Blimey! He Returns!

Now, I’ve had a couple responses to my responses to hate mail, and so far the person has always calmed down in the second e-mail as wasn’t quite so crazy. Not Tony Pentin, though. My e-mail seems to have made him even crazier. All profanity that’s a noun meant to be me was replaced with “ronin” except for dickhead which I replaced with “genius”. Also, f’ing was replaced with “lovely”. An addition f’word was replaced with “cheetos”. Once again, this was all for The Children™

Well, well, well I see you know how to spell. I suppose that’s an achievement for an American. Lots of you can’t spell and don’t know anything about the world – your email re-enforced all of that!
As for not letting other countries have access to the internet – think again ronin, even those tosser communists in North Korea have access to it!
Your stupidity is evident from calling me a limey atleast ten times in the last email before actually ending with you asking me what a limey is!!!! You said it not me! Look to the first paragraph about not knowing anything about world history! Lol!
When I said Bush is history, I was talking about the elections in November! What are you a redneck or something? Are you miles from anywhere? Cut off from society like a lovely backwoodsman that shags all his relatives!
Laughing at the poor? Oh, that’s really fair isn’t it! Why? What’s the point? Why doesn’t your right-wing small-minded brain broaden its mind and stop lying? The world hates bastards like you. Bush bombed Iraq – I bet he doesn’t even know where the cheetos Iraq is. Oh, just for the record it’s in the middle east – near Iran – you know that country that you helped Iraq wage war against in the early 80’s under that fascist Ronald Reagan! You created Saddam Hussain you stupid dumb bastard! GO AND READ A LOVELY BOOK BEFORE PRETENDING TO BE AN EXPERT! LOOK IT UP YOU STUPIUD BASTRAD!
Oh, and Michael Moore = Good man and he gets his funding from Canada so it doesn’t look like you’ll stop the Left from exposing the evils of your hardline economic system of capitalism. Remember it’s that system which puts 45 milliion people without access to health care. 35 MILLION IN POVERTY – THAT’S ABOUT 1 IN 8. LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN 1 IN 8. AND AMERICA IS THE LAND OF THE FREE? THAT’S WHAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU SAY! JUSTIFY THAT RONIN!
And Rage Against the Machine was a left-wing rock band from 1991 to 2001. Three of the four band members formed Audioslave after RATM split up. You really are cut off from society in rural Texas aren’t you! You complete genius!
And France is completely entitled to an independent foreign policy that is completely different to yours. Spain said that. Britain said that. Australia said that. Those three countries supported your arsehole government last March in the war so your argument doesn’t stand up. The Russians said that, the Chinese, the Candians, the Germans – the list goes on ronin!
Au revoir and grow up you immature little boy.

Now let’s see if I can fire another one right over his head.

Cool! Now we’re like pen pals, limey. You confused me in your first paragraph, though. First you complimented me on my spelling, and then you say I reinforced that Americans can’t spell. I’m not saying you’re inconsistent, though – I’m just pointing it out – so don’t get all crazy and limey on me.
You’re right about North Korea; they’re an internet access paradise. You can’t swing a starving peasant in North Korea without hitting a cyber-cafe. Thanks for pointing that out, limey.
And I thought limey was a term of endearment, I just used that to make you comfortable, you rascally limey. See? We’re like friends.
Hey, you know about our elections, limey! Good for you! Those are for us big boys only, though, and you’ll notice that at the polling places there will be big signs saying, “No Limeys”. Actually, if there is any evidence of a limey being involved in an election, it all gets thrown out.
And what am I lying about, limey my friend? I really do laugh at the poor. They’re funny. Every seen any? Sometimes they juggle.
Thanks for pointing out that Canadians are funding Michael Moore to help undermine America, limey. I’ll report that to the authorities so that they bomb Canada and kill Michael Moore. The only problem will be what to do with his bloated corpse. I’d say the sea, but I wonder what ill effects it might have on sea life. If you have any idea, please tell me, limey. You’ve already been great help as it is, though.
And stop looking at the glass as 1/8 empty; instead, look at it as 7/8 full. That’s 7/8 of nearly 300 million people who aren’t poor and thus I don’t laugh at. You have to admit that’s pretty nice of me, limey. I could also be laughing at the lower middle-class, but I don’t.
Oh! Rage Against the Machine the music group! I now understand, limey. Their songs are pretty cute, but they all sound the same. Maybe they wouldn’t have had to break up if they sounded less angry and did more Barry Manilow covers.
I’m afraid we can’t let France have their own foreign policy, no matter what Communist dictators in China say. France hates all mankind, and they need to be foiled. Plus, they smell. Luckily America always stands up and controls all conflicts in the world, thus keep us from becoming blowed up. Isn’t that great, limey?
Hope to hear back from you. You’re my favorite limey friend!
-Frank J.
P.S. I don’t usually like to point out someone’s spelling errors, as no one is expected to proof check their e-mails to the highest degree, but, when calling someone a “stupid bastard”, you might want to try and spell at least one of those words correctly… unless, of course, you were trying to demonstrate that you are a “STUPIUD BASTRAD” yourself, and thus know one from experience.

I also got this hate mail:

What a moron you are!
Oh well, it’s a free country.
Mr. Lucas

I wonder what that was about? I hope it wasn’t Rachel Lucas’s father.

No Comments

  1. claps I WANT HATE MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no fair. Can you send me some hate mail, so I can feel happy and hated and known? XD Would the wanker rather have canadas system of healthcare, where most of the seriously ill die before they even get a hospital bed? thats what happens when you give things to people for ‘free,’ silly limey. prods limey Mommy, can I keep it?

  2. Also, limey, if you use the standard formula for defining poverty (50% of median income) our poor are 36% richer than your poor in purchasing power. That is taking into account your silly pound thing being worth more than the almighty dollar.
    Now I’m gonna break into the “We are rich and you are not dance.”

  3. The Limeys do have the poverty problem on the mend. They took everones guns away, exept the ones in the hands of poverty stricken/criminal element. Now they have been unleashed on the rest society to steal their way to the fortune 500 list while killing all the other poor folk along the way. Crime rageing out of control, murder rageing out of control, but the number of poor people in the country is droping like a rock. The socialist sh** heads have it all under control dont’t ya know?

  4. I think that we should have foreign policy control over France. A couple of small things come to mind when I say that. Just to use two random events, WW I and WWII. In fact, we should have just made France another state, made them speak English, and take baths on occasion. But then agains, making the French clean themselves every now and then might be asking too much.

  5. This is my favorite part of the reply:
    “You’re right about North Korea; they’re an internet access paradise. You can’t swing a starving peasant in North Korea without hitting a cyber-cafe. Thanks for pointing that out, limey.”
    Awesome. Reminds me of something Tim Blair had posted a little while ago: Maybe we would have found the WMDs by now if we didn’t keep finding mass graves.

  6. I don’t even have a blog and the limey managed to insult me! I am from rural Texas have always lived here, and I know that Rage Against the Machine was a crappy limey rock band.
    Geez, the sheep I’ve been shagging are smarter than this limey bastard. (I always thought limeybastard was one word.)

  7. limey definition:(short version)-to prevent scurvy,sailors would need lots of Vitamin C. Limes have that. When the ship set sail, they had lots of limes on board to eat. Thus they were called Limeys. Silly foreign pansies relying on fruit for a healthier lifestyle.

  8. As a Canadian I am deeply offended by the suggestion that we are funding Michael Moore.
    I don’t think we have enough money in the whole country to even pay for his groceries.
    This is the second time someone has linked Michael Moore to Canada. The first was Margaret Cho (which you all remember from my superb blog entry that Frank linked to) who for some reason thought the socialist omnibus was a Canadian.
    I am hoping that people are confusing Michael Moore with the late John Candy who was roughly the same size but much jollier and less insane.
    So if someone could please track down the supposed source of the Michael Moore money please let us in Canada know. We will then send what’s left of our army to steal the money back so that they can finally afford some decent equipment.
    You know tanks that actually have guns, and math books that don’t have any of that “base 6” crap.

  9. Sadly, not until we are wiped off the face of the earth. We are doomed to be a lone country. The problem with other countries, however, is that they really think we care if they all hate us. rolls eyes

  10. No, n00b, the problem with foreign countries is that they are foreign. the limey insulted Texans, I’m deeply hurt. Or at least, I would be, if I cared what foreign people thought. Poncy limey.

  11. O_O I was…. addressed! by name!!! dances ok, now that thats out of my system….
    Veritas: Ok, that too. Stupid limeys. And towel-heads, too, for that matter. And the CESMs. Ok, I see your point. DEATH TO FOREIGNERS!!!!!!

  12. 1 in 8 people poor? Without free healthcare? Frank, please explain to Sir Limey the difference between “Land of the Free” and “Land of Free Stuff for People that don’t work.” Or maybe we could just do like all of those socialist countries did and become “The land of free healthcare with a waiting period so long you could buy two handguns and abduct a doctor off the street quicker.”

  13. vigilante: I’d like to expand on that.
    The brits, along with the canadians, the french, the koreans, the iraqis (take the information minister for example), the australians, the rest of the europeans, and, apparently, the syrians.

  14. Healso spelled canadians candians. Sounds yummy. Maybe we should try making the worlds largest stew out of the candians. But some crazy sauce and some cheese and feed it to the french. They’ll probably never know the difference. And then it will probably kill them, leaving the world free for sensible intelligent people like you and me. Oh yeah i don’t think that he knows what a limey is either. If he did then why didn’t he explain? Stupid bastrad

  15. Why does our Liberally Limey friend waste so much time ranting about the President of a country he has probably never lived in when he can bitch about how pissed he is at Tony Blair, his own Prime Minister, for betraying the far left and actually becoming a rational human being?

  16. you’re so smart Frank! i wish i was as smart as you… then maybe i would get really cool hate mail too…
    oh and Brit_Student, even if you’re not Frank’s favorite limey, you are mine! 😛

  17. I was thinking about joining the blogosphere to try to make fun of a few liberals, but I decided against it, for now. I don’t think I could manage to do a better job of it than Frank has. Although, I’d really like a bit of hate mail. I really love upesetting liberals. But anyway, I’ve decided that your narcissism (forgive me if I’ve misspelled, its late!!) is not completely unfounded, Frank. I do envy you. bows and worships Command me, oh great one.

  18. “You really are cut off from society in rural Texas aren’t you! You complete genius!”
    Hey, I AM in rural Texas – but at least the limey seems to imply that those of us in rural Texas are geniuses even if we are cut off from society so I guess I can’t argue with that.

  19. a quick tibit about the 1/8 poverty. you might want to mention that 46% of Americans offically labled poor by the government own their own homes. also, “The average poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)”

  20. Comparing John Candy and Michael Moore? Nooo! Consider the possible result:
    “Michael Moore’s Bowling for Dr. Tongue’s 3-D House of Stewardesses.”
    That’s a terrible thing to do to the memory of John Candy.

  21. Frank,
    Next time he writes, reply with these three words:
    “Up the Republic.”
    His head will almost certainly explode, but if it doesn’t, tell him that you’re Bernadette Devlin’s boy toy. And that you meet regularly in Aspen, so he can insult Colorado. We deserve to be insulted more than those damn flatlanders do.

  22. i find it kinda funny how this silly limey has to use all those profanity filler words to get his point across and frank can present an actual RATIONAL thought with needing one swear word.
    also what was all the rural texas hub-bub?? doesn’t frank live in florida?

  23. anybody else notice amphy kinda dropped off the face of the earth (or at least the web page in any case)? not that i miss her nensensical rants… after all, we have a lovable limey to take her place now! 😀

  24. I’m sorry… this is a little off-topic, but I have a feeling that I’m not the only person here that thinks Frank is really sexy…
    If you can get past the buck teeth, coke-bottled glasses, and the caffeine free diet mountain dew induced halitosis…he’s not a bad catch…for a human.
    Sith Monkeys Rule

  25. The standard of living in Britain is a third lower than in the US. If you add income tax (a minimum of 22% that increases to 40% if you start earning as little as 29,000pa), council tax, NHS tax (for free healthcare), and sales tax at 17%, then it turns out that all Britains regardless of income are required to donate roughly half their earnings to the government. Add to that an over-valued currency. Add to that the cost of housing. Add to that the cost of private health care on top of compulsary NHS tax.
    I assume that your pen-pal got his poverty numbers from Mr. Moore. They sound incorrect to me mostly because his measure of ‘poverty’ is most certainly unreasonable. I’m guessing that your friend is more sociologist than statistician.
    I come from one of the poorest states in the Union. I know that welfare doesn’t really change poor communities. In fact it might impede folks from moving on to better circumstances. Concentrating groups of poor people demotivates them. It makes sense–if your nieghbors are wealthy you feel bad for being poor. If your neighbors are all poor or on welfare you consider it normal. The welfare state is not as effective as it might sound in theory. Also there are many poor folks in Britain and with a reasonable measure of poverty perhaps more than in the US. That still doesn’t imply much about policy in relation to normal working people.
    Every American with or without health insurence has access to emergency healthcare. Single women and their children have access to Medicare. The cost of a private policy is not all that unaffordable, and I suspect less for most working families than NHS tax.
    As far as the accusation of a vast American stupidity conspiracy is concerned, one ought to consider that of the top one hundred world Universities, all but about five are in the US. America has had more Nobel prize winners that any other country. A large part of this is that America is a gathering place for intellectuals from the world over. The US is more diverse that Britain.
    Many Britains don’t hate American politics. Those that do hate Bush for how he talks mostly.
    Bush has a tremendously un-posh sounding accent. These folks know no more about his record or policies than that sometime last year he did something in Iraq that, as hip BBC-fed Europeans they must compulsarilly object to.
    Lastly, calling one’s apponant stupid is ridiculous and irrelivant to any argument. It is not a measure of mental ability that one is concerned with. It is differing world views, politics, opinions etc. ‘Stupid’ is an ad-hominem. When used in argument it makes one look, well…stupid.
    Don’t get me wrong–Britain is a wonderful country in so many ways. The US and Britain really have many things in common. The citizens of the two also in aggregate are in some ways culturally different. So it is reasonable to consider that methods of governing and taxation that work in one place may not work in the other. All in all, it is unreasonable to assert that Britain is vastly superior to the US–and it is also so traditionally British.

  26. Hey, I thought Brits were the kings of sarcastic humor. Did they lose their crown when Benny Hill died? Or was it when Monty Python’s Flying Circus went off the air?
    Oh well, either way they’re still making me laugh with this genius ronin who eats Cheetos.

  27. Re: Michael Moore/John Candy.
    I wasn’t comparing the two. I as theorizing that the people who assume Michael Moore is from Canada are too stupid to tell the difference.
    I know the difference because I have seen John Candy up close when I almost ran into him as I was leaving a restaurant in Newmarket, Ontario.

  28. Frank, you magnificent bastard, you rock. I volunteer to work for your election campaign and to train and lead the super secret elite tank paratrooper commando unit that you will create once you become Emperor.
    (Will there be a secret Emperor Frank salute or gang sign? just curious)
    Oh yeah, the limey. Hey limey, “bugger off”! You looked real tough crying like little girls on the beach at Dunkirk.

  29. Hey Nikoms its one thing to insult the left wing f***ers in my country who thoroughly deserve all they get but don’t you dare insult our troops – they’re the ones who were and still are ON YOUR SIDE you ignorant asshole.
    P.S. Thanks BerkeleyGirl…I kinda figured that one but its always nice to know

  30. Brit_student_dipshite, I did insult the leftists of your kingdom. They are the ones whose policies and practices left those FINE troops in the sorry condition they had to deal with that resulted in the Dunkirk extract. It WAS the leftists that were the target, not the great chaps of SAS, 42 Commando, every Tommy who ever held an Enfield and certainly not the Royal Marines. Finish studying whatever “History of Cheese” subject you’re working on and think before you relax your sphinctor/pie-hole.

  31. Hi Amphi.
    Frnak Im jealous. You get all to good haters and me a good hardcore, cold hearted, rightwing, conservative gun nut.(Im single girls… just puttinit out there).
    I got a gratuitous hate mail, which I appreciate, but it
    s not the same as an “I hate your guts, I wish you were dead, you`re an idiot you facist nazi” kinda hate mail.
    Do I have to conquor a muslim country like Phrance to get some attention from the loonies?

  32. First of all, that retard needs to becareful about talking shit about Texas, we got lots of rope in Texas, and Iam sure he got a lot of neck.
    Second, need I remind him that the poor people in the USA make more per year than the upper class of most other countries. Poverty is relative to where you live.

  33. Well if that was your point Nikoms then I concur…it just wasn’t the impression I got from reading your post – you seemed to be referring to the troops themselves and not the politicians etc who put them in that situation – especially seeing as it was the troops who were on the beach at Dunkirk…and so would be the only ones “crying like little girls on the beach at Dunkirk” (there weren’t any left wingers with them last time I checked). Try making your points a little easier to comprende next time…for gawds sake we’re supposed to be on the same side here!

  34. Hey, Frank,
    I realize everyone is being funny here, and this may sound stiff, but…
    I find it really funny when I think about Britian’s birthrate, coupled with the current state of their economy, coupled with the trends in international commerce, and most importantly, coupled with all the massive entitilements coming due in one or two decades, coupled with some limey claiming the highground – as if they have it all figured out. Tick, tock, tick, the inevitable is comin’ on down the line, limey…
    He who laughs last…
    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. The following will be written in the accent that has become so endearing to our supportive European friends:
    Did Ah menshun that hour fahn EE-yer-o-pee-ahn frehnds, Jer-mahn-ee and Fran-s, have the sahme ish-yews in regahds to entaht-ill-mehnts?
    HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR – hic! – HAR HAR HA!!!!!!!!!

  36. Hmmm perhaps we could introduce some new terminology here – A person from the UK who is arrogant, left wing, thinks that the NHS is the best thing since sliced bread etc is a “Limey”, whilst someone who is right wing, loves America, and would even consider swimming the Atlantic to get over there (such as myself…esp to see you BerkeleyGirl ;-)) is a “Brit”.
    Just my $0.02 🙂

  37. I could live with that, but be warned that if your “brit” ass comes swimming up the gulf to Texas, seeking freedom for europe, Iam gonna shoot you anyway, just to be sure a “limey” dosent try to sneak in and get to the Great, GOD BLESSED, FREE GUNS FOR ALL(well not free), USofA.

  38. Hey, I’m a Hoosier too! Born in Kentucky coal-mining country-though, and eight generations there make me claim it. Funny thing about America. My great-grandfather went from shoveling it to owning the mine and the good fork of the family hasn’t fallen short of a college education yet. The rich get richer in America, my friend, but the poor get richer as well. You take away the ‘pitiful’ fact they’re drinking Sam’s Choice and live in a two-bedroom home and you can see they’re drinking what would be a luxury in some countries and exist between a roof, four walls, a carpeted floor and have indoor heating and running water. Anyone with what it takes to live in relative comfort can’t be called poor by my definition. Most of these “poor” people have more living space than my 10×6 half of the doorm room and eat food thicker than Ramen. Lucky, poor ronin.

  39. But c’mon now Texan, you go shooting every potential limey swimming around and you’re just feeding all the liberal’s paranoia! so how ’bout you focus more on the immediate threat to the gulf (you know, all those guys “migrating north”) and be a bit more tolerant of the Brits… (just keep in mind, the Brits did help in the war, while the Mexicans chose to just taunt us at a damn soccer game)… but maybe that’s just me and my crazy commie-tainted ideas- stupid Berkeley!! 😛

  40. I want to know when Frank’s going to start selling IMAO STUPIUD BASTRAD t-shirts.
    BerkeleyGirl, we should hang the stupid ‘limeys’ on gallows along the border – that should ‘encourage’ the potential border-crossers. And what’s wrong with feeding liberal paranoia? It produces some of the most amazing results.

  41. Hey Texan and all you other guys (n girls), how ’bout I organise a Liberal huntin trip in UK/Europe in return for US Citizenship? There’s always plenty of variety, whatever the season 🙂

  42. All right Brit_Student, but how do you recognize a liberal. I mean, poultry has feathers, and most game have hairs. But how do you recognize a liberal ?
    With the lemon slice on the edge ?
    It seems that Frank should be running tough, because Limey ripey slough, the ape is in the forest, and Frank only is a chimpanzee.

  43. Amphy, vos poteaux de premiers soutiennent et mÍme en votre langue maternelle que vous ne semblez aucun raisonnable!
    But anyways… I say we show a little more kindness towards the British (limey or otherwise) until they give us reason not to… like certain hate-mailers… and just be sure to keep the safety off, just in case

  44. Quote: (some asshole, can’t remember who:)
    Hey, Frank,
    I realize everyone is being funny here, and this may sound stiff, but…
    I find it really funny when I think about Britian’s birthrate, coupled with the current state of their economy, coupled with the trends in international commerce, and most importantly, coupled with all the massive entitilements coming due in one or two decades, coupled with some limey claiming the highground – as if they have it all figured out. Tick, tock, tick, the inevitable is comin’ on down the line, limey…
    He who laughs last…
    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aren’t you ashamed that this person has access to a computer?

  45. I’d love to sign on for the European liberal hunting expedition. We don’t have to find them, we can use our liberal calls:
    “Free the Whales” “Corporations are Evil” “No More Nukes” “Death to America” They’ll come out of cover waving posters, then you just bag ’em.
    Is there a daily bag limit, a possession limit, do you need a license, etc. We’ll need this info before we pack our 30-06’s.

  46. LIMEY lies about healthcare. Not one in the USA is denied healthcare. Walk into any hospital ER. They are not allowed to turn anyone away by law!
    Sure beats the rationed care that Europe has. An online friend in the UK of mine had to wait 9 weeks just to get a cracked tooth fixed. He couldn’t even get an asprin from them. Here you can get work done the same day if need be.

  47. Ok some points taken, however if your have a huntin’ trip remember, always bring full auto, best if belt fed. On the point of finding liberal, that has to do with were you are. In the uk, the best bet I think would be to put out a sign with “FAST, QUALITY, HEALTH, RICH AND AMERICANS ONLY” and when they come to protest, bang, pop out from behind the sign and rip into them. However, finding a liberal in the US can be difficult, they hide in place like congress and other gov’t buildings. They do this because once Texas decided to stop being its own country and better the USA with our presence, we sent huntin’ parties all over the USA and they, despite all logic, learned something. Thus today we must use all our skill and whit. We must do things like, start wars to draw them into protest, where we can promptly kill the commie, pinko, yellow belly, long hair, sign waving, haven’t had a bath since birth, hippies. Another way it to have a President that hasen’t had his ball chewed off. Then when the retards come to the captail, we tell the postal workers that they did it, whatever it is that made the postal worker go postal, which shouldn’t be hard.

  48. Berkeley_girl, I don’t carry any gun, so the safety is always on.
    I don’t know what you meant to say in French, but what I understand is that my “pillars are not reasonable”.
    Did I ever meant to be reasonable ? First of all, I am practical. I have a goal, I go to my goal as Chomps would.
    J.R., you are right, but the problem is that in France the liberals and the democrats are the only political parties that are not leftists and play against Chirac and Le Pen.
    Liberals are the advocates, doctors, any kind of professions that are corporated. And democrats are those who represent the high society, but are against a system that deny the equality among the people. It is a party that is the last minority of the right that resisted the political tensions after September 11th.
    After September 11th, the French have voted against the leftist, believed to be responsible of Islam in France. There were last two groups that opposed: Chirac and Le Pen. To be able to win, Chirac has created a new political party, the UMP, that reunited most the UDF (democrats) and the RPR (Republican party of Chirac). But Chirac is nothing of a kind of American Republican, he is someone that use the right electorate to raise his own power, and the one in France who took all benefices of the crash on the World Trade Center is Chirac. He has created a political party which cannot really opposed, but Chirac is a Nazi, having an ideology that is close to the worst kind of people on hearth, such the French aristocracy underground and the Russia underground of the aristocracy, that are both against the American democracy-capitalist-Jew- etc…
    Why are there conflicts in the Middle East ? Because Chirac make them to raise his electorate. This is a dark story, but it is so real.
    My conclusion is kill the liberals, but first kill those who have joined Chirac after September 11th.
    Personally, I have taken a UDF card, French Democratic Union, because I am a rightist, I believe in the value of education, history, culture, religion, roots, etc… but I believe in the value of the equality among the people: the democracy that gives a chance egal to everyone.
    Chirac uses the Republican system as a tool for the French monarchy, because among the Aristocrats who survived after the French revolution are those who killed the king of France and tried to restore the monarchy with their own branch of the family under a republican concept. The only opposition that exists against that is the democracy. And really, the democrats in France are probably the last friends of American, which means about 3% of the population among who some of them already think about to ask the political asylum to leave France.
    France is not any more the land of the Human Rights.
    But you know 3% of the population is more than the number of the resistants during world war II. Anyway, I am among those who believe that the only chance to survive is to leave France definitively.

  49. Why doesn’t your right-wing small-minded brain broaden its mind

    At least Frank J. has one to broaden. Plus he lives in a country that has a lower violent crime rate than one that believes in forcibly disarming its subjects and leaving them effectively defenseless (excuse me, defenCeless) against every mugger, rapist, hooligan, or murderer who wants to attack the sheep. If I lived in the latter I’d be frustrated and full of self-loathing and hatred too.
    God Bless America!

  50. Something that no one ever seems too think about when they mention that poverty line is this:
    What exactly are the requirements for being classified as “poverty stricken” in the U.S.?
    Take a look at the criterion for some of these studies, I think you’ll find a lot of us are not so far from being in “poverty” ourselves. Silly ronin genius.

  51. Wow. 1/8 of America is poor. That just means they don’t make as much as the other 7/8ths. I don’t see people starving to death though, I see lots of mostly functional cars in the low income housing project I drive by every day… and the people I see living on the street are generally so mentally ill or otherwise gone that they are incapable of helping themselves; hence, they will never get our of straits they are in. It’s all well and good to say you want to lift people out of poverty, but it can’t be done. Becaus we’re always going to have a bottom 1/8 of the population!! Stupid limey bastard.

  52. Better hate mail than mine

    Frank J. gets more hate mail than me, and his hate mail is crazier than the stuff I get anyway. If you haven’t been following IMAO lately, you should check out the string of episodes involving a limey! Episode I…

  53. This site takes a lot of beating. I just occasionally look at crap sites like this for a laugh when I am bored. After all, I am British and therefore have a good sense of humour, We did invent it. With arsehole presidents like Bush you don’t really need to look any further for a good laugh. Renee (above) could do with a few spelling lessons,. but not from Bush preferably. America is a bankrupt country living a lie.. Thank God for Europe. For all its faults we can change it and let America sink into oblivion. Macdonalds should help see to that.

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