Filthy Lies III

It’s Saturday, so once again it’s time to spread filthy lies about Glenn Reynolds!
Now everyone know that not only does Glenn Reynolds puts puppies in blenders, but that he also worships Satan and murders hobos, and it looks to me like his traffic has declined once again. At this rate, he’ll have negative 20,000 unique visitors by the end of the year, but, to be on the safe side, here’s a new filthy lie:

So I was taking a walk through the park when suddenly I saw Glenn Reynolds talking to an Asian man. All I caught was the end of the conversation where the Asian man told Glenn Reynolds, “Thank you, comrade.”
“What was that about,” I asked Glenn Reynolds.
“I was just talking to someone from the Chinese government.”
“Getting inside information to do an expose on Chinese human rights abuses?” I inquired.
“Of course not,” he laughed, “I was giving him information. I had gotten my hands on some government secrets that I thought would help the Chinese fight our capitalist nation.”
“Why?” I exclaimed.
“Because I looooove Communism!” he said, pumping his fist in the air, “Down with liberty! Down with the free market system!”
“You pinko scum!” I yelled, “I’ll stop you!”
He answered me with mocking laughter. “Someone whose website gets as much traffic as mine can do whatever he wants. I’m untouchable! I’m Glenn Reynolds! Now I must celebrate.”
He then started doing the robot dance and singing this rap song:
“I’m Glenn Reynolds and it’s puppies I drink,
And I like to kill hobos because they stink.
Gotta give props to Satan ’cause he’s an evil guy;
It was through his help I became a Communist spy.”
Though I’ve heard better rapping, his robot dance was quite good. Finishing his grotesque celebration, he hopped on his moped and sped off laughing evilly all the way.

And here is yet more unconvincing photographic evidence of my blatant lie:

I also wanted to have an animated .gif of him doing the robot dance, but my photoshopping skills just aren’t that good.
Anyway, here is the new filthy lie to spread: Glenn Reynolds is a puppy blending, Satan Worshipping, hobo murdering, Communist spy who does a better than average robot dance. Now go out and spread the word, especially making sure the FBI knows. They’ll put out a report saying, “Make sure not to visit Glenn Reynolds’s site; he’s probably collecting information on you to give to the Chinese Communists. Instead, visit, which, if anything, makes Communists know even less than they did before after they’ve read it.”
Muh ha ha ha! Soon all the traffic in the blogosphere will be mine!
UPDATE: Fritz of On the Fritz made this animated .gif proving Glenn Reynolds dances the robot – or some similar dance – thus proving all the lies I’ve said.

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  1. Okay Frank, you’ve convinced me to stop visiting that “other” site. I could live with the puppy blending, Hobo worshipping and Satan murdering but I, being a veteran and a proud American, have to draw the line here. Glenn rides a moped?! That’s just disgusting. (The robot dancing didn’t help his case either, BTW)

  2. Three possibilities:
    1. Glenn Reynolds is of normal height, and Mao is 3’1″
    2. Mao is of normal height, and Glenn Reynolds is 11’6″
    3. Both are of normal height and they just — what with his stand on Santorum, and — and –I mean, just look at their strangely satisfied expressions and–. Oh God. I’m going to be sick!

  3. I used to like Glenn Reynolds’ writing. But now that I know he’s a pinko Satanist who blends puppies and rides a scooter he must be stopped. When the tiger-mounted chimpanzees are done feasting on Michael Moore’s carcass I’m sure they’ll be ready for a helping of puppy-spiced Glenn. Of course that could be a while. Moore is really fat and it’s taking the tigers a while to devour his body.
    I just couldn’t get upset about his murdering hobos. They are smelly and fewer of them can’t be bad. And if he moves on to filthy hippies next I just might tolerate his commie ways. Until the hippies are dead that is. Glenn, come to Boston. There are lots of smelly hippies here and I’m sure some of them are hobos too.

  4. Still not convinced. Maybe he was actually giving the guy the recipe for the cure for SARS and he was just lying to you because he eschews any kind of publicity and didn’t want the public to find out that he’s not a terrible puppy-eating hobo-killing monster after all, but a benevolent research scientist who wants to bring peace, health, flowers and fuzzy bunnies to the world.

  5. Two possibilities:
    1. Mao is in hell, and Glenn Reynolds is supervising part of his damnation.
    2. Mao is alive, sharing half of duplex Mao shares with Hitler and Bin Laden, and is pissed because this freeloader Hussein crashes on the couch these days. Glenn Reynolds stopped by to return the fondue he’d borrowed.

  6. You ever wonder if this might backfire on you, driving people to Glenn instead of away? After all, there’s a lot of commies left in the world, and if they learn Glenn is secretly one of their own, they might flock to him.

  7. Is it true that the fury of these rantings is a direct result of Glenn asking Scott Ott to be his running mate in the 2004 presidential election instead of you? I understand their slogan will be Scrapple for breakfast and puppies too!

  8. “Instead, visit, which, if anything, makes Communists know even less than they did before after they’ve read it.”
    Hahaha… One of your best lines ever, and hands-down the most truthful…

  9. SSG B,
    You damned fool. As big as Michael Moore is, the monkeys will never be done feasting on his bloated carcass.
    As for Glenn Reynolds, I heard over at Atrios that he eats obese monkeys that feasted for years on Michael Moore’s fatty underarm tumors, and he wears a toupee woven of Moore’s copious navel-lint.

  10. Bombs OK, cartoons bad

    Booga! Booga! Booga!Someone, probably Tim Blair, has already “fisked” this article better than I ever could, but: a.) It’s too late to look anywhere else,b.) This piece is so silly that it deserves, nay, commands the mocking of everyone in the blogosph…

  11. While The Cat’s Away…

    Aha! Glenn Reynolds is laundering… millions. I can say that without worries now. So nya-nya-nya-nya-nya. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last Tuesday that Web loggers, website operators and e-mail list editors can’t be held responsible for l…

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