You Foreign? You Buy T-Shirts Now!

I just found out from a reader in the comments that now ships internationally. Now you have no excuse! You buy t-shirts!
Man, I need to get working on a new t-shirt idea…


  1. Although my idea might be more appropriate for a Michelle Malkin T-Shirt, she doesn’t sell T-Shirts, so I’ll let Frank J have it.
    FRONT: (small print) Undocumented (large print) BORDER PATROL AGENT. (Add a small, official looking, two-color “Nuke the Moon” badge logo on the left chest.)
    BACK: (large print) YO SOY LA MIGRA. (smaller print) Si usted no habla ingles, usted debe huir. (Translation: I’m an immigration officer. If you don’t speak English, you’d better run.)
    I only have a high-school understanding of Spanish, so someone should correct my translation if they can say it better.
    And Frank, if you use it and it sells well, gimme a small percentage, will you? Thanks!

  2. Since no one appreciates images of duct tape,El Caminos,or Waffle Houses,I’ll not mention any idea for an image.But for a logo,how about:
    “IMAO-Saving Western Civilization through random violence and unbridled humor since 2002”
    Or something to that effect. 😉

  3. I live in England and have just bought:
    “Hippies Smell”
    “Axles of Evil”
    and my personal favorite as there are so many fans of this a-hole at the University where I work:
    “Commies aren’t cool”
    Thanks for the tip Frank!

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