Frank Advice on Inspections

I’ve been making fun of Hans Blix and his inspection, but that’s not very constructive of me. I’ve decided to be a nice guy and offer some helpful advice to Blix on how to make those inspections more effective.
*Change your name. It’s hard to get respect if your name makes it sound like you’re a cartoon space monkey. It would be much better if you had some scary sounding German name.
*Anytime you meet a new Iraqi, offer to shake hands. Then as he reaches out, quickly inject him with sodium pentothal. That will get the truth out.
*Carry around a rubber hose. If you think someone is hiding something, take him into the back room and beat him with the hose. That will also get the truth out– or any particular truth you want.
*Remember to inspect all those bushy Iraqi mustaches. Those soup strainers are probably crawling with traces of chemical and biological weapons.
*Carry a dime bag of anthrax on you. Then, when you pat down someone who says he doesn’t have any WMD’s, you can make it look like you pulled that out of his pocket. He’ll probably think it was his and he had just forgotten about it. Then he might break down and confess to everything.
*If, as you are about to open a door, strippers suddenly appear out of nowhere or you’re attacked by ninjas or someone yells, “Hey! Look at me! I’m juggling!” that probably means you’re near the WMD’s and the Iraqis are trying to stall you while they get rid of them. Don’t fall for it.
*Since we’re going to go to war with Iraq no matter what, just say you found WMD’s to make things easier for us. We’ll appreciate it. Hell, if you come out and say, “Iraq is full of weapons of mass destruction! Kill them! Kill them now!” we’ll all love you and chant in the streets, “Blix! Blix! Blix!” or, if you took my earlier advice, “von Kˆkeritz! von Kˆkeritz! von Kˆkeritz!”
I’m here to help.

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  1. Does Herr Blix / von Kˆkeritz have to find the WMD’s in Iraq?
    We could always let him ‘find’ some of ours, then he could say he has ‘found weapons of mass destruction’ and we could start bombing.
    This would save us the expense of shipping all of the UNers to Iraq, the hotel bills (don’t you know there isn’t a pristine mini-bar in any of the rooms), and the admission fees to Saddam’s palaces. The UNers should be happy because American hotels are a lot nicer than any Iraqi louse-pit and they can go to DisneyWorld or something.

  2. Hans Blix could always do a bumbling Inspector Clouseau..
    “I am looking for your boombs”
    or a Columbo…
    “Ahhh, Saddam, there’s just one more thing I need to clear up…”
    Or a Harry Callahan…
    “Saddam, the Daisy Cutter is the most power conventional weapon known to man. Now, you’re probably thinking, did they drop all of them in Afganistan or do they have a few left? Frankly, in all the excitement I don’t remember. So, you have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky? Well, do you punk?”

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