More Mob Rule

I’ve closed the poll on whether Silent Running should be added to my blogroll. With 294 votes, the results are:
*Link the blog: 37 votes (13%)
*Don’t link the blog: 11 votes (4%)
*Link the blog only so it can be ceremoniously delinked later: 30 votes (10%)
*The blog is too good! Kill them all before they become a threat to you like Scrappleface!: 34 votes (12%)
*I want more pictures of monkeys: 182 votes (62%)
Won’t need a recount here. Guess Silent Running will have to try again next year in a segment I’m going to call “Can Anything Beat the Non Sequitur Poll Answer that Involves Monkeys”. Anyway, here is what you voted for:
Here’s me getting prepared for my daily jog:

Here’s me typing up my latest hilarious post:

Here’s me imitating Rumsfeld again. “Rarr!”:

Anyway, I keep getting all these Google hits for Jennifer Eccleston since someone just mentioned her once in my comments, and I finally saw her on Fox News. Hot damn! I think people should have a chance to be whatever you want, but you can not be that attractive and be a news reporter; there’s no way I’m going to hear a word she says. Instead I was thinking she should instead do something more fitting like pose in playboy or be a lingerie model. It ends up, though, she did used to be a lingerie model. Pics here.

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  1. Damn, Secretary of War!
    I’ll get you for that false link yet! I was going to look it up out of, er, curiosity (yes, that’s it), but no Jennifer there!
    My entire treatise on lingerie as applied to prominent news anchors is now in jeopardy! Have you no heart, man?

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