IMAO: Year Three

Good… bad… I’m the guy with the blog.
The second year of IMAO has ended and a new year begins… one more dynamic, more action packed, and more funnier.
Pity our enemies.


  1. Josh, he is the funniest, but that doesn’t mean he can raise the bar on hilarity. You see, humor does not plateau, and therefore you can be by far the funniest, but keep getting funnier forever… Kind of like Ham. You can cook it well, or you can cook it the best, but you can still make it better. Like sometimes, my mommy puts pineapples on the ham, and then bakes it with brown sugar and stuff, and it’s totally awesome. Happy Blogiversary Frank, another year of this is another year that the Limey cringes in pain. Crazy Tony Pentin. I linked to you. Hooray for me!

  2. It’s July 9th!

    Which means: International Link To IMAO [even though you don’t know whatinhell that means] Day Now, go sing him a really off key round of Happy Blogiversary! [not the real one, the one “owned” by Master Jack-take-your-hand-off-my-son: the crappy fake…

  3. Congratulations, Frank. Even us Very Important Novelists take time out from our glamorous and busy schedules to extend our best wishes on this important anniversary. And I’m sure Mike Williamson would do the same if he were sober. 😉

  4. Yes, Happy Anniversary scary gun toting American guy.
    And you all should listen to what IraqWarWrong says. He is very wise. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Wise. All Satanic Infi…I mean Americans, yeah that’s it, Americans, should listen to him.

  5. Above (or beside? in addition to?) all else (definately in addition to) know this: My pseudo-blog is but in it’s infancy, but it is yours, my dark master. You have been linked.
    P.S. If you ever want me to use my Jedi Flash skills to whip you up a little something-something for a banner or logo, just let me know.

  6. Oh, man, Frank, LOVE the picture. Love it, love it, love it.
    I wish I had a blog so I could link you for your blogiversary. Maybe I’ll have one for next year’s …
    Happy Blogiversary, Frank – we ronin salute you … 🙂

  7. IMAO’s Second Blogversary

    Go wish IMAO a happy birthday at his new Sekimori-designed digs. You have to hand it to Frank; it’s an impressive feat of comedic skill to give regulars a belly laugh almost every single day for two years. Congrats….

  8. Frank, I wish to make two points. First, congratulations on your 2nd blogiversary. Second, that is the best picture of you that I have ever seen. It really captures your character.

  9. My goodness, Frank, I hit the usual after 5:00PM Indiana Time IMAO link, and the logo came up, and everything else was red! Yikes!
    I thought the commies took over or something for a second, or iamwrong (my new name for iraqwarwrong) got a hold of the website.
    Congrats, Frank! I look forward to more laughing and more weird looks from my co-workers.

  10. Congratulations, Frank!
    I just dropped by Michelle Malkin’s Blog and scanned your Initial Letter OF Introduction.
    Very cool!
    What’s even cooler Michelle in her Nuke The Moon T-Shirt!
    Here’s to another year of ‘In My World’, Chomps, Dead Ninja Monkeys, Blended Puppies, Buck The Marine, Space Lasered (SMITEd) Ragheads. And anything else that sloshes around between your ears and winds up creating Belly Laughs!

  11. Congrats Frank! You make me laugh every day. Keep it coming!
    BTW- That’s the first picture of you where you don’t look 12 years old. Must be the weapons! (Loved the pic on your editorial the other day.
    Love the new layout too, much easier to read.

  12. Congrats, Frank.
    However… As a conservative, I hate and fear change. Therefore, I hate and fear the new layout. I am now angry and will go take my frustrations out upon the nearest hippies. Fortunately, the neighboring tenants are but a few steps away.


    (A FILTHY LIE) About Evil Glenn: Age / Gender – Timeless as the blackness between the stars / male, but you might want to ask again after “the operation” Country – All/omnipresent Quick Description – Evil, oppressive, Dark Overlord of…

  14. Filthy Lie Round-up: Evil Glenn’s Personal Profile

    Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, Getting to hope you like me. -Anna, from “The King and I” “Do you know who I am?” -Some asshole from Massachussetts Sure we all know

  15. This pic definitely reminds me of a quote by that legendary 18th century statesman Sir Boyle Roche,…”While I write this letter, I have a pistol in one hand and a sword in the other.”
    And I proudly wear my Nuke The Moon T-Shirt as I write this. Kudos to you, sir!

  16. Happy Blogday IMAO!

    Alright everyone! Today is IMAO’s second birthday! So the great Frank J. has declared it Link to IMAO Day. Click one of my links and hussle over there right now… you won’t regret it.Oh and as soon as I can get Blog-City to take my picture, I will p

  17. Oh, now, you ARE a handsome fellow… … but the photo really ought to be you in that pose NEXT TO SarahK in her point-blank pose. You two would be such a force to be reckoned with.

  18. Stinki ??! Things might be getting out of hand with the T-shirt girl Frank (Lucky you).
    Moreover, I would like to congratulate you on your 3rd year of this enterprise. If we can make the slightest dent (& I believe your input with the accompanying comments makes a HUGE dent) in the liberalization of America, than you’ve done something for this county than cannot be accomplished through the mainstream (or even NR) media. You’ve helped folks understand that this country is ours, the sword and the might is ours if we elect to use it (as we should), and it is the best place on earth for (quasi-human) life.
    The lighting bolts are a little scary, though.
    Best regards, doubletrouble

  19. Happy A-day, i am late but i had business this weekend (and uncle died)
    btw people-chinese and Japanese are VERY different and in Japanese his characters are correct so please know what you are talking about before you write in here
    first character – ro
    second characer – Nin (hito-people, person)-a masterless samurai

  20. Suggest that:
    1 – the Official Rifle of the IMAO be declared either the H&K-91 or the M-14;
    2 – the Official Rifle Caliber of the IMAO be declared 7.62mm NATO;
    3 – the Official Sniper Rifle of the IMAO be declared any system using the cal.50 round;
    4 – the Official Machine Gun of the IMAO be declared the 50 Caliber “Ma Duece” (combines tradition and awesome firepower).

  21. Congrats Frank!!!!!!!
    Frank, can you be in a ghillie suit in your next picture? Maybe with some face paint and a ka-bar between your teeth?
    Maj Mike, you know there is no such thing as a .50cal “sniper rifle”… It has to be an “anti-material rifle”
    I think the official IMAO handgun round should be good ole .45. It doesn’t matter which .45 (colt, win. mag., acp, gap)

  22. Crazy Tasty – valid point!!
    Actually, with a cal .50 rifle, the purpose is to defeat the opposition’s head gear — be it steel, kevlar, or fabric. Any damage to the person is classified as “colateral damage”.
    Re: pistol calibers, 45 ACP is for serious business, 9mm is for social occasions where the more compact Glock 19 is less likely to ruin the drape of the dinner jacket/dress blues than the beloved M1911A1.

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