From Pen to Rottweiler: The Design of Chomps – Part 2

Previous Episode

After all the name calling, Brian took another shot at Chomps.
Chomps, Take 5
This looked more like he was angry, but he still didn’t seem right. Neck was too high and he was losing that doggie appeal. “Try again!” I demanded.
Chomps, Take 6
Now the snout was too big and his lips were fanning out like he was caught with in a wind tunnel. “Try again, fool!” I said.
Chomps, Take 7
Along with this try which fixed the mouth but still seemed wrong with the snout, Brian gave me this rough choice of faces along with the note: “You dumb @$%&! Do you even know what a @$%& dog looks like? Just tell me what the @$%& you want, so I can draw it, you…” Well, it’s just a series of expletives after that. I decided that the middle face on the right column was closest to what I was envisioning, so Brian went back to work…


  1. Damn I just missed poopin’.
    All these dogs look like pussies.
    I have a boston terrier who looks
    meaner than all of them when I’m
    scratching his belly.
    I just don’t know if this guy is sick enough to capture the true spirit of Chomps. He may just be to nice of a guy.
    Maybe you need to find someone who has experience with prison tatooing or something.

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