The Humane Thing to Do Is Let Africa Starve
An Editorial by Frank J.

 Africa has been a troubled region for some time. Unstable politics, genocide, aids outbreaks, mass starvation – we do what we can to help, we send money to Sally Struthers, but do we really think Africa is going to get better and be a fully functional continent again? Sure, we can keep things patched together, but each day Africa exists is just another day of suffering. It’s time we face up to reality and give Africa the peace it needs in a natural end.

 It’s time we starve everyone in Africa to death.

“Yes, before someone brings it up, America does have a 10 trillion dollar life insurance policy on Africa.”

 The U.N. will certainly be on board with this as dealing with Africa has been too much for them as well. We’ll have to watch all entry points where people may misguidedly try to bring food to the Africans; as leaders of the world, this is our choice to make and others shouldn’t subvert it. Plus, this is what Africa wants as I think I remember some ancient tribal leaders saying they wanted their people starved to death if the continent ended up like it is today.

 And yes, before someone brings it up, America does have a 10 trillion dollar life insurance policy on Africa that can be cashed if everyone there dies, but this isn’t about America – this is about Africa and what’s best for it. And you’d have to be a pretty heartless person to not see how death by starvation is what the people of Africa would really want. Yes, I can’t know that I can’t know for sure since they speak languages I don’t understand, but can’t you see they’re tired of barely making it by on foreign aid and showing their children in television ads? They want a natural end.

 It’s a hard choice to make, but it is ours. Some may complain about us choosing wrong, but the important thing is we know we’re right while we let millions die.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on and is the author of such books as “I Was Following My Hamster’s Wishes When I Put Him in the Microwave” and “Violent Offenders Deserve a Natural Death”.


  1. Well done, Frank. Viciously funny, and displaying far more moral sense than almost anything that the New York Times, for example, has printed in the past thirty years or so.

  2. Sounds good as long as you don’t starve the kids or the cats, or feed the cats to the kids, or feed the kids to the cats.
    Oh, and since starvation is painless and humane, I suggest we substitute this method for all on death row, especially the ones who can’t keep their hands off of kids.

  3. I’m all for the death penalty, but I’m sick of this lethal injection thing. If someone does the naughty touch to my kids, I want that person to die in a very painful and drawn out way. I’ll gladly volunteer to throw the switch on the electric chair for anyone who has harmed any child.

  4. Two more points:
    1) Looking at a map of Africa, you will see a barren wasteland with no signs of life, called the Sahara desert, in the area where the brain should be.
    2) Since the rest of the continent is jungle (or is it rainforest?) it is in a permanent vegetative state.

  5. Right on Frank. I’ve made a similar point about the reduction of suffering/quality of life arguement for euthanasia and abortion. (how much quality will that kid’s life have if its mom doesn’t want it) An IMAO summarization – Nuke the Third World: a humane plan to reduce human suffering.

  6. bring up an interesting point. the left believes in euthenasia, but is against the death penalty? couldn’t the death penalty simply be a preemptive form of euthenasia?

  7. Got to love it the world is moving along just great right into the hands of the few and the powerful, and as the middle class walk into a minefield and die off by the millions what will our non government do but tax the poor fools to death, and if you like N.A.F.T.A., JUST WAIT,more is on the way, as china gets its hands on your news and political system. and wait untl natural death become duty to die.

  8. Their now saying (via LA Times) that you get euphoric as you are starving to death. This way Frank could give the Africans one last good time. Who knew that’s what that look was on the faces of all those kids with distended stomachs and ribs sticking through their skin–euphoria?
    I also love all the people saying “who would want to live that way” about Terri. I know alot of people who would look at the way most people live in Africa and say the same thing–I guess they’d be ok with Frank’s plan.

  9. Moving to the topic of Africa, and not Schiavo, I think the best way to help africa would be to kick all the NGOs out and stop giving aid. I think an investigation would reveal that pretty much all aid programs are as well run and non-corrupt as oil-for-food.

  10. I think another thing we missed is the mechanism by which euphoria is induced. I believe I have discovered this, it is from endorphins. As we all know, endorphins are released as a response to pain, such as “Runner’s High”. Therefore I have come up with a plan to help people all over experience euphoria, with or without death:
    Researches Discover More Pain Means More Euphoria
    Anyone who wants to be part of my new pro-euphoria movement just contact me.

  11. My question: Do we get a chance to reabilitate Africa, or does the UN deny this, though im sure its what Africa wants? Also, does any know which US states could be considered vegetative, maybe California, Pennsylvania?

  12. Sorry, Barbara S., this is called “satire” and is a form of comedy. It makes a point about an issue by taking the opposing view to an extreme (that that thought path could easily lead to) so as to show how crazy it truly is. As my English teacher told us when we studied satire last semester, satire is “making fun of someone to bring about change.”
    If you read the comments, you may have noticed that Jonathan Swift’s work “A Modest Proposal” has been referenced. Swift said that (back in his time) England was taking of Ireland so much that they might as well take care of Irish overpopulation by eating Irish babies. It could generate needed revenue in Ireland and decrease the number of mouths to feed.
    And I agree: Frank J. is a modern Jonathan S.

  13. Okay, okay, you’re gonna give the guy a big ego. While I admit the excellent use of satire, and give points for the writing… the ultimate premise for the satire is flawed. I mean, you can argue back & forth about “what’s best for Terri”… but the actual legal argument wasn’t what was best for Terri.
    If you read up on the timeline of this case, the real question was, what were Terri’s wishes? The court, after a lengthy trial hearing plenty of evidence, decided that Terri did not, in fact, want to be kept alive. End of story.
    Whether or not that’s “right” or “wrong”, that’s really not the issue here. Emotional appeals really don’t do anything but get people stirred up. Please truly understand the real facts of this case before helping to pile more onto the emotional mess it has become.

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