Anti-War Protestors Destroy the Image of America… And It’s Our Fault

I just read this article about idiotic war protestors, including that letter signed by celebrities (i.e., signed by people much dumber than the average America), but, instead of wanting to condemn (i.e., punch) these protestors, I started wondering how did we, those who aren’t whiny bitches, fail America? Sure, these protesting buffoons have every right to drool their brainless message in a public forum, but we should have created an atmosphere where they are too scared to exercise their freedom to jabber like monkeys. Intimidation certainly is the right of the real American, but it’s one that doesn’t seem to have been used too well as of late. Where have we gone wrong? Maybe the American bully, whose job it is to beat the pacifism out of people at an early age, has been turned soft by years of touchy-feely-ism. I also blame the media who actually seems to encourage these mentally special activists to make sounds with their throats as if to mimic speech. But, principally, I blame us, the hawks.
There is plenty to fear about us; we’re armed, violent, and mean. Also, our tolerance of stupidity is surprisingly low. What we need is to get more people to realize how fearsome and violent we are. This can be done in large ways such as having a march in Washington to celebrate war, or in small ways such as kicking a puppy in front of others and then laughing. We just need all the pansies out there to constantly remember that we hawks are the true rulers of this country, and, when we want war, we get war– and we will harm anyone who gets in our way. Then all those mushy-headed pacifists will cower silently, hoping that we won’t turn on them as soon as we run out of evil countries to annihilate. Finally, only one voice will come out of America, a voice that constantly demands the destruction of our enemies. All evil people out there will see one people united behind its hunger for blood. Then the will fear us, and at last the warmongering image America has fought so hard and so violently for will be preserved.

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  1. Excellent point, put forth with the appropriate wry humor. We’ve let the media give voice to everyone but ourselves. That may never change, but at least there are other outlets, and yours is one of them.

  2. Just as Germans who kept silent when Hitler preached robbery of Germany’s eastern neighbors and Muslims who keep silent when Islamofascists spout their hatred may be rightly blamed, so Americans who tacitly accept the last 40-odd years of peace-creep propaganda are responsible for this kind of nonsense. Do you realize that children are being suspended from school for drawing pictures of weapons or for wearing an NRA t-shirt? If we ask of our adversaries the question Churchill posed of the Japanese, “What kind of a people do they think we are?” what do you think the answer would be?

  3. What kind of elitist bullshit is this?
    Just because protestors are against a war in Iraq does not mean they’re “hippies” or “pacifists”. You’re simply echoing the assumptions of the mainstream media. Many of these anti-war protestors are willing to get rid of greedy capitalist motherf***ers “by any means neccessary”. These anarchists and socialists have the imagination needed to see another, less exploitative world order, unlike people like you who keep your heads so firmly planted in people’s asses that you can’t see what’s actually going on. Unlike most protestors, who are educated and informed on global issues, you have no credibility to speak of. Here’s your wake-up call – capitalism isn’t working for the majority. And the majority ain’t gonna take it forever. If I were a member of the elite minority, I’d be afraid.

  4. like alot of mid-20-somthing lucky they where to be born in this great country.lest they be pulling a “train” of anal obsessed radical islamic’s.hahahahaha,bang!dopegirl.hhmmmmmm now there’s a right good handle.

  5. On March 6, 2003, when I went on the Internet the first thing that I saw on the homepage was a link that said, “Students Protest The War.” This act angered me.
    These rich spoiled kids have no earthly idea what it is like to work for anything that they have. So, they will never know what it is like to work as a low paid computer assembler in NW Houston along side of war refugees who hate America. These rich kids will never know how it feels to see these refugees rejoice because the Towers came tumbling, because as the refugees remarked, “America needs to also feel pain.” They will never know how it feels for the daughter of a Korean Veteran to complain, only to be reprimanded by the supervisor. I was told that they have their rights, I guess to come here and hate on America. Don’t forget these refugees where brought here to be housed, fed, clothed, and educated by our government who listened to the U.N..
    As I investigated further on why these students were protesting, I found this link on their website. My question why are they calling themselves Young Communist League? Is being communist behind all this protesting?,1413,207~12026~1234836,00.html
    This is really something to think about.

  6. The Soldier
    I want you to close your eyes and picture in your mind the soldier at Valley Forge, as he holds his musket in his bloody hands.
    He stands barefoot in the snow, starved from lack of food, wounded from months of battle and emotionally scarred from the eternity away from his family surrounded by nothing but death and carnage of war.
    He stands tough, with fire in his eyes and victory on his breath. He looks at us now in anger and disgust and tells us this…
    I gave you a birthright of freedom born in the Constitution and now your children graduate too illiterate to read it.
    I fought in the snow barefoot to give you the freedom to vote and you stay at home because it rains.
    I left my family destitute to give you the freedom of speech and you remain silent on critical issues, because it might be bad for business.
    I orphaned my children to give you a government to serve you and it has stolen democracy from the people.
    It’s the soldier not the reporter who gives you the freedom of the press.
    It’s the soldier not the poet who gives you the freedom of speech.
    It’s the soldier who salutes the flag, serves the flag, whose coffin is draped with the flag that allows the protester to burn the flag!

  7. Not everyone who is young is anti-war!!!
    I cannot believe how pathetic some of these people are!!! I see kids aged 16-18 standing near the mall… all punks with their colored hair, not having the faintest clue what is going on! I am a youngin’ I voted 4 Bush and have no problem with war issue… yes it is sad to have to go to war, but Saddam almost seems to be a “hitler” reincarnate!
    I thought this would be good to post, I saw this on a friend’s site, I think this is a good thing here

    All the rhetoric on whether or not we should go to war against Iraq has got my insane little brain spinning like a roulette wheel. I enjoy reading opinions from both sides, but I have detected a hint of confusion from some of you.
    As I was reading the paper recently, I was reminded of the best advice someone ever gave me. He told me about the KISS method (“Keep it Simple, Stupid”). So, with this as a theme, I’d like to apply this theory for those who don’t quite get it. My hope is that we can simplify things a bit and recognize a few important facts.
    Here are 10 things to consider when voicing an opinion on this important issue:
    1. President Bush and Saddam Hussein…..Hussein is the bad guy.
    2. If you have faith in the United Nations to do the right thing, keep this in mind. They have Libya heading the Committee on Human Rights and Iraq heading the Global Disarmament Committee. Do your own math here.
    3. If you use Google Search and type in “French Military Victories,” your reply will be “Did you mean French Military Defeats?”
    4. If your only anti-war slogan is “No war for oil,” sue your school district for allowing you to slip through the cracks and robbing you of the education you deserve.
    5. Saddam and Bin Laden will not seek United Nations approval before they try to kill us.
    6. Despite what some seem to believe, Martin Sheen is NOT the President. He plays one on T.V.
    7. Even if you are anti-war, you are still an “Infidel” and Bin Laden wants you dead, too.
    8. If you believe in a “vast right-wing conspiracy,” but you do not believe in the danger that Hussein poses, quit hanging out with the Dell computer dude.
    9. We are not trying to liberate them.
    10. Whether you are for military action, or against it, our young men and women overseas are fighting for us to defend our right to speak out. We all need to support them without reservation.
    I hope this helps

  8. I agree with you in almost everything you say concerning these protestors, they are taking it too far. Do I believe in free of speech? Of Course, but when you start taking it to extremes and jumping out at cars and yelling and hitting people in protest of violence, you should rethink what you are doing. YOu are exemplifying what you’re cause for protesting is. I believe Bush did not want to resort to violence, he tried to handle this as pacifistically as he could but they would not comply. And Like one Iraqi man said,”The only way to get Saadam out of Power is by force”. America only wants to uphold what is dear to us, our future and our country, as well as protect the innocent that are getting tortured to death by Sadaam in Iraq. We don’t want to kill Iraqis and that is what these protesters believe. By protesting they are allowing this extreme villain to torture more people and threaten our own lives and the lives of our children. War is not a great thing, but I believe it is the only thing we can do…
    Another point, i hope you were not serious about kicking a puppy. If you were you are just embodying violence towards innocence. A puppy is an innocent little animal, I would hope and pray you would not commit such a crime. Those soldiers there are fighting for OUR freedom and those of the Iraqi, they are not harming innocent souls. Please, I am a Conservative and I always hear this stereotype that conservatives are not humane towards innocents such as animals or children. Don’t say those sort of things, they generate stereotypes against some Republicans and make us look less believable in our cause towards war. You may call me touchy-feely and I believe there is nothing wrong with that, as long as being touchy-feely does not get in the way of logic I believe it is alright. When it gets in the way of seeing clearly then you have a problem!
    They have more courage then we could ever have.

  9. Ah, the glory of 1st amendment. No matter how foolish one side seems to be, they can never wrong, at least not in their thick skulls. Use logic. How dare you so-called ‘left-wingers’ call this site un-American. If us hawks can’t call your burning of American flags un-American, then you sure as hell cannot blame us for being un-American just for trying to protect our country. Liberals are the individuals who don’t have any clue as to what is true in the world. If Saddam could, he would recruit you into his suicide squads. If Usama had the chance, he would put a friggin’ bullet in your head. They don’t care if you are pro-war or not. Listen, the world is an imperfect place. You guys go around with your slogans saying, “War Will Solve Nothing” and blah, blah, blah. Consider this – war will do a helluva lot more than chanting and marching and getting beat down by cops. STOP PROTESTING – THE WAR IS ALREADY ON. GET A LIFE!

  10. 8 years ago we went to war with Iraq because they invaded Quwaic..(i don’t remember how that’s spelled) a little over 4 years ago Saddam Hussein gased over 100,000 of his own people. Do you know why he did that? because they spoke out against him. The people didn’t want a dictatorship so they spoke out against him. PRESIDENT BUSH DOESN’T GAS PEOPLE FOR SPEAKING OUT AGAINST HIM! People call him names and say he is a bad president and he is fighting for there freedom. We are fighting so that celebrities can have freedom of speech. So they can live in 10 million dollar homes, etc. And Michael Moore is wearing a button that says “shoot movies, not iraqis” well guess what. we don’t have to shoot iraqis because they are shooting eachother. You can’t have peace with a man that destroys and terrorises his own people. Do you protestors really think that your little t-shirts that say peace not war, and your little picket signs, and your stupid letters to the president are going to change the fact that saddam is killing thousands of his own people willingly. Also know this, president bush gets his information direct and 24 hours. he knows whats happening when it happens and before it happens. where does susan sarandon get her information? from her ass? people shouldn’t talk about things they don’t understand. We are not only fighting to save iraqis but we are also trying to prevent another disaster like sep. 11. so peace, yeah, whatever, but keep this in mind. over 3000 people died needlessly on september 11,2001 because saddam hussein trained and harbored terrorist. if you are so set on giving people (aka saddam and terrorist) a chance to live then where the f*** are your bleeding hearts for those who didn’t even get a choice (aka all those who died on Sept. 11.)

  11. The American Consumer
    The American Consumer is outraged about the desecration of US soldier headstones in France with verbiage as follows: “take back your (US soldier bodies) garbage – it’s littering our soil”.
    In memory of my father and all US fathers that fought against the Nazi occupation in France, I, my family, friends and business will never, ever purchase any products from France, Germany and Belgium. This action if implemented by the 78% of Americans that support the US position, will force US retailers to get the French “garbage” off US soil, restaurants and retailers.

  12. Don’t the protestors know what Saddeum has done? He has killed his own people with weapons of mass destruction. He has tortured his own people. He supports Terrorists and what they did on Sept 11. The veterans of World War 2, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf War know why they are fighting. The Freedom of speech and there are places where if you protest you can be killed. The freedom of Religion, you can be in any religion without perscution. These men will not surrendeur peacefully, because they hate America because of all of the freedoms that it allows.

  13. At al the immoral fools that support the war doctrine of the United States of Aggression, read this:
    With great power comes great responsibility, such as preserve peace, not encouraging it. Any outing of supporting the war is a feable act that shows incompetence of handeling power.
    If freedom is measured in means of being able to make up your own mind, then how can America bring freedom? Their governors spread lies, their press is mere propaganda, their soldiers shoot at the real press of the free…
    If America is fighting for the good of the world, for world peace, for the destruction of atom weapons, then they can start attacking Israel. Sure Israel is encouraging terrorism against Palestine, sure they have atom weaponry. America’s government knows this, but are way too Zionist to handle.

  14. At al the immoral fools that support the war doctrine of the United States of Aggression, read this:
    With great power comes great responsibility, such as preserve peace, not encouraging it. Any outing of supporting the war is a feable act that shows incompetence of handeling power.
    If freedom is measured in means of being able to make up your own mind, then how can America bring freedom? Their governors spread lies, their press is mere propaganda, their soldiers shoot at the real press of the free…
    If America is fighting for the good of the world, for world peace, for the destruction of atom weapons, then they can start attacking Israel. Sure Israel is encouraging terrorism against Palestine, sure they have atom weaponry. America’s government knows this, but are way too Zionist to handle.

  15. With great power comes great responsibility, such as preserve peace, not encouraging it. Any outing of supporting the war is a feable act that shows incompetence of handeling power.
    So what you’re saying is allowing Saddam to kill tens of thousands of innocent people for no reason at all is irresponsible? And that we are incompetant because we won’t allow him to do this, threaten to do the same to us, and harbor the terrorists who already did?
    If freedom is measured in means of being able to make up your own mind, then how can America bring freedom? Their governors spread lies, their press is mere propaganda, their soldiers shoot at the real press of the free…
    Some governors may spread lies, but THAT’S WHY WE GET TO CHOOSE THEM. The prss may lie, but THAY ARE IN NO WAY CONNECTED TO OUR GOVERNMENT (and are also better than most other nations). And when you said we shoot at the real press, are you really saying we have done ANYTHING to rival Saddam’s killing of innocent citizens?
    If America is fighting for the good of the world, for world peace, for the destruction of atom weapons, then they can start attacking Israel. Sure Israel is encouraging terrorism against Palestine, sure they have atom weaponry. America’s government knows this, but are way too Zionist to handle.
    Nooo, let’s look at who Israel is fighting with, shall we? Palestine, someone who is ALREADY DOING THE SAME THINGS TO THEM. Are they threatening to hurt us? have they shown ANY aggretion to ANYONE besides Palestine? Israel and Iraq as parallel countries, are you high or are you really that stupid?

  16. It really gets me worried when we have these mindless, indoctrinated yuppies yelling out “NO BLOOD FOR OIL GUYS, WE’RE ALL CAPITALIST IMPERIALISTIC PIGS!!!!” Think about it… America’s educational system is one of the worst in the world, and it is really starting to show. The use of logic has apparently been discontinued, because from all the anti-war protestors that I have heard from (which is a lot, as I attend a super-liberal school), none seem to have any actual proof of their claims. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some maniacal warmonger either. I do support this war however, and anyone who bashes Bush or America should do us all a favor and come with some reasoning. “Bush is a moron” does not suffice, you dumbshits. Anyone with those “Bush = Hitler” signs should be punched in the face for being absolutely stupid and insensitive. Hitler was a demon the likes of which can be compared with Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden, NOT our president. I have no problem with opposing opinions so long as they have substance and thought behind them. Hackneyed slogans and liberal propaganda should be forcibly removed from the minds of America, especially the youth, who are demonstrating a frightening trend toward mindless liberalism. I am in favor of America, and think that anyone who complains should go and try living in communist China or (dare I say it) in Iraq. I guarantee you that you will come back kissing American soil. Take another look around you, and see that Americans are not really the imperialistic jackasses you liberals make us out to be.

  17. I support the war.I support President Bush. The men and women in the armed forces are protecting us. That involves killing but we are helping the Iraqi people who are afraid of Saddam.

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