Common Sense Gun Laws

No more worries of pretend crime in Mexico; they’ve banned toy guns. When kids play cops and robbers now, you can be certain those robbers will be unarmed, as extending one’s index finger and saying, “Bang!” now holds the punishment of death by piñata beating. Eventually Mexicans plan on addressing the issue of actual crime, but so far the easiest solution seems to be to escape to America.
A thirteen your old boy in Florida shot and killed his teacher, so of course they are prosecuting the gun. It has yet to express any remorse for how it both killed a man and got a poor youth a murder conviction, and thus I hope they throw the book at it. When guns learn that we will get tough with them too, maybe they’ll think twice about firing a bullet just because someone pulled their trigger.

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  1. They could always market a “reasonably safe” gun to liberals. They seem to buy “reasonably honest.”
    What about the “practice safe gun use” ala “practice safe sex.” We could manufacture little gun condoms to keep people from getting killed with them. They only have to work 8 out of 10 times.

  2. I sure hope that they offer the poor gun some sort of rehab training. It would be horrible if it was to have no option upon its release from gun prison but to go commit random acts of shooting people again.
    Maybe the gun could get a law degree? I hope the parents of the poor innocent kid sues the trigger lock off that gun’s back. Forcing an angelic little child like that to pull its trigger.
    Will this horror never end?

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