Stuff and… uh… Stuff

I still need to pick the winning questions for Michael Moore, which I’ll do tonight.
Also, how does everyone like my “I’m smart and thoughtful” expression for my editorial today?
There is a bigger announcement… but that will be later today…
UPDATE: I agree with the puppy blender; The Onion should be as funny as me.
UPDATE 2: Ha, I already got my GMAIL account thanks to a SpaceMonkey, losers.
And what do people have against Jags? I was thinking either an S-Type or a Mercedes for my next car – well, if my income suddenly increases in time.

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  1. If your incisive commentary doesn’t get you Jonah Goldberg’s job, then your editorial picture definitely will. You can’t help but look at the pic and say, hey, that guy really knows what he’s talking about! Look at that smart and thoughtful expression on his face.

  2. First, your Editorial was amusing, but you seem to forget something that makes us better than them: We don’t set out to harm the innocent!
    Second: Bigger announcement later? Well, it’s later.
    Last: Buy an American car. Especially GM. But really any American car will do.

  3. Hey man,
    To comment on your editorial pic: well I thought your other pics, esp. from the peace gallery made you look very young and boyish (I do not know how long ago they were taken), almost like that guy whatshisname from the Spiderguy movies, but in your editorial pic, you look much older and far more mature. Probably because your stance is highlighting your well-defined cheek bones or something. I recommend that you should pose for one of those Che like stances, with your head toward the left (um, not your left). Anyway, that is just what I think. Keep the good work, man.

  4. i heart your editorial pic, Frank, you look smart and dollish. i don’t know about other people, but i don’t like jags because they’re ugly. but i think ALL sports cars are ugly; men are much more sexy in trucks and SUVs.
    as to the bigger announcement, i can’t wait for it and will be on the road later. you should email me at work. 🙂
    happy birthday jonag!

  5. “…smart and thoughtful” expression? I thought you were going for “homicidal maniac choosing next victim” or “I could sure go for a nicely blended puppy right now.” Maybe you could get the T-Shirt Babe to do “smart and thoughtful” with her back nicely arched…lips in full pout…er, hmm, gotta go get a sarahk fix. See ya!

  6. I can tell you why people hate Jags. Have you ever heard the saying “What a Fag you are in your Jaguar.” You have to pronounce the word Jaguar the British way though or it doesn’t work.

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