A Story, Bit-by-Bit
Superego: Part 6 – Politics

I went to my ship and headed out of orbit of planet something-or-other to have a little privacy for the call. Dip would be listening in, but Dip is usually listening in. If you can’t trust a computer algorithm to keep your secrets, then who can you trust?
“Rico, how’s your vacation been?”
This is where a video hookup would be nice, because I have the perfect scowl for him that would communicate exactly how much I do not want to do chit-chat with this idiot. With only voice, my options are sarcasm or some harsh response border-lining on a growl. I decided to go with sarcasm for the added challenge.
“Super-duper, Vito. So how’s your week been? Seen any movies lately? How has the weather been where you are?”
There was a long silence. I probably imitated cheerful interest too well that he didn’t immediately catch the sarcasm. My understanding of sarcasm is you usually overdo the tone, and I didn’t quite do that.
“I… uh… guess I’ll get to business.”
“Good thinking, Vito.”
“I heard back from the higher ups. They said with your last job, it was just plain bad information. They knew the guy was there, weren’t sure who he was, and thought he’d be more obvious to spot. They’re giving you ten percent more on that one for handling it so well despite the trouble.”
“I’d rather have an assurance it won’t happen again. So, do you have a new job for me?”
“Yes I do, but it’s encoded for your eyes only. Guess I won’t be able to help you on this one.”
“And that’s different from the previous ones how?”
Vito laughed for about a second until he realized he was the only one laughing. Not a bright man. I see his future in the crime syndicate as maybe being a fall-guy one day. He’d have to smarten up to be a convincing fall-guy, though.”
“I’ll transmit the info now.” A display in front of me showed I received a file. “Did you get it?”
I answered by hanging up. I don’t particularly hate Vito; I just don’t like people in general and lately I’ve had to deal with him more than anyone else.
“Dip, can you decode that for me.”
“Certainly, Rico.” He was silent for a moment. “Interesting. You’ll be killing a Senator.”
On screen was Senator Rhyle Gredler of the Galactic Alliance – the biggest governing body in the known universe. He was a Corridian as we call them by the human tongue – a species with a reddish-orange bumpy skin and purple about the face (bleeds red, but a darker red than human blood). In five days there was going to be a summit on harmony among sentient species at the capital city of planet Nar Valdum – a long populated and well developed planet. I was to kill Senator Gredler as he gave his speech at the summit.
“This is interesting. Usually, if the syndicate wanted some big time politician dead, they’d be discreet about it. With me, it’s going to be a big show, and, from the looks of it, lots of collateral damage.”
“So the question would be why would they want a ‘big show?'” Dip offered.
“Not my concern. Going to be some repercussions from this, though. Here’s some data for you, Dip: When polled, sentients usually say they do not, in general, like politicians. Yet, they get very angry when you kill them.”
“Do you think this will be more difficult than usual for you, Rico?”
A Galactic Senator would have a large force of well-trained bodyguards standard. After killing the VIP, the news of the crime would spread far and wide leaving me with a lot of planets to avoid. “You concerned about me, Dip?”
“I’m just trying to be helpful. That is my job.”
“Then be helpful by setting a jump to Nar Valdum.” I had never voted before; it would be interesting to finally be a part of the political process.


  1. Oh goodness gracious, Frank. You’re having fun with this, aren’t you? I’m not exactly a new reader, but this is the first time I’ve commented.
    I must say that I love your sense of humor – and that one you finish the story of Rico, you should get ti together and publish it. I, for one, would buy it. If I had the money, I mean. Unless you gave away free copies or something. 🙂
    Gah I sound so stilted.. dear Lord forgive me..
    Ore wa ramen desu yo~ (I am ramen!!)

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