PICTURE KILL: Disney World Bombed Photo Used Photo-Editing Software


The photo of Disney World being bombed that was issued over the weekend has been revealed to have been manipulated with photo-editing software. We are thus asking all blogs to cease and desist from using the aforementioned photo.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to prevent this from happening again in the future. Preliminary investigations have revealed that I had a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 at the time the photo was posted. Since it’s common for people to photoshop pictures to further anti-Semitic ends when legally drunk, there are no plans to fire myself… despite this being yet another incident in a long series of ethical lapses.


  1. Well, I’m sitting at my work desk in Chicago with a huge suitcase for an evening flight to Disneyworld. I’m hoping the cat fur covering said huge suitcase will serve as a marker to Laurence Simon and his New Feline Order (or whatever it was called on Pure Idiom) and leave me protected from a future Joo attack during my stay.
    Actually, I suspect Piper is trying to frame him – the place is infested with a few huge mice, after all. A few good pounces and Piper/Nardo/et al could eat for a month. Who’s got Photoshop?

  2. The weird part is that they missed all of the other, real times DW got bombed by various groups.
    Happens every week. Hundreds dead, thousands injured. They just cover it up and call it “heat exhaustion,” and give the victims free mouse ears.
    Selling off the cars and RVs pays for the damage, and even turns a nice profit some weeks.

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