OK, So He’s Dead.

New Jersey Democrats Elect Dead Congressman Donald Payne Jr. in Primary
Gateway Pundit | 6-5-24 | Anthony Scott

Democrat voters in New Jersey elected deceased Representative Donald Payne Jr. in Tuesday’s primary.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Representative Donald M. Payne Jr. (D-NJ) died on April 24th at 65.

Before his death, Payne spent the last two weeks in a coma due to having a heart attack and complications with diabetes.

Despite being dead, Payne won New Jersey’s 10th District Democratic primary with 99.9% of the vote.

Pessimistic Oppo Sez: I’m Just Glad I Won’t Live To See the Next Fifty Years.

For the first time in history, Iran attacked the homeland of Israel. It launched the largest wartime array of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones in modern history—over 320 projectiles.

Iran’s theocrats simultaneously claim they are about ready to produce nuclear weapons. And, of course, since 1979, Iran has periodically promised to wipe Israel off the map and half the world’s Jews with it.

Most ignore these crazy threats and write them off as the braggadocio of dictators. But as we saw on October 7, the barbarity of human nature has not changed much from the premodern world, whether defined by savage beheading, mutilations, murdering, mass rape, torture, and hostage taking of Israeli elderly, women, and children.

Loose Talk About the End of Everything
American Greatness | 23 May, 2024 | Victor Davis Hanson

. . . and our own college students cheering it on.

OK, That’s It. So Let’s Stop Pretending.

The international system has broken down.

Any country can now arrest the leader of any country for any reason.

Should make future U.N. meetings fun.

And Trump is demonized for standing up for nationalism?

Germany says it will ARREST Benjamin Netanyahu if he sets foot in the country following ICC call to charge him with war crimes – as Israel becomes increasingly isolated over Gaza
UK Daily Mail | May 23, 2024 | Henry Moore and Elena Salvoni

Germany will arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he enters the country amid allegations of war crimes by the International Criminal Court


Germany Says It Will Execute ICC Warrant on Netanyahu
Newsmax | 22 May 2024 | Michael Katz

“Oh, You’re Related To a Politician? Sorry To Bother You”


Boston Police Failed To Arrest ‘Serial Rapist’ for Years Despite DNA Evidence
WBUR.org | 04/23/2024 | Walter Wuthmann

It started off like countless other Uber rides in downtown Boston.

A group of friends piled into a car after hanging out at a bar. Then, they started arguing. Most of the friends got out at their hotel, and the man offered to drive the remaining rider around to “collect herself.”

But when the woman asked the driver to drop her back off at the hotel, he refused.

Instead, he took her to his apartment in Dorchester that Saturday in July 2016 and sexually assaulted her, police alleged in court records.

A DNA test identified the suspect as Alvin Campbell Jr., a burly 43-year-old with a long criminal history and a prominent relative. Campbell is the brother of Andrea Campbell, then a Boston city councilor and now the state’s attorney general.

Despite the DNA evidence, Alvin Campbell was never arrested or charged in connection with the encounter. And police never alerted the public.

Over the next two years, a WBUR investigation found, three more women shared similar stories with police about a man who assaulted them after offering them rides at Boston bars. In each case, DNA and other evidence pointed to Alvin Campbell, according to an application for a search warrant obtained by WBUR. And each time, authorities decided not to detain him or seek criminal charges.

Boston police finally arrested Campbell in early 2020 after a fifth woman reported she was raped. At that point, investigators made a horrifying discovery. They found evidence on his phone indicating he had sexually assaulted at least 10 additional women since the first incident in 2016.


‘Assaulted all over again’: Dems get bashed for making it easier to traffic minors ‘They’re mortified. They are hurt’
dailycaller.com | 4/20/2024 | Kate Anderson

Republican state Sen. Shannon Grove of California blasted her Democratic colleagues for weakening a bill that would make buying a child for sex a felony offense.

The bill, which Grove introduced in February, would have made soliciting a minor for sex a felony charge with the potential for up to four years of prison time, a fine of up to $25,000 and required those convicted to register as sex offenders. Democratic lawmakers on the Senate Public Safety Committee passed amendments to the bill Wednesday, without Grove’s approval, that dropped chances of prison time to a max of one year in jail and reduced the charges to a misdemeanor if the child was 16 or 17.

“When I was standing at that podium I was shocked at what was happening, and I said, ‘Are you forcing these amendments on me?’ And the chair said, ‘Yes.’ And the audience, with all of our survivors in the background, gasped,” Grove told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Some of them cried out. They’re mortified. They are hurt. They feel like they’ve been assaulted all over again by what happened.”

The amendments also made it so that a person could face charges or pay a $10,000 fine and “buy their way out of a crime” if the victim was under 16 years old, Grove told the DCNF.

“I’ve thought through this process and I thought through any rational reason that they could have, but I think somebody just needs to ask them why they don’t want to put people in prison for buying children,” Grove said. “My mind cannot wrap around a rational reason not to do that.”

Some Things Never Change

From the Huffington Post, Nov. 15, 2008:

In last night’s documentary on Obama and McCain on PBS’s “Frontline,” Rolling Stone magazine’s Ben Wallace-Wells related an amusing anecdote about Obama attending his first meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which happened to be a confirmation hearing for Condoleezza Rice.

About midway through the meeting, Joe Biden is “going on and on” and Obama scribbles a note and passes it back to his aide.

The note said simply: “SHOOT. ME. NOW.”

Columnist Howie Carr Listens to Fifth-Columnist Joe Biden So You Don’t Have To

Howie Carr – The ‘putality’ of Biden’s mind: More greatest hits from the Weekend at Brandon’s chronicles
Boston Herald | February 17, 2024 | Howie Carr

All dialogue guaranteed verbatim.

That is my guarantee to you, the readers, whenever I present Dementia Joe Biden’s unedited, unexpurgated remarks for your edification.

Let’s begin this chapter of the Weekend at Brandon’s chronicles with some of his more recent comments.

On Friday, he denounced the death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny.

“What has happened to Navalny is yet more proof of Putin’s putality.”

May we quote you on that, Mr. President?

Speaking of foreign affairs, on Monday he met with King Abdullah of Jordan.

“He’s been a good friend, King Abdul, welcome back to the White House.”

Then he introduced the wife of his good friend whose name he couldn’t recall, King “Abdul.” He called the queen Rhianna. Her name is Raina.

Then Biden spoke movingly of the current Mideast war.

“It’s heartbreaking. Every life in Gaza is a tragedy.”

This was the day after the Super Bowl, during which Biden’s care-givers released his 40 second screed on “greedflation,” because he’s very angry about the price of Snickers bars, or something. …

Did you see that article about the Snickers bar? Well it’s gonna stop! America, we’re tired of being played for suckers!”

A few days later, he elaborated:

“It’s about what happens with Snickers bars! You know that candy? Well, they haven’t raised the price of a Snickers bar, they just took 10 percent out of it!”

(“That’s supposed to be my job!”)

Here are some more of Biden’s recent Greatest Hits:

“Chris Coons who by the way he not only got a law degree at the same time he got a law degree he got a divinity degree at Yale University.”

“That cannot pertain!”

“Automobiles today require 3,000 chips of these chips to be made.”

“To date 4,000 infrastructure problems have been uh projects have been announced all across America.”

“Before the pandemic there were 750 48 roughly 750 billionaires in America.”

“By the way I make no apologize no apologies for being the most pro-union president in American history.”

“Growth is strong. Rages are wages are rising.”

“To all to all the county electrical workers in America election workers thank you.”

On Friday, after denouncing the “putality” of Putin, he finally made it to East Palestine, Ohio. During a heart-felt six-minute address, he promised “more staffing” on trains to prevent any future derailments.

Stop Stressing About Politics!

You’ll Vote for Biden in 2024

Democrats Have Systems in Place To Ensure It

For Republican Candidates: One Way To Know That You’re Scum: …

  1. You have a selfie with Jeffrey Epstein.

2. You support Hamas.

3. You welcome across the border one guy with eighty-nine “daughters.”

4. You worked for the FBI, but found it paid less than working for the Bidens.

5. You kill Oppo and make it look like an accident.

6. Walrus? Hook him up with a tranny.

A Nice Summation of Where Our Country Is Right Now

… or a Tsumnation?

Biden Rambles In Vietnam. They Turn Off His Mic…”I’ll just follow my orders here.”
Daily Wire | Sep 11, 2023 | Hank Berrien

Someone in charge of the microphone turned off President Joe Biden’s mic during his press conference in Vietnam Sunday as Biden began to ramble.

Biden was asked about the fact that he had not spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping in 10 months and whether he thought that would destabilize U.S.-China relations.

Biden stated he had met with China’s “number two person in India today,” segued to saying sympathetically of Xi, “he has his hands full right now because of rampant unemployment among China’s youth,” before veering off, “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to bed.”

He started to ramble, “We talked about stability, we talked about the Third World, excuse me, the Southern Hemisphere

[– I’m sure that the Vietnamese, who aren’t in the Southern Hemisphere, appreciated this attempt at some kind of Democrat political correctness. What, are they expected to “identify” as being in the Southern Hemisphere? — ]

has access to change. It wasn’t confrontational at all” before his mic was cut off and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced, “Thank you, everybody. This ends the press conference. Thanks, everyone.”

Earlier in the press conference, Biden admitted, “I’ll just follow my orders here. Staff, is there anybody that hasn’t spoken yet?” He then turned to the reporters, declaring, “I ain’t calling on you.”

Toward the end he was asked about U.S.-China relations by VOA correspondent Anita Powell, and specifically that he hasn’t spoken with Xi in 10 months.

. . . “And look, nobody likes having celebrated international meetings, if you don’t know what you want at the meeting. If you don’t have a game plan. He may have a game plan. He just hasn’t shared it with me,” said Biden haltingly. “But I tell you what, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go to bed.”

Mediaite | 09/10/2023 | Caleb Howe

The Answer Again Is No

Was New York’s 2022 General Election Valid?
American Thinker | 25 Aug, 2023 | Marly Hornik

Peeking under the hood of New York’s election tallies is a pretty eye-opening experience.

I am a homeschool mother and dairy goat farmer in the state of New York.

After the 2020 election, I founded New York Citizens Audit, a miraculous grassroots team of over 2,000 New Yorkers that has spent tens of thousands of hours analyzing New York’s voter rolls and election law. The most stunning fact we discovered is that New York’s 2020 general election was certified as accurate with 338,000 more votes counted than voters who voted.

For the full horrifying details, I encourage you to go to the American Thinker article, which features this chart:

To think that Trump lost by this amount in each and every Democrat precinct across the country makes me sick. We might as well deserve to have every groper, hair-sniffing nipple-fondling pedophile Caligula they want to impose upon us.

Straight Line of the Day: Other Reasons Clarence Thomas Should Resign

The Smearing of Clarence Thomas
The Wall Street Journal | April 7, 2023

The left’s assault on the Supreme Court is continuing, and the latest front is the news that Justice Clarence Thomas has a rich friend who has hosted the Justice on his private plane, his yacht, and his vacation resort. That’s it. That’s the story. Yet this non-bombshell has triggered breathless claims that the Court must be investigated, and that Justice Thomas must resign or be impeached. Those demands give away the real political game here.


ProPublica, a left-leaning website, kicked off the fun with a report Thursday that Justice Thomas has a longtime friendship with Harlan Crow, a wealthy Texas real-estate developer. The intrepid reporters roamed far and wide to discover that the Justice has sometimes traveled on Mr. Crow’s “Bombardier Global 5000 jet” and that each summer the Justice and his wife spend a vacation week at Mr. Crow’s place in the Adirondacks.

The piece is loaded with words and phrases intended to convey that this is all somehow disreputable: “superyacht”; “luxury trips”; “exclusive California all-male retreat”; “sprawling ranch”; “private chefs”; “elegant accommodation”; “opulent lodge”; “lavishing the justice with gifts.” And more.

Adjectival overkill is the method of bad polemicists who don’t have much to report. The ProPublica writers suggest that Justice Thomas may have violated ethics rules, and they quote a couple of cherry-picked ethicists to express their dismay.

But it seems clear that the Court’s rules at the time all of this happened did not require that gifts of personal hospitality be disclosed. This includes the private plane trips. ProPublica fails to make clear to readers that the U.S. Judicial Conference recently changed its rules to require more disclosure. The new rules took effect last month.

Hill and Bill of Attainder

Roger Kimball:

Section nine of Article I of the Constitution says that “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.” Bills of attainder were used and abused by the English crown to target specific people or groups of which it disapproved. If a person was “attainted,” his civil rights were forfeit. He became a pariah. His property could be seized, and he could face imprisonment or execution.

We don’t acknowledge that we promulgate bills of attainder in this country, but that is essentially the judgment that has been pronounced against Donald Trump. It was the aim of Robert Mueller’s darkly farcical investigation, the purpose of Trump’s two impeachments, and the aim of the kangaroo court known as the House’s January 6 Select Committee, Liz Cheney (D-Georgetown) presiding. Her work there, she said, was to make sure that Donald Trump never got near the Oval Office again. I think it was only a rumor that Cheney had special copies of the Constitution printed with an addition to Article II providing her with a veto over who was allowed to be president of the United States.

Donald Trump has been singled out, he has been attainted, by the ruling elites of this country. As Michael Anton pointed out last summer, “The people who really run the United States of America have made it clear that they can’t, and won’t, if they can help it, allow Donald Trump to be president again.” What will the deep state do to prevent Trump from winning? Anton sketches several possibilities from having Trump declared ineligible because he allegedly sparked an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021 to simple cheating at the ballot box.

Then there is Plan F.

What happens then? Well, in the words of the ‘Transition Integrity Project,’ a Soros-network-linked collection of regime hacks who in 2020 gamed out their strategy for preventing a Trump second term, the contest would become ‘a street fight, not a legal battle.’ Again, their words, not mine. But allow me to translate: The 2020 summer riots, but orders of magnitude larger, not to be called off until their people are secure in the White House.

Isn’t Vulcan Still Part of the Federation?

Where’s Kirk when you need him?

US Construction Firm Says Mexican Forces Seized Its Property…Vulcan Chairman and CEO J. Thomas Hill Said the Seizure Was “Illegal.”
Just The News | March 20. 2023 | Madeleine Hubbard

Vulcan Materials, a U.S.-based construction firm, says that armed Mexican forces took over its marine terminal in southeast Mexico.

Former Trump intelligence official Cliff Sims tweeted a video Saturday of the alleged illegal seizure earlier this month.

“This is insane,” he wrote in the post, which shows Mexican military officials, police officers and others entering the facility.

He said the Mexican company CEMEX joined with government forces to enter Vulcan’s private property, which they “continue to illegally occupy.”

Former Trump National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe also condemned the apparent seizure.

Getting pretty used to the Biden administration letting China and Russia kick sand in our faces (Covid and fentanyl deaths, spy balloons, taking down U.S. MQ-9 Reaper)—but now Mexico, too?,” he tweeted Saturday. “The Biden administration needs to engage immediately to defend a U.S. company and to protect U.S. interests. This is the only deep water port on the Yucatán Peninsula. Significant geopolitical and economic implications.”

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttegieg, only down in Mexico at the time for Pon Farr, declined to comment.

Author Has a Way With Words

HOLD ON THERE: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says Not ALL Deposits at ALL Banks Are “Insured”
Hotair | 03/16/2023 | Beege Welborn

i.e., Your deposit in Your bank.

Well, quit your grinnin’ and drop your linen – there’s been a rules change.

Apparently, the Biden administration has decided to pick winners and losers.

…“I’m concerned about the precedent of guaranteeing all deposits and the market expectation moving forward,” Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, the committee’s ranking member, said in his opening remarks.

Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma pressed Yellen about how widely the uninsured deposit backstops will apply across the banking industry.

Will the deposits in every community bank in Oklahoma, regardless of their size, be fully insured now?” asked Lankford. “Will they get the same treatment that SVB just got, or Signature Bank just got?

Yellen acknowledged they would not.


…Uninsured deposits, she said, would only be covered in the event that a “failure to protect uninsured depositors would create systemic risk and significant economic and financial consequences.”

Lankford said the impact of this standard would be that small banks would be less appealing to depositors with more than $250,000, the current FDIC insurance threshold.

“I’m concerned you’re … encouraging anyone who has a large deposit at a community bank to say, ‘we’re not going to make you whole, but if you go to one of our preferred banks, we will make you whole.’”

“That’s certainty not something that we’re encouraging,” Yellen replied.

Just so the Biden Admin’s stance is clear:

If you’re a Silicon Valley VC, a Chinese foreign national, or an unprofitable green start-up – you’ll be bailed out.

But if you’re a farmer, a factory worker, a small business owner or a local bank that supports them – wait and see… pic.twitter.com/mpghONOYHS

— Will Hild (@WillHild) March 16, 2023

I feel sick that I now live in the Soviet Union (of the preferred elites, who are only those proven to contribute to approved causes). Constant benefits for them, unceasing punishment for everyone else. A Politburo counting election returns and announcing the winners. The KGB suppressing dissenters, and spying on not only citizens, but on the highest government officials — Congressmen, Senators, Justices — to whom they are not answerable, and blatantly refuse to answer.

Physically ill.

Just in Case There’s Anyone Out There in Africa Who’s Forgotten About Our Rich and Competent President

it was a total embarrassment.

“Particularly in Prosper Africa Deal Room. That sounds like something we shouldn’t be saying, you know, Prosper Africa Deal Room. I kept asking, ‘Where’s the Deal Room?’ I think I’m looking at it,” Biden said.

. . . and after a break . . .

mobilizing $8 billion in public and private finance to help South Africa replace coal-fired power plants with renewable energy sources and develop cutting edge energy solutions like clean hydrogen.”

Grabien News | 12/14/2022