The Illustrated Frank J: Pick a Side


The Illustrated Frank J: I Can Also Fix Your Horse’s Broken Leg


The Illustrated Frank J: I’d Have Gone With “All Drains Lead to the Sewer”

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The Illustrated Frank J: I’m Just Glad That, For the First Time in History, This Is True


Obama Warned Us – Short Speech

In the weekly address, President Obama discusses what #Obamacare has done to improve health care.

“And at one past the hour, ‘Global Warming Makes Terrorists Kill You'”

Obama Warned Us – Parent’s Plan

“Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, your coverage is better today than it was before.”

“Technically true because after your GOOD insurance dropped you after Obamacare passed, you had nothing”

Obama Warned Us – Parent’s Plan

Being able to stay on a parent’s plan enables millions of young adults to make choices about their future with the security of health care.

“Although they never get sick, so basically it’s just everyone else paying so that they can get discount contraceptives”

Obama Warned Us – Truth Team

Don’t get tripped up by misinformation. Join the @OFA Truth Team today:

“Where misinformation doesn’t trip you, it clubs you over the head and steals your wallet”

Obama Warned Us – Lower Uninsured Rate

Since 2010, America’s uninsured rate has been cut in half.

“Although the overpaying-for-substandard-coverage rate has more than doubled”

Obama Warned Us – Helping Working Families

Strong policies that help working families get ahead are good for our economy.

“Just glad I never passed one”

Obama Warned Us – Fair Health Care

Women, the sick, survivors – they all deserve fair treatment in our health care system. #Obamacare

“Healthy, young, productive – you get to pay for it all”

Obama Warned Us – Insurance Coverage

Help protect the progress we’ve made in helping millions of Americans get covered.

“Don’t let a free market in health care rise from the grave.”

Obama Warned Us – Obamacare

Obamacare has helped millions of Americans gain the peace of mind that comes with coverage.

“And helped millions more wonder how long their coverage will last before their provider quits the health insurance business entirely”

Obama Warned Us – Getting Ahead

If you’re willing to work hard and play by the rules, you should be able to get ahead.

“Until I decide that at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Obama Warned Us – Renewable Energy

New report: Renewable energy installations are beating fossil fuel installations for the first time. #ActOnClimate

“Expect your electric bill to rise accordingly.”