IMAO Time Machine: Trump Truths: Grinch

Harvey posted this a year ago. — The Editors

What made the Grinch give back everything he heartlessly stole from his victims? President Trump tweet-shamed him with an Obamacare comparison.

If you are able to assist Harvey during this time, it would be greatly appreciated.

IMAO Time Machine: Trump Truths: Impeachment

Harvey posted this earlier this year. The president shoulda listened. — The Editors

Democrats have vowed to impeach President Trump.

President Trump knows they will never have the votes for it in the House, because he can just tweet that he’s in favor of it.

Just a reminder that if you are able to assist Harvey during this time, it would be greatly appreciated.

Trump Truths: Tried

President Trump admitted that it’s true that real socialism has never been tried. He also said that should happen immediately so that it can also be convicted, sentenced, and executed.

Trump Truths: Program

Liberals are OK with North Korea’s nuclear program, but they are furious at President Trump because in all his meetings and negotiations with North Korea, he never once asked them to give up plastic straws.

Trump Truths: Terrify

President Trump has already picked out his Halloween costume to terrify liberals: he’ll be going as accurate climate data.
IMAO asks you to support our sponsors, because we want one of those costumes, too.

Trump Truths: Election

So, who’s more likely to win this election? President Trump who’s at Troll Level: Machiavelli on Twitter, or the senile eye-bleeder who’s still

Trump Truths: Spelling

President Trump has a full-time staffer whose sole job it is to put random misspellings in his tweets. Rumor has it he’s also Russian. Sorry… Rossian.

Trump Truths: Evidence

At a Rose Garden press conference, President Trump admitted that he has been secretly keeping all evidence of him colluding with Russia in a corrugated metal shack in the Bahamas.

Trump Truths: Support

You know the press has gone off the deep end when they accuse President Trump of having an emotional support Velociraptor. Who is also racist.

Trump Truths: Feminism

A tweet by President Trump saying “retweet if you think feminists are humorless scolds” was retweeted a million times, all by angry women commenting “That’s not funny!”

Trump Truths: Conflicted

CNN is torn between between loving the hurricane for distracting from Biden’s gaffes and hating it for not doing enough to make President Trump look racist.

Trump Truths: Reverse

Democrats are now moving to impeach President Trump after he proposed a system of “Reverse Communism” where only millionaire politicians are required to renounce all property, pool their resources, and share equally for the common good. Yes, he knows he’s a billionaire and thus exempt.

Trump Truths: Casting

Amazing how a bunch of leftists who don’t believe in God or respecting religion have no problem casting President Trump in the role of Satan.

Trump Truths: Registration

To placate the Democrats, President Trump has agreed to require that all guns in America be registered. The registration process will consist of the owner writing down his name on a form along with a list of every gun owned, by serial number. The form is then filed by dousing it with gasoline and igniting it.

Trump Truths: Quote

To placate liberals, President Trump offered to say something that was actually racist, but they just got madder at him because all he did was quote famous Democrat politicians.