Obama Warned Us – Climate Change Denial

Climate change is happening now. Denial is dangerous.

“Not ‘drowning polar bears’ dangerous (they can swim), I mean ‘greenies throwing garbage cans through your windows’ dangerous”

Obama Warned Us – 75% Affordable Health Insurance

There’s nothing to be scared of when searching for health insurance. Three in four people can #GetCovered for less than $75 a month.

“Unfortunately, 3 in 4 people are not actually in the 3 in 4. I’m just hoping they never start comparing notes.”

Obama Warned Us – Treatment Without Fear

With #Obamacare, people can focus on treatment for pre-existing conditions without the fear of coverage being capped or denied. #GetCovered

“Although your insurer going bankrupt IS still a fear”

Obama Warned Us – Benefit from Obamacare

Tens of millions of Americans have benefited from #Obamacare. Make sure you’re one of them. #GetCovered

“Get your waiver today”

Obama Warned Us – Best Obamacare Choice

There are a lot of plans out there. Check your options and lock in the one that’s best for you: http://ofa.bo/2eZtYDp #GetCovered

“Like most people, you’ll probably decide it’s ‘paying the stupid fine'”

Straight Line of the Day: The Dow Jones Industrial Average Is Suddenly Hitting Record Highs. What’s Causing This?

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is suddenly hitting record highs. What’s causing this?

Obama Warned Us – Wage Increase

The economy added 161,000 jobs in October, and wages are up 2.8 percent over the past year. http://ofa.bo/2e8XF5N #JobsReport.

“Now ask how much your Obamacare premiums are up”

Obama Warned Us – Paris Agreement on Climate

The landmark #ParisAgreement enters into force today — we must keep up the momentum to #ActOnClimate.

“As long as it doesn’t involve running almost entirely on nuclear power – like they do in Paris”.

Obama Warned Us – Obamacare’s Benefits

In the weekly address, President Obama discusses what #Obamacare has done to improve health care. http://ofa.bo/2ebbyAo


Obama Warned Us – Better, Stronger Economy

Let’s keep working to keep our economy on a better, stronger course.

“Just not in the coal industry

Obama Warned Us – Give Them a Healthy Planet

“Their right to inherit a healthy planet is a sacred responsibility.” — President Obama #ActOnClimate

“We can’t offend the Vogons.”

Obama Warned Us – Never Underestimate America

Never underestimate the strength and resilience of the American economy.

“If you do, you – like me – will fail to destroy it in a mere 8 years.”

Obama Warned Us – Truth Team

The @OFA Truth Team makes it easy to stay informed. Join today:

“One source for all truth. It’s like Pravda without the backward Rs!”

Obama Warned Us – Getting Sick

“Everybody gets sick.” Check out what President Obama is doing to extend access to paid sick leave: http://ofa.bo/2cEHvAx #LeadOnLeave

“Now available to tottery old pneumoniac presidential candidates who can’t manage unsupported vehicle entry.”

Obama Warned Us – Clean Energy Revolution

THIS is what a #CleanEnergy revolution looks like. New report out today http://ow.ly/bfzB3052oQ4 #ActOnClimate

“Oops… sorry… that link goes to a clip of a burning wind turbine… immediately followed by a Rick Astley video.”