In Frank’s World – Fan Fiction Round-up

The Order of the Blue Square has President Bush (who does NOT look fat in that suit) sending in the Marines. Or a Marine, as the case may be.
Morgnet follows Tony Snow as he gets initiated into the inner workings of the White House. Personally, I want to download the files on Bush’s PDA.
The Moxargon Group is right – it IS fun being an illegal alien! Also, I had no idea that the White House had an official Oval Office poking stick. Hope Frank J. doesn’t get one of those.
Fmragtops has Rummy taking a more “hands on” approach to troop training. Considering his deep and mystical understanding of the martial arts, I have to say that this would be a good thing in the real world, too.

Ya know, you guys are better at this than I thought you were gonna be.
Think maybe I should make a weekly carnival out of this?
Might help out with that “you guys never post anything on the weekend” problem.
Meanwhile, keep ’em coming and drop a link in the comments.


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