“Thanks… for nothing”

Bruce Campbell, the star of such cult movie hits as Evil Dead and Army of Darkness, made a swing through Seattle to promote his novel How to Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way, a satirical look at Hollywood.
A friend of mine and I got there a little early to the event and promptly got lost in the extremely confusing underground parking lot. Once we found our way up to overcast Seattle daylight, we were on the wrong side of the building. We weren’t the only ones lost: Bruce Campbell and his publicist were also wandering around back there.
“Hi,” Bruce Campbell said. “Do you guys know where you’re going?”
“Yeah we’re going to see you,” I said. “Where are you going?”
What followed was a comedy of errors where the four of us tried various doors into the building that mostly went like this:
   ME: Okay Bruce–This door is the one!
   (Kuh-click! RATTLE! RATTLE! RATTLE!)
   PUBLICIST: (sigh)
   BRUCE CAMPBELL: Yep, I sure am glad we hooked up with you guys…

Once we found the entrance to the building it turned out to still be the wrong place. We walked next door and hooked Bruce and his publicist up with the PR rep coordinating the event. The event went smoothly after that and even though he’s an actor, Campbell turned out to be a normal guy and an engaging (and shockingly honest) speaker.
The most surprising fact I learned about Campbell was that he was a normal sized guy close to my height of 6′ 1″. Maybe it’s not a big deal to most, but I absoultely hate meeting famous people because they are usually hobbit-sized. Tom Cruise? More like “Tom Thumb.” Will Ferrell isn’t a giant, folks. Fact is that the rest of the actors around him are lucky if they are five feet tall.
I wish I would’ve brought something to record Campbell saying something for the podcast, but Campbell was a good guy and even signed my friend’s book with a personal message that reflected our misadventure:
   “To Jules,
   Thanks… for nothing
   Bruce Campbell”
HA! Classic.


  1. Awesome. But did you promote the podcast? ThAT is the question! heh
    I once found myself lost and alone in a room with a certain guitarist with Metallica a looong time ago. Though he was not a bit cool and I did not even get an autograph I left so fast. I’m sure it would have said “thanks for nothing” if I had though. lol
    Ahhh…stories for grand kids some day huh?

  2. I saw Bruce Campbell at a book signing here in San Diego about 3-4 years ago. He was promoting his book “If Chins Could Kill – Confessions of a B Movie Actor”. I agree that he is the most “regular guy” movie star I have ever seen, met, or heard of. He was a cool speaker, even mentioned how he had a pivitol role in the (then) upcoming Spider Man movie. Without him, Spidey wouldn’t have a cool name.
    He signed my book, and was also allowing photographs. I got one of us punching at each other with him hitting my chin for the KO! Unfortunately, it was my buddies camera, and when he was looking for where he set the film to go get it developed, his (5 yr. old) daughter ran in proclaiming “Look at this neat stuff, Daddy!”, producing the entire unravelled roll of film! NOOOOOOOooOOOooo!!!!!!!

  3. I can’t believe you live in that God Forsaken city of Seattle. Are you the one that is wanting the 11 Billion$$$$ monorail. I was born and raised in Seattle, but now live in Norcal. Do you checkout soundpolitics.com? I love the site!.My email is not phony either. I also have a 357 mag. And the wife likes it to.

  4. “I’m Bad Ash, and you’re Good Ash. You’re goodie little two-shoes. You’re goodie little two-shoes, goodie little two-shoes!”
    “Good… Bad… I’m the guy with the gun.
    “See this? This is my boom stick!”
    “It’s a trick. Get an axe.”
    “Hail to the king, baby.”
    This is all I know.

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