coming and Hell’s coming with me!


Here is tonight’s contest.

Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

It looks like Les got another one.

He did correctly guess that they were all part of Weird Al’s medley “Polkas on 45”. I thought it would be tougher. So we announce the award.

Here is your three guitar badge. Couldn’t find a triple one, but it is the thought that counts.

On to tonight’s effort in futility on my part.

Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

Hey kids, know what time it is?

We again honor our trivia winner from last week. Go on and see if you can guess who it was. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Figure it out? Well surprise, surprise, surprise! It was Les. I know, I know. Hard to believe. But Les did guess that they were all Oscar winners. Here is your award.

You may now proudly display the “Double Guitar” icon.

With the formalities over we proceed to the night’s festivities.

Good luck.


Midnight Special : Trivia Night

Welcome once again to our musical trivia night. We have another large Guitar to award. This time our winner is…


You correctly guessed, somewhat, that all the songs were covered by the Beatles. Here is your large guitar. I hope you can find room for it.

Well the formalities out of the way, on to new business!

Good luck, we’re counting on you.


Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

Good Evening all and we welcome our next recipient of the an very larger string instrument…


Fugazi correctly guessed that all the songs mentioned a military rank. Well done sir.

So, on to tonight’s contest.

Midnight Special : Trivia Night

WE are into week 2 and I am on the horns of a dilemma. Les gave two possible answers but didn’t declare which one was to used. Pity really. Since we are not accepting shotgun approaches for answers I can’t give him a win on this one. Pity.

On the bright side, when no one guesses I get a guitar. Yippee!

The correct answer was, of course, that all the songs told a story. Seems rather obvious if you ask me. Hehehe.

Well on to tonight’s contest. Enjoy.

Midnight Special : Trivia Night

Welcome my friends to the new music trivia night. Without further ado I will let our Head of Personnel take center stage. Take it away Salma.

“Thanks Mr. Walrus, I hope the new interns are proving helpful. Last week saw our inaugural trivia night and we had our first winner. Let us give a cheer or two for Les who, despite having to Google it, did guess the trivia question. Well done Les. I have the great honor to present the first “Midnight Special Large Guitar” award to you. I hope you have a big… mantle.”

“Now let us have Mr. Walrus start tonight’s contest. Best of luck to all!”

Thanks Salma, both the intro and the interns were great.

The music.

Midnight Special Trivial Pursuit

Thanks for doing the survey. It helps.

Now for the changes. We are returning the Saturday Night Hootenanny back to roots of exploring different music. Of course, you may ask, “What about the trivia?” Well we are going to use the Midnight Special as our new home for the trivia. To make it a little harder we will be using less songs to see if I can stump you know-it-alls. So shall we give it a try?
