Gratuitous T-Shirt Babe Pic o’ the Day

a picture of Minerva learning how to clean and oil the guns. oh yeah, i’m in the picture too. UPDATE: it’s now a caption contest.
and for the ladies, there’s a cute picture of Frank J with his precious dimples. am i allowed to use the word “precious” here at IMAO?



  1. OH! ORGASM! SarahK has a 1911! (too bad there is a cat in the picture, ha-choo!)
    Now, if I was a gun freak with a foot fetish, I would be REALLY happy. But I ain’t. Just guns for me, thanks.

  2. Y’all have a game cube?
    Frank plays nintendo?!?
    C’mon Frank I thought you were a MAN, get an Xbox and a copy of the playboy game STAT, otherwise it is time to get Sarah a ring and your turn over your manhood credentials.

  3. Oh yes, use the word precious a lot when refering to FrankJ. Heh, heh,…… Bawahahahahahhahaha.
    Hey any cat that likes a 1911 can’t be all bad. Of course this now means FrankJ will have to give instruction to his cat also, and it’s very own gun. I’d suggest a Browning Buckmark to get started with.

  4. Minerva’s internal monologue: Thats right. Show me the secrets of your magic. Thus I can cap you for dragging me half-way around the world to this god awful hole and in that damned truck! You shall pay for the injustice! BWAHAHAHAHA! … What? Was that my outloud voice? Oh @#$%@#$%!

  5. …and when you get good enough at the range, Mister Frank will buy you your own gun. Think about it precious! No more mousies for you–we can go deer hunting! That’s like a REALLY BIG mousie.
    ((wow, great and all, meow! But I was thinking more along the lines of doing some target practice on that yappy li’l piece of canine excrement on the other side of the back fence, mrow FFFT!!))

  6. The deadliest weapon in the world is a kitty and her pistol. It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat. Your pistol is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become a dead kitty and then you will be in a world of shit because cats are not allowed to die without permission. Do you understand maggot!

  7. OK, I will paint your nails too, right after I finish cleaning Sydney’s hair out of the gun I heart so much. Look how shiny and purrrty it is! I heart cleaning it, but I heart shooting it way more. When is Mr. Wonderful(TM) going to take me out shooting again?

  8. Frank,
    You have one fine woman there.
    Not only does she clean her own handguns, but she does it inside and on your carpet!!
    In truth, Mrs. Azlib is pretty fine herself, but I have to clean the guns, and always outdoors.
    You’ve heard this elsewhere, but you ought to marry her.

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