Operation Get Spacemonkey Added To The Dictionary

Throw out your old dictionaries, folks. They’re all horribly out of date now that the new ones are about to hit the shelves!

If you’re still lost, grab the latest edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary for a definition of those and about 100 other words that have made their way into its pages.
“We try to have a mix that addresses the wide range of people’s information needs when adding new words,” said John Morse, president of the Springfield-based dictionary publisher. “It could be a technical term or some light-hearted slang that sends people to a dictionary.”
To make it into the dictionary, a word has to be more than a flash-in-the-pan fad. It needs staying power.
“We need evidence that the word is showing up in publications that people are reading on an everyday basis,” Morse said. Lexicographers comb through national newspapers, entertainment magazines, trade journals and Web sites in search of new words and phrases.

Okay, so let’s see if they’ve finally gotten around to adding spacemonkey

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What? No spacemonkey? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Folks, it’s time to make spacemonkey a part of your daily lives so we can get it added to the dictionary. (And, thus, get spacemonkey’s picture put next to the definition.)
But first, of course, we need to agree on a definition of spacemonkey.
What’s your definition of spacemonkey?

And we need to get the definition for Frank corrected, too…

1 : marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression (a frank reply)
2 a : unmistakably evident (frank materialism) b : clinically evident and unmistakable (frank pus)

Oh. wait. Never mind. It’s correct.
Although I really don’t want to know what frank pus is.

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  1. Spacemonkey – A thin legged primate claiming to possess the power of flight (into space). It only seems to have a right foot in all known photographs. It is also rumored to have a sense of humor but that has never been documented. The Spacemonkey has demonstrated rudimentary artistic ability but no benefactors have expressed any interest. No entry in Wikipedia at this time.

  2. spacemonkey (n) – term given to a blog post that doesn’t receive many comments.
    When Chris returned from vacation, he logged onto his site to find the front page of his blog was still filled with spacemonkeys.

  3. Ok it was Jasper Frehley who put up the “All Access back door pass” to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
    A Realistic Plan for World Peace
    Details! Always gotta get the Details right!
    It was funny. That’s why I remembered it.
    My favorite comment by shimauma: “my 13 year old isn’t going to get this…and I sure as hell ain’t explaining.”
    Sorry, if I got a bit off track.

  4. noun. 1. A person who chatters constantly and with blatent disregard of those around them. 2. A person who is totally clueless. Synonyms: Jabbermonkey, numbnut. Example: I upped the volume on my iPod to tune out the spacemonkey on the bus.

  5. Cary, “Spacemonkey” ia a great song by Patti Smith. One of many as we all know. Mr. Monkey will now have his own theme song, unlike the rest of IMAO bloggers, except for Mr. Simon, who has “Cat Scratch Fever” or at least we can all hope. Just kidding Laurance, I love your cats.

  6. Forget the definition. All these years I’ve been pronouncing it wrong. I thought it was “Spay-Keymon-Key.”
    I had even crafted lyrics to the tune of the Monchichi theme song that I committed to memory.
    Oh so soft and cuddle-ly, my eye.

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