Welcome to MAGA Donald’s

MAGA Donald's
Welcome to MAGA Donald’s. May I take your order?

I want my presidency, and I want it super-sized.

MAGA Donald's
I beg your pardon. Your presidency?

Hillary upset
Yes, it’s mine, and I want it.

MAGA Donald's
I’m sorry, but that is a special order item and it’s only available for a limited time. We won’t have another available for quite a while. Is there something else you’d like to order?

Hillary upset
What do you mean? It’s mine and I want it, and I want it now. I ordered it earlier, so give it to me.

MAGA Donald's
Feel free to order something else, ma’am. Let me suggest a prison term. We have one already available for you.

Hillary angry
This is the worst service I’ve ever had. You’ll hear from my lawyer!

MAGA Donald's
If you have any left alive, I look forward to hearing from them.

Next in line, may I take your order?

Pelosi drunk
Yes, I’d like to order an impeachment.

MAGA Donald's
(Oh, gosh. Why did I ever offer to work a double shift?)

Pitch Meeting: Fighting Trump

May 2019

So, you have an idea for fighting Trump?

Rouhani Pitching
Yes, sir, I do. We can start with attacking oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.

That’s not even our gulf. I love it!

Rouhani Pitching
Then we can attack some more in June.

This keeps getting better.

Rouhani Pitching
Then we shoot down a U.S. drone in August, and seize a British tanker.


Rouhani Pitching
Then in September, we can attack a Saudi oil facility.

I think I’m in love.

Rouhani Pitching
You know we throw people off roofs for that, right?

Sorry. It’s just that you have a face that … right. Never mind. What else you got? How do we get Trump involved?

Rouhani Pitching
Did I mention that all this time, we keep violating our nuclear agreements?

I think I love you again.

Rouhani Pitching
Sir, I’ll need you to get all the way off my back. Literally.


Rouhani Pitching
Oh, oh, oh, I forgot the best part. We fire rockets into Iraq and try to kill some Americans right after Christmas.

Wouldn’t actually killing an American cause Trump to do something?

Rouhani Pitching
So we lose a couple of dozen allies from Hezbollah. What’s the big deal?

Right. But do we let that stand? I mean, Trump would have shot back. We can’t let it end like that.

Rouhani Pitching
Well, we could attack the U.S. Embassy in Iraq.

Attacking U.S. Embassies is tight. But won’t it be hard to find someone to do all this?

Rouhani Pitching
It’ll be super easy. Barely an inconvenience.

Oh really?

Rouhani Pitching
I’ll just get Qassem Soleimani to do it.

Oh, he’s good. And with him involved in all this here in 2019, I’m sure 2020 will be a blast.

IMAO Time Machine: Andy Williams and the Health Care Bear

Here’s one Basil wrote in 2009. I liked it better than others did. Yes, it’s dated, but so is Basil. — The Editors

Well, here’s Mr. Williams’ house. I hope I have better luck now than I did all those years ago.

And thank you for coming along, Mr. Hope. The boss says I need to have you with me.

I don’t think I’m the “hope” he was talking about.

I thank you for coming along anyway. Here goes.

Knock! Knock!

Why, if it isn’t Bob Hope and … You! What are you doing here! Oh, don’t tell me. You want a cookie. Well, you’re not going to get one! Not now…

Oh, no, Mr. Williams. I’m not begging for a cookie. The president hired me to ask you for your health care.

My health care? I’m 81 years old! Why would I give up my health care?

The president sent me to ask for it. He wants to take over everyone’s health care. Can the president have your health care, Mr. Williams? Please?

No! Absolutely not.

In fact, you get away from my door right now and don’t ever come back! Not you … not the president … no one is going to take my health care. Not now. Not ever! NEVER!



You know, if enough people do that, the president’s health care plan will need end-of-life counseling.

Monday Morning Staff Meeting: Breaking The News

IMAO World Headquarters

IMAO World Headquarters

Frank J.
Frank J: Well, it’s after 8:00 and we really need to start. I appreciate everyone showing up.


Basil: Hey. Where’s Harvey?

Oppo: I cannot believe you have not heard the news. Harvey’s retired, and we all have the blues.

. . .

. . .

Basil: Um. What?

Oppo: I’ll say it again, if you feel that I must. Harvey has gone now. You believe me, I trust?

Basil: Well, who’s in charge?

Frank J.
Frank J.: I’m in charge.

Basil: No, seriously. Who’s in charge now?

Spacemonkey: Can I have his office?

Oppo: Usually a face I never forget. I don’t think I know you sir. Have we met?

Spacemonkey: You can call me Spacemonkey.

Oppo: I know your stuff from old, and it carries quite fame. It’s so nice to finally put a face with the name.

Basil: Yeah, when Frank and Sarah moved to Florida, Spacemonkey caught up with them outside Mobile and run ’em off the road. Frank gave him a spot here so he’d let them go.

Spacemonkey: So … that office?

Basil: First we have to figure out what to do now that Harvey is gone. Who’s going to hand out assignments?

Frank J.
Frank J.: I’m in charge.

Oppo: If I was able to post more, I already would. Life gets in the way. I’ve done what I could.

Spacemonkey: That’s what happened to me. I needed to step away to deal with some really important things. It’s not that didn’t enjoy it, I just had things I really needed to focus on and do.

Keln: I’m in the same boat. We’re all real people and we have to step away from blogging for our own personal reasons.

Mr. Right
Mr. Right: Yep. I’ve been there. I’m still there.

Keln: We all have to respect Harvey’s situation. He shared the situation with us last week and made the public announcement Saturday.

Basil: Wait. What?

Keln: You didn’t get the emails? There were several.

Basil: How would I know?

Mr. Right
Mr. Right: Open your app on your phone and read them. It’s not that hard.

Basil: Is that what those numbers mean? That I got emails?

Keln: Anyway. It’s a difficult situation. Not talking about it could lead to speculation, but talking about it would violate a trust. So, I’m just gonna respect his wishes and not talk about it. I do wish him the best.

Spacemonkey: As do I.

Mr. Right
Mr. Right: Same here.

Basil: I don’t mean to sound callous, but who’s in charge now?

Frank J.
Frank J.: I’m in charge.

Oppo: That’s not so important as us just doing our part. I’ll commit to posting when I can. At least that’s a start.

Spacemonkey: Well, I’m heading out. I’ve got stuff going on. I’ll post when I can. Maybe some classic stuff from time to time. I don’t know. I’ll … I’ll do what I can.


Mr. Right
Mr. Right: That’s an excellent idea. Me too. But right now, I’ve got lots of stuff I need to see about.

Mr. Right

Keln: Yep. I’m gonna cut out, too. But I’ll post when I can. I just don’t know if that’s today, next week, or whenever.


Basil: I’ll be in my closet … um, my office … if anybody needs me.



Mr. Right




Frank J.
Frank J.: I’m in charge.


IMAO Headquarters, 9:15 AM

Hi, who’s calling in.

Hi. It’s Basil calling in for the outage service call.

Hi, it’s Frank calling in, too. So, why is the Website down?


I pay you clowns to keep the Website running while I’m focused on Towerfall … um, focused on other work.

Yeah, I’ve emailed Harvey about it already since he’s the only one that actually does anything.

Then what am I paying you for?

Um. I keep the snack machine stocked.

From the looks of you, only half the snacks actually make it into the machine.

Excuse me, Mr. Fleming? I’ve contacted the hosting company. They said something about bots and Amazon and the Russians.

Told you I didn’t break it.

So, how long were we down?

Around 14-15 hours. Everything that was scheduled to post now has. The database is clean. But I’m still getting phone calls from readers. And this one guy who wants you to extend your car’s warranty.

Tell the readers we’re back up. Everything’s back to normal. And send calls from that warranty guy to Basil’s extension.

Oh! Thank you! It’s lonely in the supply closet.

Now everybody get to work! I need to find my Xbox controller.

Thanks, boss.
Thank you for calling IMAO World Headquarters. How may I direct your call?

Counting the votes

January 6, 2017, 1:00 PM EST

Ladies and gentlemen, as Speaker of the House of Representatives, it gives me great pleasure to introduce the President of the Senate, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden.

Thanks, Pat.


So, we vote now, right? I was thinking onions, mushrooms, and bacon. Oh, and extra cheese. What about you guys?

Mr. President, we’re here to …

Oh, is Barack here, too? I suppose that means no bacon.

No, I’m addressing you as president of the Senate. While the Senate is in session, as it is now with the House, you are presiding. So we call you Mr. President. And you call me Mr. Speaker.

“Paul Speaker?” That’s a funny name. Anyway, are you telling me that all this time, I didn’t need to worry about Barack watching me? Jeez. I wish someone had told me. So, is he here? Do we get bacon or not?

Mr. President, we’re not here to vote on pizza.

It’s one o’clock and it’s a Friday, Mr. Speaker. I’m thinking extra-large. There are more here than I realized. How many is this? About 50?

Well, the D.C. House delegate is here, so 536.

We better get two pizzas. And bread sticks.

Joe, we’re here to open the electoral votes to select the president.

You just told me I was president.

For Heaven’s sake, Joe, we’re picking the next president of the United States. Your term as vice president of the United States and as President of the Senate is up in two weeks, so we need to pick the next person for the job.

Didn’t I do a good job? I’ve seen my picture all over the Internet. I must be doing something right.

Listen, Joe, it’s time to open the votes and count them.

Oh, okay. I hope we get bacon. I’m tired of pepperoni. So, how do we do this?

The same way we did four years ago. You have the ballots in front of you. Open them in alphabetical order and read the total. Hand them to the tellers, who will record the totals. When all the states are counted, they’ll add them up and give you those totals, and you announce the next president and vice-president.

Alphabetical? So, we start with Delaware, right? Why is Alabama on top? Delaware is the first state.

No, Joe. Alphabetically, it’s Alabama, followed by Alaska. Delaware is, let’s see, 8th on the list.

No, that’s not right. Delaware is the first state. I know my algebra.

This is the order they want us to read them, Mr. President.

Okay then, Mr. Speaker. We’ll do it that way. But I do get extra cheese?

Joe, I’ve just been informed that an extra-large pizza with onions, mushroom, bacon — and extra cheese — has won. If you’ll follow me to your car, we’ll head over to … um … Amy’s … and introduce you.

Yay! Another job well done!


You wanted to see me?

Sit down!

Is something wrong?

“Is something wrong?” Yes something’s wrong. I’m running against Donald Trump — DONALD F#@%$#% TRUMP — and the polls are tightening and it looks like I might not win this thing! Doesn’t that sound like something’s wrong to you?!

I’m not sure why you’re angry with me about this…

You’re not sure why I’m angry with you? Listen, moron. You told me you had a sure-fire way of guaranteeing my coronation, election, and if the trend keeps up, instead of celebrating a victory, I’ll be at Epstein’s place trying to forget this whole fiasco. And I’ll make sure you’re there, too, but not as a guest. You get me?

Yes, ma’am.


Yes, Your Highness.

That’s better. Now you get that piece of $#@% on the phone and get this fixed. And you tell that #$%@&%-$#%&@% that I’ll Vince Foster him so fast he won’t know what hit him.

Hello, Nick?

John! Lovely to hear from you again.

Look, Z, we got a problem.

There are no problems, only opportunities.

Hillary’s pissed.

Not at me. I’ve done my part.

She’s not running away with this thing. It’s close. She might lose.

Well, now, with everything I’ve done, if she’s not winning, it’s her own fault.

Look, Z, I need you to step up.

You can count on it. Don’t worry. I got this.

I’ll tell her. And I appreciate that. See you at dinner?

Sounds lovely. Bye bye, now.

It’s under control.

It damn sure better be.

… Meanwhile …

Hello? Yes, I wanted to renew my offer. I can guarantee you …

Save it. I don’t need your help.

I M Verizon

Based on a true story

Columbus, Georgia
January 3, 2012

Welcome to Verizon! How may I screw, uh, serve you today?

I’m looking to upgrade my phone.

Let’s see how long it’s been… Oh, you’ve reached the 20-month date for an upgrade. So, you can get the discounted price. Was there a particular phone you were looking at? Another Droid, perhaps?

Actually, I was looking at one of these iPhones.

That’s a good phone. And, it’s only $199 on a two-year contract.

So, the contract will run to 2014? And if I want to upgrade again?

In 20 months.

I’ll take it.

April 12, 2013

"Dear Valued Verizon Wireless Customer:

We at Verizon are changing our renewal terms. We don't care that the terms were 20-months when you signed the contract. We're changing the terms on our side before the contract ends. You still have to honor your end, though. Or we'll, like, take you to court, screw up your credit report, and anything else we can think of.

Please understand, Valued, that we're doing this to serve you better. Or something."

Columbus, Georgia
September 13, 2013

Welcome to Verizon! How may I screw, uh, serve you today?

I’m looking to upgrade my phone. I want to pre-order one of the new ones, the iPhone 5c.

Certainly. That’ll be $549. Plus tax.

What about the 20-month upgrade?

Didn’t you get our letter earlier this year? We changed the terms.

So, you mean, I signed the contract when your policy was to upgrade at 20 months, which was earlier this month? And you decided to change your side of the contract, but hold me to mine?

Yes, sir. That’s what the email said.

Tell you what. Keep your damn phone.

Columbus, Georgia
January 3, 2014

Welcome to AT&T. How may I screw, uh, serve you today?

Trusted Friend

[Marimba ringtone plays]


Hey. It’s me.

Who is this?

Me. Or you. From your past.

Um, what do you want?

Yeah, I wanted to call you and tell you it’s a bad idea.
Continue reading ‘Trusted Friend’ »

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians II

It’s S-A-N-T-A C-L-A-U-S
Hooray for Santy Claus!
Continue reading ‘Santa Claus Conquers the Martians II’ »

Top of the charts

Bush, Bush bo Bush, banana fanna fo Bush
Fee fi mo Bush, Bush!

Come on everybody!
I say now let’s play a game
I betcha I can make a blame out of anybody’s name.
The first four years, I treat it like it was not there
But a lot of silly reasons and excuses will appear
And then I say “No I wasn’t to blame,” and banana fanna blame a foe
And then I say that name and I make it very plain
And a fee fie on a foe
And then I say the name again and now you know my game
And there isn’t any name that I can’t blame

Clinton, Clinton bo Clinton, banana fanna fo Clinton
Fee fi mo Clinton, Clinton!

But if the first two years are ever brought up,
I drop my voice and say the name like
Bush, he killed the economy,
Clinton, she let the Ambassador die,
Osama, I killed him with my bare hands.
The media ignores anything that is contrary.

Everybody do Bush!

Bush, Bush, bo Bush, banana fanna fo Bush
Fee fi mo Bush, Bush!

Pretty good, let’s do the rich!

Rich, rich, bo rich, banana fanna fo rich
Fee fi mo rich, rich!

Very good, let’s do Wall Street!

Wall Street, Wall Street, bo Wall Street, banana fanna fo Wall Street
Fee fi mo Wall Street, Wall Street!

A little trick with YouTube!

YouTube, YouTube, bo YouTube, banana fanna fo YouTube
Fee fi mo YouTube, YouTube!

The blame game…


Hi, everyone. I want you to meet our nominee, Governor Mitt Romney!

Thank you! I’m proud that I’m going to be your nominee.

You’re no different than Obama!! Vote RONPAUL!!1!!!
Continue reading ‘RONPAUL!!1!!! NOT ROMNYE!!!!1!’ »


On this lonely road, trying to make it home
Doing it by my lonesome — pissed off, who wants some
I’m fighting for my soul, God get at your boy
You try to bogart — fall back, I go hard
On this lonely road, trying to make it home
Doing it by my lonesome — pissed off, who wants some
I see them long hard times to come…

Raylan, I need you to pack your bags. You’re going to Detroit.

Continue reading ‘Justified’ »


Abner! Abner! They’re doing it again!

Who’s doing it, Gladys? What are they doing?

Those strange people in that house across the street.

I tell you, Abner, there’s something not right about them!
Continue reading ‘Bewitched’ »

The Road Runner Show

Whatcha watchin’?


Why aren’t you watching the news?

This is more real.

I like the news.

Continue reading ‘The Road Runner Show’ »