Mercenaries for Bush

The Truth Laid Bear is hosting links to celebrity endorsements. I’m lucky enough to have here on my site the endorsement of Jayne Cobb of Firefly fame (Firefly is my all time favorite series that only lasted 14 episodes; do yourself a favor and buy or rent the series before the movie comes out next year).
Now, Jayne may not be the best person to get an endorsement from, but I think he puts the stark choice in simple words:

“I like that Bush fella; he speaks my language. When he sees trouble, he doesn’t waste time talking; he just runs in there shooting. That’s the way it’s done. Also, he’s pro-gun like me; I know no one will be coming after Vera when he’s in office.

“That Kerry, though, he’s a fancy pants… probably someone doc would vote for. He’s talking all about taxing and giving things to poor people, but I don’t see any percentage in that. And, frankly, I just don’t trust him.

“There, I had my say.”


  1. yeah, jayne would be behind anyone with a fat bankroll, tho that may have changed had the series been left to mature to its true potential. i figure almost getting sucked out the airlock may have had left an impression on him.

  2. you gotta be kiddin’ me… I thought that Jayne quote was a joke at Bush’s expense. you guys really want an incoherent, sold-out, coked-up, fear-mongering, draft-dodging party monkey leading the Free World?
    Memo to bloggers: Shooting everything in sight is NOT a foreign policy. “Rambo” is NOT a documentary.
    I know there’s a .001% chance any of you can be persuaded… we’ve all made up our minds on this one… but here’s food for thought from a true Republican.

  3. Firefly kicks ass! Unfortunately I never watched it while it was on the air (I ended up buying the DVD based solely on the rave reviews it was getting, and I’m damn glad I did).
    Glad to see so many right-thinkers enjoy the show (although not surprising, since it centers around a group of gun-nut guerilla capitalists).

  4. Oh,
    And You may be right about Jayne not being the best person to get an endorsement from when you take in to consideraton another favorite Jayne quote from Firefly:
    “Yeah, and If wishes were horses we’d all be eatin’ steak!”

  5. Jayne is the one to say what everyone else is thinking but is too polite to say. In one episode (which one was it?), two characters have had an argument and stormed off in a huff, one leaving his soup behind. Jayne wanders in, exclaims, “Ooh! Free soup!”, grabs a spoon and digs in. Social graces? Who needs ’em?

  6. I was a Fire Fly fan too. I am still pissed that they cancelled that one.
    It is hard for me to pick up on new shows. I tend to take a wait and see if they make it to the second season. I have been burned in the past, get all into it and then they cancel it like they did with this one.
    Now all I have are my memories.
    Damn all the memories that have come flooding back because I read this post.
    Where’s that damn dog?

  7. Wow, I had no idea so many IMAO readers were Firefly fans; that’s really cool. Firefly was probably the best sci-fi on television since … well, ever.
    I was lucky enough to attend a panel discussion with Adam Baldwin, Jewel Statie, and Nathan Fillion at DragonCon back in September. I blogged a little about that here:
    The three of them were fantastic, and they ended up doing two additional panel discussions because demand was so great (the con organizers had to keep moving it to a bigger room, too). Fillion was just hysterical; that guy could do improv comedy for a living. Anyway, it’s great to see that Firefly has so many supporters here. Just 6 months or so till Serenity hits the box office!

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