You Seem Perturbed…

This picture from AP is just calling for a caption contest:

Seems symbolic of the Democrats and Bush when the Democrat primary was heated with Bush bashing but Bush didn’t respond.
BTW, I once went to a martial arts seminar where I learned to focus my chi to take blows like that. I was able to take a full punch to the stomach and throat just fine, but I wasn’t very good at taking the groin kick. That is not a fun thing to practice when you aren’t doing it well (bounce on your heels… bounce on your heels…)
Anyhoo, caption away in the comments section. Winner gets to gloat how he or she is the winner… and maybe something else if I’m feeling generous.

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  1. The courts desision to go Fung Shei had to start at the top, With Goverener’s personal assistant monks. The monks were known for having their balls in the precisie places, as we can see here, with Justice Vanderbuilt Testing their placement.

  2. “The first annual Council for Religious Dialogue did not get off to a good start today as Cliff, a Southern Baptist preacher, takes exception to comments made by a Buddhist monk on pacifism and non-violence.”

  3. At a recent Defense Treaty Summit, Tibetan Ambassador Xo Gung and colleagues humor US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s request to re-enact the final scene of the 1983 Ralph Macchio vehicle “The Karate Kid.” Mr. Gung later remarked, “I’m just glad we weren’t negotiating on tariffs. By the way, does he know we’re not Japanese?”

  4. Rosie O’Donnell’s new Broadway show, “Monktastic” rehearsals got under way. Seen here is director, Ima Mann, showing his cast the final “kick for love” sequence. This show draws upon Rosie’s life experience, and shows how she views men.

  5. Stolen straight from those annoying Beavis & Butthead DVD commercials on Comedy Central:
    “Does not the fire need water?
    Does not the mountain need the storm too?
    Does not your scrotum need kicking?”

  6. “In a futile effort to control Chinese greenhouse gas; under the terms of the Kuyoto(sp?)treaty, every chinese citizen is to be fitted with his own personal French designed plug.”

  7. I don’t think the monks are Tibetan. If I recall, Tibetan monks wear red robes. The Chinese wear yellow, or orange, or something. Or they could be from Southeast Asia. Ah well, I’ve wasted enough space.

  8. “Secretary of State Colin Powell simultaneously demonstrates his displeasure with and the effectiveness of President Bush’s recent controversial decision to replace his Secret Service bodyguards with Buddhist monks, a decision he came to after watching the Japanese animated television show ‘Saiyuki’.”

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