“I’m Taking You to a Gay Bar!”

Heh heh. Poining a Beretta at a kitten is funny.

Put your caption in the comments section. Whoever comes up with the best caption will get a super-secret prize of no monetary value! (will need an e-mail address for it)

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  1. Kitty:” Tiger style. Bullets do not frighten me with my cat reflexes you wossie ! Let’s do it mano a mano and I’ll show you the advantages of claws over fast moving lead anyday,punk!! ”
    ( ever had one of these little cuties decide to scale up your jeans like it’s Mount Everest?
    Nuff said.

  2. In mere moments, almost too fast for the human eye to see, the kitten had stripped the gun from the hands of his antagonizer and destroyed him with it. His reflexes were like….. well….. ummm….. a cat.

  3. “Where the hell is my parakeet you bastard?”
    “Puke on my pillow one more time and I’ll kill you.”
    “Buy my T-Shirt or I’ll shoot this kitten.”
    “Let’s see ’em put THIS on American’s Funniest Animals.”

  4. Another monkey sympathizer.
    Shoot the cat. They’re worse than dung throwing monkeys.
    Two to the chest and one to the head.
    The only good cat is a dead cat.
    About to become a good cat.
    Reading 101 things to do with a dead cat.

  5. “Don’t EVER use my credit card to buy scratching posts of ebay again!”
    “easy cat population control”
    “I don’t wanna be neutered! oh…a handgun…I’ll come quietly”
    “and so ends our show on ze behavior of ze french housekitty”
    “ah, ze brave tale of ze french man vs. ze horrible tiger!”
    “According to the Iraqi Information Minister, the Iraqi troops have gotten rid of the horrible, massive lion that has been rampaging the countryside”
    “I know you’re hiding monkeys in this house! now tell me where they are!”

  6. it really is a funny picture, but( I’m a woosie, let the whole world know!) I love kitties. Their logic, at times, surpases that of us monkey derivitives ( but I guess you’d have to own a cat to really grasp that last part..)

  7. Join Dick Van Dyke and his magical orange tabby for a trip inside the LA County Animal Shelter. The clock is counting down and there’s no more room. Find out who will live and who will die in MGM’s “Kitty Kitty Bang Bang.”

    1. “Everytime you masturbate, God kills a kitten…”
    2. “Better tabby then dead!”
    3. “When the game of life makes you feel like quitin’
      It helps alot… if you kill a kitten.
      Mark my words cause from where Im sitin’
      You cant go wrong… if you kill a kitten.
      Quote the Bible, for it is writen…
      If ye loveth Jesus, ye must kill a kitten.” – Stephen Lynch, song writer/comedian
  8. No Mr.Puddy….. I expect you to DIE!!
    In the next “Frank Answers,” Frank J. will tell us if the whole always landing on their feet bit works for DEAD cats, as well.

  9. You wouldn’t get far in life not saying “is”

    Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, I have decided to have a contest! It’s a movie knowledge quiz, with a twist. I am going to give ten movie quotes that have become part of my family jargon. You need…

  10. You wouldn’t get far in life not saying “is”

    Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, I have decided to have a contest! It’s a movie knowledge quiz, with a twist. I am going to give ten movie quotes that have become part of my family jargon. You need…

  11. Snitch!?!? “I neva fcked anybody over in my life, who didn’t have it comin’ to ‘im, you got that?!?! All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don’t break ’em for no one, jou understand?” (Scarface) Fck you Monkey!!

  12. Curtains: $172
    Re-upholster sofa: $310
    Repair screened porch…TWICE: $138.47
    A Beretta with a 10-clip and one in the pipe (for good measure) to make SURE that little fuzzy bastard is good and dead?

  13. Headline reads, “Cat Burgler Caught In the Act”
    “Responding to a silent alarm, police today
    captured a cat burgler on the prowl. The suspect
    surrendered at gunpoint after trying to make
    a break for the open window. Though the cat
    confessed to jimmying the window open, police
    are baffled as to how the cat managed to slip in
    through such a narrow opening.
    “Police say now that they have a suspect in
    custody, they can do DNA testing on puked-up
    hairballs found at the scene of other robberies
    in the neighborhood. Further details as they
    become available.”

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