Kick Ass New World

Another successful test of missile defense. Won’t it be so cool when we finally perfect that and can hit any nuclear missile out of the sky? As long as we keep it to ourselves, there goes mutually assured destruction. We can nuke anyone we want and no one can stop us. We won’t even have to use any stupid diplomacy. Hopefully, I can be president by the time we finish and start my new foreign policy plans.
“Hey, China, Taiwan is it’s own country, ya numbnuts. Now, you stop being commies or you’ll no longer be the most populated country.”
“Middle East, you don’t seem to be doing very well with Islam, so you’re now all Unitarians. I’m not too sure what that entails, but hopefully it involves less killing. Try it out for a couple weeks and get back to me.”
“France, you have to rename yourself Wussland. You will be known as the Wussies. Speaking anything other than American slang or watching anything other than American blockbusters is punishable by death.”
“Palestinians, you now get your own country. It’s called Germany. Go there now because the Israelis want to fumigate before they finish settling.”
Man, I can’t wait until missile defense is done. It’ll be like Christmas everyday.
(Thanks to Bill Quick for the link.)

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  1. Hey, I’D vote for you. Unfortunately, because of that stupid bigoted nativist clause in the Constitution, I can’t run for President, otherwise I’d have you as my VP… or SecState.
    You seem to have the right ideas about Our Friends Over There.

  2. I happen to live and work at the HOME of Strategic Ballistic Missile Defense, here in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. On a little known , but very strategic island where the business end of Missile Defense research resides.
    Less than 200 American expatriates live and work here, so that all of you can dream safely of a brighter future for us all. We are all so happy that you like our work, we care and it shows. 😉

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