Political Comic: Rather’s Last Stand

I was inspired by current events to draw my very first political comic, full of subtle symbolism.

Eat your heart out, Cox & Forkum.
UPDATE: Now that I think of it, isn’t it quite apropos to use a crude drawing to make fun of crude forgeries?

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  1. Pajamas, Spiked Clubs, Battle Axes, Pikes, Halbreds, Shilelleaghs, Swords, Morning Stars, Maces.
    Frank in his Boxers.
    Too Cool!
    The Internet Alamo.
    I’ll opt for Chain Mail and a two handed Claymore.

  2. Great cartoon, Cox & Forkum ain’t got nothing on you!!
    I always…well almost always blog in my pajammas.
    I have the Incredible Hulk on my pj bottoms, I don’t wear a shirt. Women wear the tops guys wear the bottoms.
    I too only wear boxers, are there any other kind? I mean that aren’t ..ahem..constrictive. I like to “free-ball”…. er… “going comando” is cool too.

  3. Chris D: Jonathan Klein, debating Stephen Hayes about the forgery scandal, said that “Bloggers have no checks and balances… [it’s] a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas.”
    As if the MSM had checks and balances…
    (hat tip to Instapundit)

  4. Frank, you have so many talents! And, boy, you look mean! Grrr…
    So how come there aren’t any chick bloggers in your sexist depiction of the new media revolution? Bloggettes are not represented. Please draw me in with a chain-saw and pneumatic nail gun. Rather looks open to me and my nail-gun has range and gets great penetration.
    Also, Frank, I have a pony tail. And I would like to wear something pink, feminine, maybe a light floral print as a nice juxtaposition to the evisceration I’m going to do later in your cartoon. Taffeta and gore will make some news, I think. If I let Rather keep his lungs, maybe he can try to report the facts of his demise.
    Psssssttt Dan Rather is a belligerent bag of smelly ego. Retire, already, old man!

  5. Somebody should go ahead & trade mark Dan Rather’s name with the ‘th’ superscripted.. Just for Laughs..
    (I just cannot see his name without my mental imp changing his last name to “Blather” It’s sad….
    Great cartoon Frank!

  6. This is clearly stolen work! Trying to pass off Napoleon Dynamite’s talents off as your own is just dispicable.
    (P.S. If you don’t understand that reference you’ve missed the film of the year!)

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