The Only Strategically Viable Option Right Now Is to Construct a Death Star
An Editorial by Frank J.

 America has tried many things to get a strategic advantage over its enemies – stealth fighters, missile defense, bombs that cause a place to be swarmed with monkeys – yet we are still threatened by insurgents, Iran, and poofy-haired Koreans. Given an honest assessment of the global situation, it should be obvious to everyone that we should construct a Death Star.

 “That’s no moon! That’s a space station!” people will exclaim, soon followed by them saying, “Wait; that’s just the moon.” That’s because they won’t see us construct the Death Star since we will do it behind the moon. No one will find out about our plans since, after we claimed ownership of the moon by putting our flag on it, we also put up a “Trespassers Will Be Shot” sign. You may wonder if we currently have the scientific capabilities to make a planet-destroying space station. This is a legitimate concern, but I’m pretty sure we know how to construct a large metal sphere, so we might as well start with that while we figure out the giant laser. I’m pretty sure that part involves the noble gas argon or something, but I’ll have to look that up. The other concern people might have is, unlike the movie version, will we install railings along the numerous bottomless pits in our giant space station? While it is a legitimate safety issue, this would add an estimated 0.01% to the cost, so it would have to be run by the DOD budget committee.

“Now, people of the world, dance for our amusement. DANCE!”

 OSHA compliant or not, when our Death Star is complete, we will then move it out from behind the moon into view of all. It will probably be a good idea to have a big American flag painted on the front before we do this as we don’t want Argentina claiming it’s their Death Start and threatening everybody. Once our new weapon is in view of all, the President should then come on TV and explain it to everyone. “We have constructed a planet-destroying space station for the purpose of peace. We, the great United States of America, swear we will only use it for the betterment of all mankind. Now, people of the world, dance for our amusement. DANCE!”

 The question arises of what should we use our Death Star on. Its purpose is to destroy planets, but the only planet of any strategic interest is Earth where there happens to be all our cities and football stadiums. Thus, we probably don’t want to blow that up. We could hit another planet to demonstrate our power, though, and I think the best candidate is Venus. Even though it is closer than Mars, no one is proposing a mission to Venus because that planet just sucks too much. Also, Venus is about the same size as Earth, so, if we blow it up, people will believe we also have the ability to blow up Earth if so angered. I say, soon after we unveil our super-weapon, we blow up Venus so people understand we have a fully-operational Death Star. The President can go on TV and say, “Your ‘morning star’ is no more. Now, make sure you all act in the interest of America and nothing else will have to meet an unfortunate demise.”

 The world should be scared into being peaceful for a while, but eventually some nutty little nation is going to try our patience. The President should then announce, “America has been angered! Fire up the Death Star!” As the super-laser is charging, everyone should quiet down. Then we can cancel the firing and the President will say, “We have decided not to destroy the Earth… for now.” This should work four to six times until people are convinced we’re bluffing. Then we’ll have to be more active such as firing lasers that just barely miss the Earth and maybe blowing up the moon in our anger. After years of peace, at some point, though, people will just get used to the idea of a giant space station floating above them and no longer be scared that we’ll actually do anything. When this happens, our only choice will be to come up with a new weapon to threaten our enemies with or to actually blow up the Earth.

 But we can cross that bridge when we reach it. Begin construction of the Death Star!
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on He is also the author of such books as “Everything I Needed to Know About Diplomacy I Learned from Emperor Palpatine” and “Killing Terrorists Through Applied Quantum Physics”.


  1. You’ve forgotten one VITAL fact Frank; if you destroy Venus, think of all the horoscopes you’re ruining!!! How will I know how my finances are doing if Venus isn’t in the sky to tell me?!? It’s bad enough we have equate this new tenth planet into all our astrology now, how could you even consider making it worse by removing Venus. THINK, FRANK, THINK!!
    signed, your happy Gemini

  2. //Plus if women realize their homeworld is destroyed they’ll settle here for good!//
    With all those mean photoshopped posts about you lately, SpaceMonkey, you should be the LAST person to complain about women being here,…in fact you better BEG us to stay.
    Besides, who else are you going to get to keep the Deathstar clean??

  3. 1) How did you find out about the Death Star behind the moon? I only knew of it through the messages from the Death Star construction crew that I’ve been intercepting through my special tin foil hat.
    2) I think you’re forgetting that the moon is owned by Mexicans. Remember, anyplace where you see an American flag is rightful property of all illegal Mexican immigrants.

  4. Pizwat: Please remember. When a moon is going to explode, don’t look directly at it. Instead, take a shoe box and make a pin hole in one side of it and watch the pretty lights it projects on the other side of the box. A helpful tip that just might save your sight!

  5. I dunno… shouldn’t we start with a Star Destroyer first? Those were -made- for planetary bombardment.
    Of course, for the United Imperial States of America, only a Super Star Destroyer (Executor class) is suitable.

  6. We can’t blow up the Moon, I like tides.
    You forgot a great side-effect of blowing up Venus, think of all the natural resources that will be just floating around. We have that in the asteriod belt, which was a planet before the Martians blew it up, but that’s pretty far away.
    We get all the resources of a planet right near us and we don’t have to mine them. They’re just floating there!
    That’s just win-win.
    As for the astrology angle, everybody knows phrenology is the only true science anyway.

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