Dude, I’m Like Totally Drunk

I’ve never posted drunk before, so I thought I’d tell all you readers, “I love you, man!”
Now, what’s somethign really blasphemous I can sya. Damn, I can barely hit the keys. Well, all these bloggers I’m with are really cool, thought I haven’t heartd of them except for HArvey – barely.
Whoa, they have like a fish on their laptop. I beter remeber to sign out, or they’ll like totally take afavantage of my login.
I am the great Frank J.! Worship me!


  1. Frank, you spaz, you posted the same thing twice! Drink lots of water before you go to bed so you don’t get dehydrated. And leave one foot on the floor when you go to bed if the room is spinning. Cheers!

  2. That’s just scary. I, of course, make sure to always be sure to lock up may blog nice and tight when I’m drunk.
    My IM conversations when I’m drunk are supposed to be absolutely hilarious…
    And Frank J. no double posting even if you are drunk. That’s just no good. No good at all.
    Why can’t I be drunk? Stupid liberal proffessors making me do homework. 😉

  3. what’s better? calling the girl you have a crush on as your getting increasingly drunk . . . I feel so stupid now for having done that, I’m just glad I didn’t say anything too stupid. I hope . . .

  4. Time for an intervention! This will sober you up:
    Babs for President

    “Democrats are so afraid of being criticized, or so afraid that they’ll be accused of being too liberal, that they don’t really act with the courage of their convictions. And then comes Barbara Boxer,” says Madeleine Begun Kane, a writer from Queens, N.Y., who created a “President Boxer” blog. “She’s been a shining light during an otherwise very depressing period.”

    President Boxer

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