The Limey – Episode VI: Bloody Fascism

Tony Pentin as The Limey
Frank J. as American Frank
Created by Stupiud Bastrad Productions
Broadcast by the BBC
Logo by Tom Bux of The Nap Room
Previous Episodes:
Episode I: The Limey
Episode II: Return of The Limey
Episode III: The Red Letter
Episode IV: Jokes and Murder
Episode V: The Lime Turns Sour

In order to meet broadcast standards and make this appropriate for The Children™, all profanity has been dubbed over. All swear words that are a noun have been replaced with “ronin”. S**thole has been replaced with “superior”. Rage Against the Machine lyrics have been added to to make them happier.
Now The Limey has seen blood, nearly two hundred innocent people murdered, and he wets his pants with glee. Even he undestands American’s concerns for all people of the world, and knows that American Frank will not be able to brush off the jibing with simple humor. Thus, he writes his new e-mail, backround in red… the color of blood.

Hello, redneck. ETA have struck again!
But you must understand that I don’t condone the killing of innocent people(although I’m sure some of them weren’t innocent. I bet there was a few greedy lawyers murdered in Madrid, which is a good thing. And a few George Bush sumpathisers.) but I support what ETA stands for. I don’t support the killing of innocent people by the IRA but I support the fact that they are on the Left. All the IRA want is a united socialist Ireland instead of Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. You should remember that Franco (he was the fascist leader of Spain for over thrity years) oppressed the Left in the Spanish Civil War from 1936-1939 and when he won the war and established a dictatorship he obviously pissed the Left off. So ETA was formed to fight the right-wing maniacs and they’ve done it ever since. It’s not as simple as ETA have bombed Madrid so they’re in the wrong. Listen, ronin this dispute between ETA and the Right-wing maniacs goes back about se! venty years! You should get hold of a few history books before writing your response to this! Then you should go and see a doctor – I know it will cost money in that superior country of yours with national health being privatised but I seriously recommend it. You are completely mad!
Here’s some Rage Against the Machine lyrics from the 1999 hit “Guerrilla Radio”.
At the end of the song they make refrence to a left-wing revolution – the need for a left-wing revolution. It goes like this…
It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now
All hell can’t stop us now (la la la la)
All hell can’t stop us now (la la la la)
All hell can’t stop us now (la la la la)
All hell can’t stop us now (la la la la)
All hell can’t stop us now (la la la la)
All hell can’t stop us now (doobie doobie doo)
PS: I know I said I wouldn’t respond but I had to. You are clearly pissed off with the capitalist system receiving a good beating in Madrid! Ha! Ha!
It’s good to see I have left-wing support on your website. I’m sure you’ve seen the likes of XTREME ONE, Carl, Johnny Depp and the Spanish Militant posting messages and kicking right-wing arses in the process. They are part of the Left-wing coalition.

Will the simple backwoodsman, American Frank, horrified by the death and destruction in Madrid, give into hatred and respond with the anger The Limey and his imaginary friends so desire? Stay tuned…
Now the ignorant redneck American Frank slowly types out his e-mail, moving his lips as he writes the words to his response:

Hey Limey! I was so worried you weren’t going to write me back! How was your day? Has the left-wing revolution finished up yet? Here in America, I gave blood today to keep my fellow fascists alive. I have O- blood, so it will go to baby fascists… like some of which your friends killed, limey I guess if your a dedicated anti-fascist, it doesn’t matter the age of the person; if he or she doesn’t share your views, that person must be blown up. But why did they time the attacks to ensure that Aznar wins the election?
So are you celebrating that lots of innocent people are killed, limey? You seem to be waffling back and forth there a bit like John Kerry (who you said before was a fascist). Frankly the whole thing confuses me. I would have thought that people who indiscriminately kill others for the sake of their wacky viewpoints would be fascist, but you say they’re the fascist fighters. I guess that’s one of these neat things I learn from my limey friend. Maybe you could see if one of your Rage Against the Machine albums has a glossary so you could tell me what “fascism” means. I’m really curious, limey!
If only I could be a dedicated anti-fascist like you, limey, and celebrate lots of men, women, and children getting killed. That makes me sad… which I guess is part of my fascist tendencies.
Then again, maybe your wrong, limey. Maybe you’re the fascist. You celebrate things that makes people sad, and that has to be wrong. I think you’ve gone way too limey.
I know! You need a de-lime-ification! Here are the steps:
* Take a lime and stomp it to pieces.
* Enjoy a government certified American blockbuster movie like Die Hard.
* Admit that XTREME ONE, Carl, Johnny Depp and the Spanish Militant are all made up and that you have no friends (come on, they all posts within seconds of each other, have the same IP address – – and it’s just too hard to buy that anyone else shares your limey views).
* Admit that Fascist McFascist does exist and is the founding member of Rage Against the Machine who make lots of money through the capitalistic selling of their albums, laugh at all the silly kids who take them seriously, and have whole fields of apricot trees they keep to themselves.
* Drink a Corona with a wedge of lemon in it instead of lime.
* Stand atop a mountain while a storm rages about you and shout into the air, “I AM A LIMEY NO MORE!!!”
Do all that, and you won’t be a limey anymore. If you continue on your path, though, I have a warning. There was once a whole empire called the Soviet Union based on your limey ways, and it ended up collapsing from the inside (with the help of an American B-Movie actor). I don’t see how a ragtag group with no support will do any better.
You can rage against the machine all you want, yelling and shrieking and it won’t care, but if you step over the line and do harm, there is no power greater than the rage of the machine. As Aristotle once said, “All rage and all political discontent if pressed too far will find a quick end from the burst of an M-16.”
We’re all praying for you, limey. Hope your de-lime-ification goes well.
Your Friend,
American Frank
P.S. On behalf of those dead, their loved ones, and all of Spain…

Will the limey de-lime-ify himself? Will he be able to define fascism as something other than “viewpoints I disagree with”? Find out in the next episode of…

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  1. And admitting that Johnny Depp is on the same side as you is a positive thing how exactly?
    And I sent the limey and email – in accordance with your orders Frank – but I was not fortunate enough to rate a reply. Oh well, at least I tried.

  2. Seriously, his response is so typical of the left: first the crocodile tears – “I don’t condone the killing of innocent people” which is only there as a red herring and then the real emotion:
    “You are clearly pissed off with the capitalist system receiving a good beating in Madrid! Ha! Ha!”
    Can’t wait for all of his “supporters” to start flooding the area with their original individual comments.

  3. Limey,
    I’ll be arriving in Ol’ Blighty next Saturday and will be there for 2 weeks. Why don’t we meet up sometime for a pint of Marston’s Pedigree and a ‘discussion’ on the Left and the Right(eous).
    Hope you have some free time in your busy Fat-Norhern-Bastard, mushy-pea, disco-juice, on-the-dole schedule!
    BTW: Isn’t Grimsby the ‘real’ name of Royston Vassey?

  4. Hey El Jefe if you’re in London at all, give me a holler – always pleased to buy one of our cousins from across the pond a pie and a pint (or similar food and beverage to suit your tastes) 😉

  5. Wow. Quite a reply from the limey. He’s so far to the Left that Castro thinks he is crazy.
    I think it’s time to take of the gloves, Frank. Stop capitalizing his name!!
    El Jefe: I can’t join you in corpus, but will be there in spirit. I highly doubt you will catch up to the limey. After all, there are just too many places for pond scum to hide.

  6. Not good thing for me to read before my morning coffee… All I can think about is bludgeoning this guy to a bloody pulp with my arm cast and pissing on his mangled face.
    mmmmmmmmmmm… coffee……

  7. Typical vile leftist. I remember similar comments at another website after 9-11…mocking the firefighters and victims. The poster was lucky that he was beyond arm’s reach. Reflexively, I would have stuck him, and yes, it would have hurt. And no, that walking bag of filth would not have been worth a criminal record (although darkened alleys don’t count…).
    That being said, rhetorically speaking, I hope Frank clubs his sorry pink ass like a baby seal.

  8. One thing puzzles me about this email (well, a lot of things, but one in particular that nobody’s mentioned yet) … how, exactly, did ETA get to be the savior of the left?
    What we have here is an ultranationalist group of reactionaries, unwilling to compromise, completely resistant to living in peace in a multiethnic, loveydovey kumbaya setup (i.e. Spain’s ultra-conciliatory autonomy deals with the Basque provinces, Catalonia, et al.). This sounds exactly like what The Left is always accusing The Right of being.
    On the same tack (and I welcome being corrected if need be) I was not aware that IRA’s main goal was socialist revolution. My understanding of the IRA has been that they had only two main goals, which were:
    1. Kill the English, and/or English-sympathizers.
    2. Unify Ireland — under the ROI, most likely.
    How is this a “left-wing” agenda? I mean, other than the fact that it completely poisons debate and makes real solutions harder? And how is the illegal stockpiling of firearms smuggled in from that notorious arms dealer to the stars, Uncle “The Great Satan” Sam, a leftist pursuit?
    I increasingly wonder if Limey really is this stupid. Could it be, oh great Frank J., that His Liminess is playing you even as you play him?

  9. So i read this great passage in Isaiah that said that in the last days “the language of the eastern sea will not be heard upon the face of the earth”. The language of the eastern sea being arabic. i don’t want the extinction of the arab people, but don’t you guys think that at least a few extremeist morons are helping that to happen?
    i beleive that we are supposed to help the world be a better place. the scary part for me is that i know we have to go after these bastards with a vengance to keep them from having the sway that they want and forming the hatefull freedomless society that they would impose on the world.
    but i also know that it will be only escalatory and more terrorists are created by just action against them…i feel kinda helpless like the only thing i can do is make sure my gun is loaded…so that when the fight comes home like it did on 911 and in spain on 311 i will have power to defend myself, my family, and my fellow americans.
    If this is the situation they want to propagate, as much as i hate it…i will pull the trigger. killing personally or from a distance by my support of the troops and my president…even killing a large amount of people is in my mind the second worst thing i could ever have to do. but i will do it before i will let the worst thing happen. sorry if i got a little crazy there. i just found out that my wife is pregnant, and that kinda makes you consider things a little more seriously.

  10. Looks like Limey’s jumped the gun, too. That’s not ETA’s style, and it appears that it’s not their work, either. Looks like an al-Qaeda sumpathizer. (I like that word. I think it has something to do with sucking up sewage-water. Appropriate, donchathink?)

  11. “So ETA was formed to fight the right-wing maniacs”
    Errrrr. Maybe I am just a stoopid ‘Merican, but I thought the ETA was formed to liberate the Basque region of Spain and give the ethnic Basque their own country. I am not sure that they care what the flava (King Carlos keeps it real, yo.)Spanish gov’t is.

  12. I suspect that the Limey and Johnny Depp, Carl, XTREME ONE, and Spanish Militant are one and the same. Using the IP you have in a canny way should reveal that.
    He’s also very stupid in suggesting that Frank grab history book before responding when he is as uninformed as he is. The formation of the ETA had nothing to do directly with the Spanish civil war and it’s outcome, and they certainly do not exist to fight the Franco legacy ‘right wing’ government. That government fell some time ago and Spain has a representative parlimentary system. ETA is a Basque separatist movement, no more, no less.
    I would not respond with any particular rancor by email. That’s what he wants and expects and if Frank doesn’t do so, he’ll react with his alter egos in comment threads are they are particularly distracting and boring. Sparring electronically with a coward like this is a zero sum game. He has stepped over the line several times with enough indications to give at least some pause to cognizant authorities. I would support the suggestion that this guy’s emails be handed off to those authorities rather than responded to any longer.

  13. Wait,

    Looks like Limey’s jumped the gun, too. That’s not ETA’s style, and it appears that it’s not their work, either.

    It really doesn’t make any difference to the Limey who committed the attack – as long as innocent people are killed, he’ll be happy. He’ll dress up his glee in some anarcho-leftist political trappings, but pay no attention to that. He’s a voyeur, getting his jollies watching terrorists and other totalitarians in action. From his writing it’s obvious that he’s an ineffectual incompetent, dependent on others for his livelihood and opinions. He’s a pathetic individual, trying to make himself bigger by tearing down his moral and intellectual betters. That’s why Frank’s toying with him is so amusing.

  14. I wholeheartedly support giving his IP to InterPol just to give him some trouble. What has happened is a tragedy, and he has said enough to implicate him as someone ‘in the know.’ So, Frank, I say let the consequences rain down upon him like glorious clusterbombed hellfire.

  15. As we wait for Frnak’s masterful reply, I’ll content myself with visions of The Raging Limey wetting himself visibly after that first phone call from the British police. (They still don’t have a Bill of Rights there, do they?)
    One thing puzzles me – how do you run AES on a Babbage machine hand-whittled out of sycamore?

  16. Just a single quote for the Limey to pass along to his terrorist buttbuddies:

    “Cry ‘havoc!’ and let loose the dogs of war,
    That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
    With carrion men, groaning for burial.

    William Shakespeare
    Antony, in Julius Caesar, act 3, sc. 1

  17. I’d like to kill him. I’m glad England/Britain/that damn island has banned guns. There’d be nothing more satisfying than strangling him with my bare hands … and watching the blood vessels burst in his eyes before he dies 🙂

  18. The Limey has stopped being funny.
    He’s a reactionary leftist sympathizer to mass murderers, a moral and intellectual midget, the heir to the usefull idiots who defended thugs like Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot.
    Frank, he’s stepped over the line with this.

  19. I agree with MP, he’s not even “laughing at him” funny anymore. Ignore him from now on, scum like the limey should be treated like nuclear waste: sealed in a drum and burried deep, deep underground.

  20. Yeah. he was fun for a while but i think i am a little to pissed at him to laugh at him any more. A good episode of chomps would make my day though. lets all be pissed and have angry time. it’s needed and warranted! but as for funny…the limey just ain’t got it. he’s just a moronic son of a bitch that we should introduce to chomps. maybe in an “in my world” chomps could castrate him while rumsfeld strangles him.

  21. MP, you have been sucked in to the great limey illusion. He has got exactly the reaction he desired.
    However, as long as assgaskets like limey are around, I’ll be a proud member of the EVIL CAPITALIST ESTABLISHMENT, as he so bestowed upon us.
    No wonder none of these morons has FREEDOM…they aren’t worthy of it. Hey limey, I’ll bet your ancestors are some the weeners that OUR ancestors shipped back with their tails not merely tucked, but quite literally forceably shoved so far up their poop-chute, it waved at them when they brushed their teeth…

  22. I just hope that his IP is static, as it would then be much easier to add unique ‘features’ to his precious computer.
    Also, I just did the math, and holy crap… it HAS been 911 days since 911. Interesting observation.

  23. Incidentally, I don’t believe this kid is in any way “in the know” about any of this. I think he’s just a punk-ass troll who just happened to get lucky in the timing of his spouting of nonsense. However, the thought of a police search of his miserable straw hut does put a smile on my face….

  24. but if he took the oath..does that make limey a lawyer? (say yes, this go a lot smoother) and if he is then a lawyer, by HIS OWN LOGIC (okay, thats a stretch, but stay with me)we should be completely justified in the use of C-4 in “liberal” quantities..

  25. Tell this “Ronin” that the IRA was/is leading the fight for an Irish Republic not for the abolishment of the Irish Republic.
    IRA = Irish Republican Army
    I know we are all having fun with this but I think it is time to lower the hammer on this little twit. Make him understand that he is retarded and that the murderers he is endorsing are vile disgusting sub-human creatures who will be hunted down and crushed.
    Sorry I am a tad pissed at the whole incident and to see him making jokes just angers me even more.

  26. Dear limey
    You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable.
    You are grimy squalid, nasty and profane.
    You are foul and disgusting.
    You’re a fool, an ignoramus.
    Monkeys look down the evolutionary chain at you.
    Even sheep won’t have sex with you.
    You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot.
    You are a waste of flesh.
    You have no rhythm.
    You are ridiculous and obnoxious.
    You are the moral equivalent of a leech.
    You are a living emptiness, a meaningless void.
    You are sour and senile.
    You are a disease, you puerile one-handed slack-jawed drooling meat slapper.
    On a good day you are a half-wit.
    You remind me of drool.
    You are deficient in all that lends character.
    You have the personality of wall paper.
    You are dank and filthy.
    You are asinine and benighted.
    You are the source of all unpleasantness.
    You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go.
    You smarmy lagerlout git.
    You bloody woofter sod.
    Bugger off pillock.
    You grotty wanking oik.
    You artless base-court apple-john.
    You clouted boggish foot-licking twit.
    You churlish boil-brained clotpole ponce.
    You gormless crook-pated tosser.
    You craven dewberry pisshead cockup patting naff.
    You gob kissing gleeking flap-mouthed coxcomb.
    You dread-bolted fobbing beef-witted clapper-clawed flirt-gill.
    You are a fiend and a coward, and you have bad breath.
    You are degenerate, noxious and depraved.
    I feel debased just for knowing you exist.
    I despise everything about you, and wish you would go away.

  27. I keep wondering: Even if The Limey isn’t getting fed the vitriolic, hate-filled responses from Frank that he so desperately longs for, aren’t we feeding him, nonetheless, with all this attention paid to him? I’m just bored with this worm.

  28. That’s the first good laugh I’ve had all day, oseaghdha! I have NO idea what a “gob kissing gleeking flap-mouthed coxcomb” is, but I’m pretty sure it ain’t a good thing. Most excellent fisk. I had come up with something too, but I like yours much better. Cheers!

  29. This business in Madrid is just awful and can’t be allowed to go on.
    I just hope that the undecided voters in the USA can get their heads out of the sand long enough to see that: 1) the war against terrorism is NOT over, 2) terrorists don’t require WMDs to do their evil, 3) we need a president who’s not afraid to Shock and Awe, and 4) John F’n Kerry just aint up to it!
    As for the limey, he’s just a punk — he’ll die of natural selection before he’s 25. But in the meantime, we’ll continue laughing at him (thanks Frank), and his mates will continue buggering him while he’s passed out after the futbawl match.

  30. Now Oseaghda why don’t you really tell us how you feel.

    Rocky you absoulty right, WMD is a mute point it doesn’t matter what they use. It still kills people.

    Frank, I think it’s time to ban the asshat he starting to piss off the locals. Rage againts my puberty is one thing, but they guy supports terrorism. You can all ways forward him to the or the police in Madrid.

  31. Same IP eh? So not only a bloodthirsty pinko scumbag, but stupid, or possibly a multiple personality disorder sufferer. He should learn how to post behind a proxy – but he’s a Limey and too stupid to learn technical things. He’s too busy sitting around a pot of coal trying to keep from freezing his ass off. Which is hard when your circulation has been impaired by Russkie heroin and pissy lager.
    I don’t bother posting from a proxy because, hello, I am proud of every single word I post. I love Frank and I love the U.S. of A. I am beside myself with joy after discovering this site (you know, Limey: JOY, that emotion a lot of poor Spaniards were probably feeling just before their lives were cut short by scum who should be flayed alive). I feel joy too knowing that the war against pinko filth like ETA and their friend Limey WILL be won, and it will be won by attrition if necessary, because when all’s said and done there are far more good people than bad. Good will prevail against evil, with faith, persistence, and lots of bullets and high explosives. That’s the only upside of suicide bombing: one more scumbag guaranteed dead.
    Have a good weekend, all here except Limey of course. For you there are no good weekends, or good anythings, are there? You worthless, twisted swine.

  32. BTW, I just want to retract what must seem a blanket condemnation of all citizens of the UK. But it DOES seem to be a hotbed of America-bashing, just like my own chronically whiny country. Apologies to all who find the Limey as revolting and embarrassing as I do!

  33. Jesu Christo, he still thinks the ETA is a Spanish left wing group. They don’t even speak literate Spanish, Basque is the most freaked out language ever. In response to his email, i have emptied three clips from my micro-uzi into a cardboard cut-out I call “A certain limey with bad teeth and no brain”

  34. It does indeed seem that AL-Qaeda had to do with the bomb… I suppose the Limey will be even happier about that… I can just see him supporting those degenerate murderers because they hate the west. SOmebody needs to force this dude to live in a place where real fascism exists…

  35. Geez, I keep seeing more to comment on: “the left-wing coalition”. That’s like saying “the Islamic fundamentalist coalition”. The Left couldn’t ORGANIZE a piss-up in a brewery, to quote our Enlgish friends.

  36. A coworker of mine just pointed out that since the Islamofascists use a different calendar, they might not use the same leap day as our calendar uses. If this is true, then it, in their minds, will have been 911 days since 9-11. But I know next to nothing about their calendar… perhaps someone else does?

  37. 911 or 912.
    One thing. It is said in the papers that in the Muslim letter, it was told that 90% of an attack against the US was planed. Could it be 90% of 911. If so, then it means that the ten last % are 101 days, which from March 11, brings to June 21.
    How could we prevent this ?
    How could we prevent any other attack ? Anyone else has an idea ?

  38. Considering the time difference, it may well have been 911 days for the US, 912 for Spain. Either way it’s a bit eerie. I wish Bush would offer formal condolences to the Spaniards. I really hope the new US operation Mountain Storm brings Bin Laden in. I’m fiesty but frustrated.

  39. It’s easy to catch Bin Laden. Take every body in Afghanistan, ask them to pee in a bottle and the one who does want to pee is Bin Laden.
    Or make fake general elections in Afghan, just to entertain the Talibans, and the stats will come out themselves.
    I mean just as in the forest, to hunt the rabbit, you need to make some noise. The bombs and the army only bring him to the den. Let’s make him come and run out.

  40. About the 911 days, it cannot be a hazard that it comes out the day of the Civil Code bicentenary. If we did not know about why September 11, then the reason why might be March 11, so there might have be a larger planning, accordingly to a certain kind of belief, or prophecy, or something that was already planned and on which they found easy to schedule the dates.

  41. In fact, the declaration of French President Chirac was a false declaration. He celebrated March 11, 2004, yesterday, the day of the bombing of Madrid, the bicentenary of the French Civil Code, but the promulgation is on March 21, 1804 so it was a false anniversary to celebrate it on March 11, 2004. The declaration should have been made on March 21, 2004 so maybe, Chirac made a declaration yesterday for the date to coincide with 911 days from September 11, 2001. In which case, it would be an other proof of his responsibility or at least involvement in both the terrorists attacks.
    Maybe you should alert the FBI about this. They would probably believe an American better than a French about those kinds of coincidences that cannot be hazardous. I don’t believe in hazards.

  42. And September 11, is the Saint Adelphe. This day:
    “Le 11 septembre 1789, réunie pour délibérer sur le droit de veto accordé au roi Louis XVI, l’Assemblée constituante se répartit spontanément de part et d’autre du président. A gauche, les opposants au veto, à droite les partisans du roi. De ce jour date la division politique dans toutes les démocraties parlementaires entre une droite (réputée conservatrice) et une gauche (réputée révolutionnaire ou réformiste).”

  43. I’m an idiot– I don’t mean to keep bringing this up, but the question of the existence of a leap day in the Islamofreaks’ calendar is really irrelevant. The earth had still spun around 912 times between 9-11 and 3-11, regardless of calendar conventions.
    (And yet they still let me play with 40 foot long guns and x-ray generators and such–. wow)

  44. And after September 11, 2001, and the arrival of the Euro on the market, French President Chirac was re-elected with 82% of the votes both from the left and the right.
    April 21,2002:
    Jacques Chirac: 19,83%
    Jean-Marie Le Pen: 16,91%
    Lionel Jospin: 16,14%
    François Bayrou: 6,84%
    Arlette Laguiller: 5,73%
    Jean-Pierre ChevËnement: 5,33%
    NoÎl MamËre: 5,24%
    Olivier Besancenot: 4,26%
    Jean Saint-Josse: 4,25%
    Alain Madelin: 3,89%
    Robert Hue: 3,38%
    Bruno Mégret: 2,35%
    Christiane Taubira: 2,32%
    Corinne Lepage: 1,88%
    Christine Boutin: 1,88%
    Daniel Gluckstein: 0,47%
    May 5 , 2002
    Jacques Chirac: 82,16%
    Jean-Marie Le Pen: 17,84%
    I recommend you to read:
    Chirac: Lesser of two evils? on CNN.

  45. Frank:
    To be honest, don’t you think the Limey sounds like he/she is about 16 years old. Not that there aren’t 16 year old humans that can make sense, but a lot of his stuff just sounds stupid and silly. Why don’t you blow this guy off and let’s go on to better things. Like, for instance, an entire article on what Kerry is saying when he doesn’t know the microphone is still turned on. The haughty Freenchman has been caught weeth his pants down, so to speak.
    Amphi: I understand you pretty good, too. Thanks for the kind words for our country. We don’t always get it exactly right, but by God, we are trying.I join you in asking for God’s blessings on Spain. They stood with us all the way in Iraq. Aznar is a stand-up guy.

  46. Oseaghdha, you are a noble bard.
    Killed anyone with that invective yet? I hear that youall could do that, in the old days….before asshats like the Limey ruined the old neighborhood!

  47. CHRIST, Limey! Even the punk rock Anti-Flag kids in my school who thought that what happened in Madrid was horrible. You truely are an insensitive prick and by far the largest sack of ignorance I’ve ever seen. The fact that you’re seriously arguing with anyone on the internet for this long has gotten me thinking that all your friends have abandoned you, seeing as you’re a hate-filled bitter teenager who just can’t understand that NOT EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE IS GOING TO AGREE WITH YOU ON EVERYTHING.
    Do yourself a favor. Open the shades in the room you’re currently in. See that really bright ball through the window that hurts your eyes when you look at it? It’s called the sun, and if I were you, I’d shut the blinds before it starts to burn your skin off (Oh wait, you’re in England! The sun only shines about four times a year over there, seeing as it rains over there year round almost as much as it does in India during the Monsoon.) You know Limey, half of my friends are leftist rockers into the whole rebellion thing, I’m a conservative, and yet I hardly ever get into any serious arguments with them. You know what that’s called? It’s called TOLERANCE, something that you completely and utterly lack. You’re just like one of the Red Guards parading blindly behind Chairman Mao (present-day equivalent: Michael Moore), while you go off and advocate murder just because a group that you have sympathies with did it.
    Honestly, the Limey has to be a f***ing hermit to keep at it for this long.

  48. I know! If he is jonesing for limes during his withdrawal, he can use Key Limes! From the US of A!
    Good old American Fascist Limes! Best limes ever.
    Dual purpose.
    Where do wankers get limes from anyway? Probably via Spain.

  49. Those wacky loonies!

    Michele from A Small Victory on modern leftists: They don’t care about the world anymore. They only care about their one, single agenda: hating and ridding the world of George W. Bush. These people aren’t really for John Kerry. They…

  50. A suggestion:
    As a loyal backwoodsman with proper redneck moral sensitivities, I thank you for redacting all that limey profanity. Unfortunately, I sometimes fail to notice it, and miss out on a good chuckle, because it bears no inline distinction. Why not overdub the limey’s profanity in red, or possibly yellow letters? Whatever color suits a limey best.

  51. wow this guy is really a bastard… i really would like to murder him, backback bomb his ass. ot maybe thats to quick ill go rumsfeld style and feel his heart stop beating as my hands crush his windpipe… wow so many fun ideas and only one limey… too bad but in all seriousness, its people like this guy that cause me to be so “Ronined”-up at 17 i mean jeesus what could you expect from a generation that was raised by whiney liberal clinton administion.

  52. Amphy, I join you in your call. God bless all of us who love liberty, who support the fight against the terrorists who kill the innocent, who hate liberty. Spain is hurting right now, and my heart goes out to her.

  53. Hey guys, don’t report the limey to Interpol. The likelihood of this dipstick knowing anything of consequence is nil.
    I’d hate to think of Interpol or the FBI wasting their time on this twerp when there are real bad guys out there that need to be nailed.

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