Dude, I’m Like Totally an Ass

So, I wanted a drink to go with the cigar Harvey gave me, and I asked for a martini. There wasn’t any vermouth, so I settled for a rum and coke. But then, I guess they got vermouth and made a martini, but it was a dirty martini. It was realized that I didn’t like the taste of oilve juice, so a regular martini was made and I quickly finished the dirty one to get to the other.
Throw in a Bud beforehand, and, yeah, I’m an idiot.
Only the second time I’ve ever been drunk, made more the embarassing that it was in front of people I just met for the first time. I remembered most of it (including the double drunk post – left it double posted for that good drunk effect), but, when I sobered up before SarahK drove home, a number of incidents were described to me that I don’t remember. That’s scary to me. I’m smarter than that, and I’m not going to ever get drunk again.
Tammi was a great host, by the way. I really enjoyed meeting and talking with Harvey and Beloved Wife, Johnny – Oh, _Jon, Boudicca, Teresa, and LeeAnn and her husband and their dog. As I always say, blog people are good people – whether you’re sober or drunk. Hopefully they all didn’t say mean things about me on their blogs.
Anyway, just want to apologize for being a fool… when I didn’t mean to be.


  1. Frank – you are a real sweetheart. You and SarahK are so cute together. I haven’t posted anything yet cause I’m still getting over my migraine… I missed most of the good stuff later… but I did hear all the stories. And believe me when I tell you that, as far as being drunk goes – you did very well. You are funny sober and drunk – that is pretty unusual. 🙂

  2. How do we know you’re actually sober? Maybe you’re just saying crazy things because you’re still drunk.
    In fact, I wouldn’t be altogether surprised if all of your posting was done in altered states.
    It would actually explain a few things. . . . 😉

  3. You were a delight Frank – and we are all so happy you and SarahK were able to make the visit.
    Oh – and those Martini’s were doubles. I have very martini glasses…..
    And we would never say anything bad about you! I just feel like such a “bad example” that it happened at my house! 😉

  4. come on frank dont be so hard on yourself couple of simple rules/tests to see if you drank to much.
    1.does my face hurt from being punched by someones husband
    2. Am i in a drunk tank or local lock up
    3. is SarahK still speaking to you
    4. did i wake up is a pool of my own vomit.
    if you can answer no to all of these except #3 your doing ok
    trust me your not the first person to have a tad to much lol
    Lou aka gbfan

  5. I had a feeling I would be seeing a “I can’t believe I was such an idiot in front of God and everybody” post today. Frank is the lucky one, that SarahK still puts up with him even AFTER he makes a complete stupid fool of himself. Now that is love or something, man!

  6. man…..
    I drink 64 ounce rum & cokes when I have a bad day, (a 7-11 double gulp with about 8 ounces of rum filled to the brim with coke and a slice of Lime …that way I only have to make one drink) and I stay relatively functional and wake up the next day without a hangover. When I want to get drunk, I drink a quart of Cuervo.
    I kinda miss the days ofg being a cheap drunk….

  7. Actually, the real cause of Frank getting schnockered was that after I poured him a rum & coke (about 1oz of rum & 8oz of coke), he spruced up his drink so that he could taste the alcohol. Probably about 4oz of rum in that puppy by the time he was done with it.
    Anyway, Frank, I thought you were a hoot the whole night, and it was a flat-out honor to have you there.
    You didn’t throw up, so you get a lot of credit in my book for cutting yourself off before it was too late.
    One more thing – Everyone else at the party has “fond” memories of being twentysomething and drinking heavily, so we’re all pretty sympathetic.

  8. One of the things I like to do after drinking too much is find someone who has done something worse and as luck would have it I found this from Colby Cosh about an incident at a Canadian Chess match last month. The person was celebrating his birthday just before the match – I’ll let the witness tell you abut it.
    The IM made it on time to his game, and then proceeded to pass out, head on hands at the board.
    A cell phone rang (which is something else all together) which startled IM Michael Schleifer to awake.
    Immediately after awakening he stood up, unzipped his pants, pulled out his manhood, and urinated all over the table, the chess pieces and board, and on the floor. His opponent was transfixed in complete shock.
    To say the least. So, see? It can always be worse.

  9. Then again Frank, as a disclaimer I must let it be known that I’m strictly a beer man, and so unless I’ve got a beer bong loaded with extra stout Guiness, its kinda hard for me to get that much ethanol that quickly (though I have fun trying).

  10. Frank, listen to them about NEVER mixing types of liquor – to quote Madeleine Kahn, “It’s troo! It’s troo!”
    Once your eyes can focus again, you might want to check out “The Everything Bible Book” by Frs. Trigilio and Brighenti. Fr. Benedict Groeschel plugged it at least twice on his show tonight. And it’s available cheap, cheap, cheap on Amazon.

  11. Until you start drinking in San Fernando and wake up in Newport Beach (about 80 miles apart, as the crow flies) wondering how you got there and who’s underwear you’re wearing, you ain’t been drunk.
    You did fine – though I understand God wants a word with you about Genesis.

  12. So you got drunk and swore off alcohol? we do people do that? it did it’s part and now your mad at it… try food and alcohol next time. : ) that way when you get drunk and sick you can say it was the food

  13. Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank,
    There’s no dihonor is getting blasted and making a complete fool of yourself in front of your girlfriend. Women tend to expect that type of behavior from men, and men, well, we just understand.
    If this is the worst thing you’ve done in your life, then you are in good shape.

  14. SHUT UP!!! 🙂
    Also, you did a lot of good that night. JohnnyOh was desperately hoping someone would get drunker than he had been the previous evening and you fulfilled the bill. So nice of you to help him out.

  15. Frank? Say it ain’t so…
    Only the SECOND time? For a man your age? This is embarassing. You used to be a hero of mine. In order to redeem yourself in my eyes, you really have to drink a lot more. It’s manly.
    Almost as manly as smoking.
    So light up. Also go to the range drunk. Guns and alcohol are one helluva cocktail!
    To get this comment back on a more serious track: Frank, you have nothing to apologise for. Men need to get blasted once in a while. As long as it doesn’t become your usual condition, there’s no problem.
    Party on!

  16. Frank…martinis will kick your ass. i’m sure sarahk will forgive you since she knows that one glass of wine and she laughs loudly and speaks loudly …kinda like it affected her hearing instead of her brain…and it just ain’t pretty to watch! if you two would just learn to sip instead of guzzle!

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