The IMAO T-Shirt Babe Competition Winner

Well, this came down to the wire. As I said before, the third place winner is only two points behind first place. Thanks once again to the judges:
Doug the T-shirt Guy
Emperor Darth Misha I
Bill Whittle
John Hawkins
Glenn Reynolds
No One of Consequence
Me, Frank J.
The judges each chose their five favorites and ranked them. A contestant received five points for being number one on a judges list, four points for second, three points for third, two points for fourth, and one point for fifth. Each of the judges’ choices will remain secret unless they choose to reveal them (I’m keeping mine secret since there were so many contestants who would have made a great winner and I don’t want to admit I didn’t vote for them). I’m only going to announce the top five, but any other candidate can e-mail if she wants to know her final ranking.
Anyway, onto the winners…
In fifth and fourth place are the two lovely girls from the liberal Mecca of Berkeley who write for the conservative paper the California Patriot (Carissa’s latest; Reva’s latest). Having 13 points and the distinction of being on more judges’ top five lists than any other is Carissa, a.k.a BerkeleyGirl. Beating her for fourth by three points is Reva, a.k.a. BerkeleyChick.
Second runner with 18 points is the beautiful blogress Serenity of Serenity’s Journal. I’ve known her in the blogosphere for a while now, but she never said how cute she is. I feel like I’ve been lied to.
First runner up with 19 points is the fetching and intelligent Willow of The Whomping Willow. As one reader put it, “Hello Nurse!”
And finally, with 20 points, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe is…

SarahK of Mountaineer’s Musings. Beautiful, deadly with a gun, and fellow Alias fan (I’m watching that as I write this), she has been chosen as the contestant who best personifies the values of the IMAO T-Shirt Babe (whatever the hell those are). She will receive all the IMAO t-shirts and one hundred dollars cash plus a hundred dollar shopping spree at
First and second runner-ups will get an IMAO t-shirt of their choice and are encouraged to send in photos modeling the shirts to show the judges what fools they are. I will also send one shirt each to the Berkeley’s girls on the condition they’ll have a photo of them together each wearing them. We had a lot of other great competitors, and I’m going to send them all a little something as thanks for competing. In the end, only one could win, though, and let’s all congratulate SarahK as we sing:

There she is, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe
There she is, your ideal
The dreams of a million girls
Who are more than pretty
May come true if they punch a hippy
Oh she may turn out to be
The queen of femininity
There she is, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe
There she is, your ideal
With so much ammo
She’ll take the town by storm
With her all-American face and form
And there she is
Firing in the air she is
Fairest of the fair she is
The IMAO T-Shirt Babe


  1. (here’s a preview of the shift key that i can buy with the winnings…)
    Wow, I scared the cats again when I shrieked! I can’t believe it! Thank you Frank J and the other 8 judges, I am honored and hope to do you proud as the IMAO T-Shirt Babe! And thanks for the song, I’ll be singing it all week!
    To the other babes, it was fun and such stiff competition! We rock!
    Kingslasher, I’ve only been here since 5:30 refreshing, and thank you!

  2. Congrats Sarah! And to all the Teeshirt Babe contestents….
    Are you single?
    Make your way to Indiana much?
    Where was I? I forget. Oh well.
    Congrats ladies!

  3. Congrats to Sarah. With so many great entries, it would be difficult to settle on one. With that being said, I think the judges did a great job and Sarah is probably the best personification of IMAO.
    I just think it is a shame that Miranda, Megan, Nony Mouse, Reva and Carissa all couldn’t be in the top 5. But that would make 6, huh? Sigh….
    (Reva and Carissa make me wish I was single and in Berkely….. rrrrraahhhhhrrrrr…. and my wife says she can’t blame me). Once again congrats. And I am sooooo looking forward to seeing Reva and Carissa’s photo together in IMAO t’shirts. Please…?

  4. Meet the New IMAO T-Shirt Babe

    The IMAO T-Shirt Babe Contest is officially over. And the winner is…here. I won’t reveal who I voted for…except that I prefer smart women…oh and girls with guns, German Bar Maids, military chicks – nothing hotter than a female MP,

  5. A very warm congratulations SarahK… I didnt see the name @ in the top 5, so I immediately knew you were the winner. The combination of the gun and those eyes makes it undeniable. I still feel for Carissa though (Visit Texas much?).

  6. Wow, I can’t believe I did so well with this competition! Thanks guys =) Congratulations SarahK, your picture was indeed super awesome. And Frank, BerkeleyGirl and I would love to take our picture together wearing your shirts 😉

  7. thanks everyone, y’all are awesome! um, serenity, i’m kinda unemployed, so i really need it, otherwise, i’d — oh, who am i kidding? i’d buy shoes. 😉
    wacky hermit, i don’t think my little sis has family jewels, but i was sitting on a truck so i did have to aim down a little to point at the camera.
    i hope to do you all proud as the Babe. i like El Jefe’s idea, i’d go.

  8. Berkeley Chick:

    And Frank, BerkeleyGirl and I would love to take our picture together wearing your shirts 😉

    Pants, woman! Pants! Include leggings in the photo or the droolers honking at your door will be working a clock 24!
    /I wanted the Haufbrau wenchette.

  9. Yep. I kinda figured you were gonna take it SarahK — congrats. I also figured (wrongly, as it turns out), that Miss Beca was going to place… I mean first she cracked me up, and then I wanted to buy the t-shirt she had on, and who would blame me?

  10. Bravo zulu to all the entrants (look it up, I’m not explaining it). It’s trite to say it, but you’ll all winners.
    Being a crusty old poop myself and far too self aware, I know better than to sigh wistfully and fantasize about my chances with any of these excellent women. But still, I can think about every one of them and reflect on why the Islamofascists are doomed. You go, girls!

  11. Congratulations to Sarah K! I can believe the voting was close. If everyone had used guns or other such implements of peace, it might have ended in a deadlock!
    NICE photoshop of Carissa, libbo! 😀

  12. Congrats SandraK!! A gun totinconservative gal after my own cold hard heart.
    All the babes looked great, but I must admit that I
    ve got a soft spot for Berkely Girl.
    She looks almost exactly like a girlfriend I had in Indiana, before I moved to Florida.

  13. Sorry I am so late getting here. About 25 years ago, I would have sent a pic and given those girls a run for their money. And I would have worn the winnings with such pride. Alas, old age has taken away the tight t-shirt look for me. But… I still have my .357 and can still shoot 93% on the police course. Not soooo bad for an old lady.
    Congrats to SarahK !!! Way to go, girl!!!

  14. [Wacky Hermit] Is it just me, or does that gun look like it’s pointing
        down a bit… like toward the cameraman’s family jewels?
    [sarahk] i don’t think my little sis has family jewels…
    YIKES! People, please don’t try this at home! Next time, instead of pointing the gun (no matter how well you’ve check that its unloaded) at the photographer, how about using a tripod and self-time like God intended? Getting the best photo in the world (and truly it is) is no reason to abandon safe gun handling.

  15. Gah, sorry this is so late, but I’e been sick and thus without computer access…
    sigh Congrats, sarahk, I knew you’d win! But it was a fun competition for all, and the support from girls and guys alike definitely made entering worth it. 🙂
    Keep an eye out for the photo(s) of Reva and I in NtM shirts, they’ll be coming as soon as we get the goods! 😉

  16. eek, sorry you’ve been sick BerkeleyGirl, and sorrier that you’ve had no access (the horror)! and thanks.
    hmm, Al, funny how you didn’t remember that until after you sent her fan mail! 😛
    Kirk Parker, my sis was BEGGING me to point the gun at her (ok, not really).
    thanks She L!

  17. Meet The Wizbang T-Shirt Babe

    Meet Willow, the official Wizbang’s Official T-Shirt Babe, and the model for the forthcoming line of Kerry Sloganator merchandise. You might remember Willow as the runner up in the IMAO T-Shirt Babe Contest. The winner, SarahK, has already thanked her…

  18. I am the Whomping Wizbang T-Shirt Babe…

    Just in case you haven’t heard. At the behest of Kevin Aylward, I have thrown my hat into the ring for T-Shirt-sellingist babe in the Blogosphere, going up against IMAO’s loverly SarahK (hey! don’t point that thing at me!!). The


    When Frank J. of IMAO held his T-shirt Babe contest, I threw caution to the wind and admitted to not having voted for the winner, SarahK of Mountaineer Musings. Well, Frank has the Babe pics up now, and I have…

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