Are You Threatening Me?!

Look at this e-mail I got:


We mailed you several times, but you didn’t bother to reply.
Please note that there is a spam post in your following pages mentioning our site.

Please delete the entire comment, otherwise we will have to take legal steps against you.

Webmaster, [link]

So I search my e-mails and find one other from them:


We, at [link], contacted you many times regarding our link to our website, but got no reply from your end.

Please note that we found a spam posting in your following page where our site’s link has been given:

Some ‘Nick Jonson’ did the posting, please check and delete it at the earliest. Sometimes we surprise how you are continuing with such spam posts for somany days!

Please delete the post, please don’t provoke us to take any legal steps.

Awaiting for your earliest action.

Webmaster, [link]

Wha?! Legal action against what? Some guy was spamming my comments – apparently on their behalf – and they’re going to sue me under… what statute? Sue me for having a link to them that I didn’t even write? What the hell is this?
I mean, I could delete it, but I demand to be asked nicely. It’s not like I like spam, but, as soon as it hits my website, it’s my spam, and I can do with it as I please.


  1. [Frank J.: Long off topic rant that I can’t even tell you what it was about because it was so freaking long. I decided to remove before some site of wacky rants threatens me with legal action.]

  2. I have a mortgagefit every month on the 15th when the bank debits my account.
    mmmmmmmmmmm…”Spiced Ham” and “spam”…hlollll. That’s what IMAO needs…more pork and pork product related posts!

  3. “Sometimes we surprise how you are continuing with such spam posts for somany days!”
    If that is not a typo on Frank’s part; then yes, I think we have some kind of fraud attempt. Read below then look at the sentence I quoted again:
    “You pay for watch now!”
    “Me love you long time!”
    “You break, you buy!”
    “Super challenge loan contest!”
    Look familiar?

  4. Frank – This looks like a typical “sleeper” scam. An individual randomly spams different blogs and then months or even years later threatens to sue in an attempt to extort money from the victim. Usually a good punch to the face gets them off of your back.
    Or you could send Adnan Hajj over to photograph their company picnic. It’s fun either way.

  5. You mean get away with some random guy saying that they’ll sue if Frank doesn’t take some random osucre spam off the site? How would they even know about something like that? The only real way to deal with these guys is some good old-fashioned stabbity death.

  6. Hi, Frank
    I am Sam, the admin of MortgageFit. We are a mortgage community working towards the development of mortgage industry.
    Few months ago, someone posted our link on your website (he may be our competitor). There is a link of my website in couple of pages. I will be highly obliged if you can do me a small favor by removing those links.
    Thanks for your kind attention and time.
    Sam Palmisan

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