Know Thy Enemy: Terrorists T-Shirt 2: The Legend of Curly’s Gold

Brand new IMAO T-Shirt from Know Thy Enemy: Terrorists!
I know what you’re thinking: “Bah! There was already a KTE: Terrorists shirt, and I was smart enough to buy one before it went out of print.”
Fool! This list of fun facts is ALL NEW! Check it out now!

Click to see the list and buy the shirt.

You buy many shirts because the Js need money (and you need to inform whomever is behind you about terrorists)!


  1. I need that “Ice Cold Conserverative” tee on I wonder how many people will try to spit on or berate me for wearing it on the UNM campus. Good thing the shirt’s already dyed red…

  2. What about these guys? Can you make a tshirt about this….
    Benjamin Matthew Williams, the 31-year-old white supremacist accused of murdering a gay couple outside this Northern California town in July, is now admitting that he slipped into the men’s home while they were sleeping and shot them to death in their bed.
    He did it, he said, because they were gay and God told him to. Also, God told him to call his mother more.
    When asked if he had killed the pair, Williams answered, “Absolutely. I’m a gay people murderer.”
    During his jailhouse confession Thursday, Williams said the only regret he has about the murders is that they didn’t inspire others to emulate him. And he insists his actions do not constitute a crime.
    “I’m not guilty of murder,” Williams said. “I’m guilty of obeying the laws of the creator. The law that said to kill gay people… or something.”…
    –Salon, 11/8/99
    A homeless Cuban refugee, chanting and apparently deranged, went on a rampage with a sword aboard a Staten Island ferryboat yesterday and killed two people and wounded nine others before being subdued by a retired police officer at gunpoint….
    ”He said God told him to do it,” Richard Condon, the First Deputy Police Commissioner and Acting Commissioner during Benjamin Ward’s vacation this week, said of the attacks. “We will soon apprhend this ‘God’ character,” Condon added…
    –New York Times, 7/8/86
    On a Thanksgiving Day afternoon in 1980, a black woman driving a 1974 black Lincoln decided to plow into people on the sidewalk on North Virginia Street in Reno, Nev. The woman stared straight ahead as she accelerated, striking several people without stopping. She drove 100 feet down one sidewalk, then over 300 feet down another, and finally drove two blocks down yet another one. She might well have continued, but a witness drove in front of woman’s car to force her to a halt. She was then arrested. And she was angry that she’d been stopped. She was happy it was a Tuesday, though….
    Under interrogation, the driver told authorities that her name was Priscilla Joyce Ford, Ford, 51, was a former school teacher who moved from New York to Reno. She told authorities that some people called her “Jesus Christ.” She also claimed to be Adam, of Adam and Eve, and a prophetess. Authorities were unable to confirm any of this…
    –from Court TV’s
    Beginning in 1975 and ending with his arrest in 1981, Peter Sutcliffe travelled the north of England frequently for work, never stopping in one place for too long. This lifestyle allowed him to evade capture viciously murdering 13 women….
    During his years of terror he became known simply as the Yorkshire Ripper. This is quite different from the Yorkshire terrier.
    A married man who no one suspected, would go out at night, on what he believed to be a mission from God, seeking out prostitutes to murder. His actions were similar to the prophet Elijah who also murdered prostitutes while high on crack…
    Harvey Carignan (1972-1975) aka “the Want-Ad Killer” was a 39-year old Army veteran who had actually been kicked out of the Army for a violent sex murder in which he was acquitted on a technicality. The technicality was they mistyped his name as “Callahan.” His serial killer career began in Seattle where he managed a gas station and beat to death at least 2 young girls who applied for jobs at the gas station. This violated a number of Washington State labor practice laws. In 1973, he moved to Minneapolis, and committed a string of 4-5 similar murders… When arrested, Harvey politely explained that he was under personal orders from God who commanded attacks on girls who were whores….
    Joseph Franklin (1977-1981) was a 37-year old former Klansman and neo-Nazi from Madison, Wisconsin who believed that interracial couples were a sin against God. He thought they might one day lead to a golf player with superhuman powers. He also believed that the criminal justice system was too lenient on blacks, and he once targeted a judge he thought was too lenient. He is thought to have bombed a synagogue in Chattanooga and was also a suspect in the shooting of Larry Flynt presumably because interracial couples were featured in Hustler magazine. He was an excellent sniper, and in his travels around the country, he shot 15 people, mostly couples consisting of a black man and a white woman. His spree finally ended because of high gas prices…
    –from “Male Serial Killers,” posted in conjunction with Dr. Tom O’Connor’s Criminal Profiling course at North Carolina Wesleyan College
    Clearly, none of these people were “lone nuts,” as the “MSM” would have you believe. Clearly, all of them were part of an international Christianist terrorist conspiracy.
    When will we stop being willfully blind and start connecting the dots? When will we add the two and the two and get something resembling four? Kill the Christian Terrorists….

  3. Does anyone notice how none of these cowardly trolls ever leaves their address? You do not suppose that they do not like receiving the kind of garbage they like to dish out do you? Too bad the quality of trolls is going downhill again.

  4. No, they’re crazy. Much like you. And for every christian terrorists, there are 10,000 Islamic terrorists (no insult to general Islamics meant). International Christianist Terrorist Conspiracy? Uh oh. It’s those middle class white Protestant Americans at it again! It’s going from ‘When in doubt, blame Bush!’ to ‘When in doubt, blame Christians!’ Help us all.

  5. Ha ha ha ha! That was a funny post by druid-bra. It’s not as though the druids of old ever killed anyone, especially not in ritual sacrafice…
    Do you feel better now, li’l punkin’? Did you get it all out? There, there, it OK. You told those mean ol’ Jesus freaks good. I bet they NEVER heard a stupid-ass rant like that before.
    Poor sissy leftard.

  6. druidbros,
    It’s simple economics; Islamic terrorists are topical and people will buy shirts making fun of them. No one wants a shirt making fun of a random list of killers from the past four decades that no one had even heard of. Even if I were to take a well known killer from a long time ago – such as Jack the Ripper – it still won’t be topical enough to make people to buy it. There is no “Ripper” currently out there trying to kill people for moronic reasons, but there are Islamists trying to kill people for the most retarded reasons imaginable.
    Also, you’re a weiner. You should have that looked into.

  7. Comparison:
    Kiano Reeves, Eugene Levy, Michael J. Fox, Jim Carrey, Matthew Perry, DHT, EA Sports, Ubisoft, Nintendo, ATI, Logitech, Steve Nash. Invented in Canada: basketball and hockey…
    George Bush

  8. But really, comparing penises is something liberals do. Just check out Kos or DU, and I guarantee you’ll find more baseless penis-comparing than you’d ever hope to find (which is pretty easy to do on the ‘net). It’s the lowest common denominator for libs. I thought our side was above that.

  9. //What about these guys? Can you make a tshirt about this….
    Posted by druidbros at August 30, 2006 04:10 PM//
    Sure, they could, but why waste the resources? We currently have musl-idiots driving SUV’s through campuses, shooting people like Naveed Afzal Haq did, shooting random people like John Mohammed and Lee Malvo did, & just acting like a bunch of wannabes, much as you did when you left an out-dated list of lunatics here. So we have the “real” messengers of God (apparantly muslim) to print.
    If you think for a moment that the list of “Christian Terrorists” compares to the 160,000+ christians killed last year alone world wide- mostly by muslims for BEING Christian- then you need to research the “facts” you attempted to drop here.
    I won’t be surprised if you don’t respond.
    You ask why don’t we make a t-shirt for your examples? We wouldn’t want to infringe on your tendancy to glorify stupidity, like when liberals display the slogan “Not my president” featuring George Bush on shirts & bumper stickers, among other propogandist media.
    BTW, I think the examples you listed look to you for support, not us.
    God bless you anyway.

  10. Y’all need to come to Serpent Mound during the Autumnal Equinox this year. The “druids” all come out and swarm over the thing “absorbing energy”…positively the most hilarious thing you’ll ever see! One of them will start to make a noise and a bunch will flock to that spot…then somewhere else one of them will start to vibrate and they’ll flock over there…it’s very reminiscent of a flock of birds or a school of fish. Did I mention the hooded robes? I believe they all belong to the tribe of Gandalph the Stupid. Whatch this “ritual” once and you’ll have a new appreciation for Trolly McTroll.

  11. Well said AlanABQ, What other group in the world runs it’s military in such a way as to put it’s soldiers in harms way just to protect civilian life in a war zone? That is the only regret I have about fighting this Campaign, One cannot be Political correct when One’s survival is at stake. Live and let Live does not work so long as You have something that someone else wants to acquire through any means regardless of what You want, say, or do. Unfortunately this is a religious war, Here You have the right to beleive whatever you want and live to tell about it, Over there, You beleive what they tell you to beleive or die for your convictions. Another unfortunate thing about this war is that those who initiated it sit on most of the worlds oil reserves, thus they control to an extent the worlds economies. We would not be in the predicament we’re in now, and I don’t mean this war, I mean about the cost of fuel which affects us all if it wasn’t for the bullshit of politics and appeasing the Tree Huggers. I don’t beleive we can save the world, and I’m not about to die trying. Everything has a begining and an end, Hopefully we can end their begining.

  12. 1) Also, God told him to call his mother more.
    2) The law that said to kill gay people… or something.”…
    3) “We will soon apprhend this ‘God’ character,” Condon added..
    4) She was happy it was a Tuesday, though….
    5) Authorities were unable to confirm any of this…
    6) This is quite different from the Yorkshire terrier.
    7) His actions were similar to the prophet Elijah who also murdered prostitutes while high on crack…
    8) This violated a number of Washington State labor practice laws
    9) He thought they might one day lead to a golf player with superhuman powers.
    10) His spree finally ended because of high gas prices…
    11) Kill the Christian Terrorists….

  13. //I was ready to buy the shirt until I read the last line.I go to a SEMINARY fer cryin’ out loud! //
    I would think that would be the most appropriate place to wear a shirt with the “p” word on it…except of course “seminary” isn’t what I was thinking…never mind…[giggle]
    Anyway, MOTO, is correct, I can’t get that one for Moonbunny. Her 13year old mortification levels would be way too high.

  14. Druidbros
    Most people would hardly bother to read several of the sources that you quoted. Salon and the New York Slimes have been proven wrong so often that only those who are paper training puppies or required birdcage liners buy them. They are not much good as fishwrapper since they spoil the fish sooner.

  15. I have “THE FEAR”.
    Every night while I lie in bed I cry myself to sleep fearing that those evil Christians and Jews will come blow up my work the next morning. When I see them on the street, they smile and wave and tell me God loves me, but I know that they are really just waiting until the time is right to convert me by force or kill me for refusing. So what if 99.99% of terrorists are Islamic, I fear the 0.0001 % who claim to be Christian.
    For those who are wondering how “THE FEAR” is contracted…It is forced upon you using one of these:

  16. Yeah, some of those whacked out God fearing Christians do some sick *$%#. Like I heard about this one chick who said God “told her” to up and move to India and take care of poor people. And all those whacked out freaks who showed up in Missouri and Lousiana last year claiming God “told them” to come down and help rebuild whole communities. I mean, WTF?
    I read the bible once and it was nothing but stuff like “Murder your neighbor”, “Kill the whores”, “If they’re not Christian then gut them alive”. I read in there that Jesus guy rampaged the Middle East for like 30 years slaughtering people left and right and encouraging everybody to do the same.
    Oh, wait. No, it’s the sick murdering screwups like druidbro quoted who get condemned by the entire Christian community as the sick mentally unstable whack-jobs they are. This in complete contrast to the members of a to remain nameless religion who dance in the street when somebody does something that’s supposedly against the teaching from their so-called peaceful religion.

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