Coulter Scares Me

But she’s in the news now and John Hawkins has an interview (I’m pretty sure I made that global warming joke before…).


  1. FrankJ, let me help. I learned this when I was in school and had to give a speech in front of the class, or, it may have been from watching sitcoms, I’m not sure. Whenever you are afraid of another person(s) you just need to imagine that person naked. In the case of Ann Coulter this would not be too bad.
    Disclaimer: If you are afraid of Madelyn Albright or Hillary Clinton I would not recommend this method, nor will I be responsible for the damage to your emotional well being.

  2. I love Ann Coulter’s combination of great research, attitude, smarts, and looks!
    Now we all know why Blondes were never meant to be smart or have self confidence.
    To the detriment of the liberals … thank God!

  3. Frank, I have had the occasion to meet Miss Coulter and I must tell you I have never slept with a more charming neoconservative. Well maybe Dianna, Princess of Walls, er, I mean Wales. Bad taste there, that typo. So buck up and stop being frightened by every right-wing fembot that approaches you with a maniacal look in here eye. Courage Frank, courage

  4. Coulter rules!!! I find that most coservatives that are offended by her are really just hiding the fact that they are cowards who have been hijacked by liberals using perceived guilt and some of the most deplorable tactics available. Exposing liars and promoters of hate speech should be the obligation of every conservative; thank God for Ann. Remember folks, as I have said before; Ann is not throwing bombs… she is throwing teddy bears of truth. Hug them!!!

  5. I saw her speak at Rutgers University in Camden the day before the election ’04. She was awesome!
    I think I’ve read almost all of her books, and “Godless” arrived yesterday in the mail (thank you Amazon!). I’ve already almost hyperventilated from laughing, and I’m still in Chapter 1.
    And, I know everybody thinks she’s beautiful. Truthfully, I’m not that attracted to her looks. They seem a bit “severe” to me. And what’s with the leather skirts?
    But I love her sense of humor and share most of her points of view. Although, I must read the context of the Jersey Girls quote before I’ll pass judgment. It seemed a little harsh to me (not incorrect, just harsh).

  6. “The truth shall set you free. ” Thanks Ann. Keep up the good fight.
    Just remember, the main reason for all the vitriol is jealousy. Just like in High School.
    Which is just more evidence that the left is immature, adolescent and intellectually bankrupt. They prove it everytime they open their mouths. All anyone has to do is repeat what they say, to prove that thesis.

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