A Story, Bit-by-Bit
Superego: Part 42 – Final Fight


I came to my feet with a strong uppercut. Diane blocked it, but it also knocked her back a bit. I then reached for one of my guns on the nightstand. Just as I pulled it out of the holster, a heel came down on my hand and the gun clattered to the ground. A hook punch then caught me in the side of the head, knocking me down again. I rolled back to my feet, and there I stood facing her and a blaster lying between the two of us.
My face was stinging and my vision was slightly blurred. Diane didn’t have much girth, but she knew how to put it behind a punch. Someone three times her size probably couldn’t have hit me as hard. She was a dangerous girl, all right, but as soon as I got my hand back on my gun that would be it for her.
She pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “I’m not going to let this happen, Rico. The only one who believes he is powerless to stop any of this is you.”
“Then you better give me your all right now,” I snarled back, “because I am going to kill you, Diane Thompson.”
I swung at her, and she ducked and got me in the gut. There was another huge shot of pain through my body. This was where a normal person would panic and fight more frantically, but I do not panic. I stay focused. That’s why I live and others die.
I kept throwing punches at her. She kept slipping in a blow her and there, but I shirked it off and didn’t let her capitalize on it. When it came down to it, I work out everyday and have a Y chromosone. She couldn’t hold up to my strength, and started to panic herself. I finally landed a solid blow to her body, and she awkwardly tried to get in close and do a limb lock. I then got a glancing strike to her head. It stunned her long enough for me to heft her into the air and throw her with all my might against the opposite wall.
She slumped to the ground, a dent above her. I then casually picked up the blaster off the ground and pointed it at her as she moaned and tried to get back to her feet.
“This is how it ends, Diane!” I shouted at her as I walked closer, the barrel pointed at her wide eyes. “No magical Jesus is going to come fly in and save you! Your whole life ends as just another kill for a mass murderer, and it will be but a side note to the slaughter today! I tried to help you see a little reason, but you had to antagonize the psychopath! Any last words?”
She opened her mouth to say something, but I went ahead and pulled the trigger.


  1. Yeah, I was wondering that, too. He’s able to take Morrigan pretty easily, despite all the implants, but against this frail woman, he can’t hold his own very well…Maybe Rico’s in love and wanted her to beat him…

  2. I know how this will turn out, because your plot is formulaic. Superego started to live up to the first entries with the last additions to the story. However, please, if you want this story to be rather atypical and/or interesting, let her die.

  3. Blam! Hope you kill her, and don’t get some dumb misfire or something. That would be way too predictable. Killing her off would be very unorthodox and ironic, since you’ve already developed her charater extensively. Therefore, Diane’s character must die!
    I bet the next episode will be some dumb flashback or other cop-out so Frank can digress while he figures out what to do next with the story! Keep it coming!

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