Check this out!
If you don’t do what the Democrats say, they will take away your freedom of speech!
Even if the docudrama is inaccurate (reportedly, they use an invented scene to make Clinton look less feckless than he really was), you can’t threaten a company’s broadcast license over it! This is pure fascism on the part of Democrats!
Seriously, I was leaning towards ABC shouldn’t air something this controversial miniseries with made up events (which are supposed to be almalgamations of multiple events), but this is response is unprecedented.
Hey, Democrats maybe if you put some this energy to stopping terrorism instead of miniseries, you wouldn’t look like such of bunch of worthless little enuchs that you are.
More from Allahpundit here.
But he says we should all link here.
I’m going to go punch something.
Here’s my further introspection on this issue.
To reiterate for the trolls: The Democrats are threatening to take away ABC’s broadcast license, which never happened with the Reagan miniseries. Instead of just putting pressure on a network and its advertisers through normal means, they’re using threats of government retaliation. That’s textbook fascism right there.
If only the Democrats could get as angry about terrorists murdering people…
Also, for the record, I don’t think ABC should run a fictionalized account of what led to 9/11… but that’s not the concern of the government.

No Comments

  1. “If you don’t do what the Democrats say, they will take away your freedom of speech!”
    . . . and give it to themselves! Because, in order to deserve it, you have to really push its limits! Put some work into it, people! Others have forgotten what sedition is, and you have lawyers!

  2. Of COURSE the movie has scenes that don’t appear in the 9/11 report. Sandy Burglar stole the notes of those incidents from the National Archives when he was “researching” for Slick Willie’s testimony.

  3. Of course, if this was a Michael Moore “Documentary”, there would be no problems, not at all!
    Then again, the film that was made that shows Bush being assassinated (sp?) has been drawing criticism, but they will never, neigh NEVER, pull it at the most and edit it at the least. Oh no.
    So, now we see the same ‘ol same ‘ol partisan crapola that the Dicklesscrats do. Whine like Kerry when things make them look bad, then smear us in our own feces. I’m having deja vu back to when I read Slander by Ann Coulter.
    Fascist is not a suitable word for them. I suggest we call them, uh…
    I’ll get back to you on that…
    But while we wait, I think it is only fair that we never get involved in this name blame game as all it does is puts us on their level. No worries from me, mate, I will wait until after the election to laugh last and best.

  4. Oh yeah. For a while I’d forgotten just how much I bleeping hate these smirking little bastards! Self-important little flatworms, willing to stoop to suppressing the free expression of ideas that counter their own disgusting view of the way things ought to be. I’m so mad, so…Grrr. It’s hard not to launch into a string of profanity right now, but I do so out of respect for Frank and Sarah.
    Homer Mad! Homer Smash!

  5. They want to edit the scenes that depict Li’l Bill C. as a complacent dimwit. So the truth DOES hurt.
    So, where’s the ACLU in this? Surely this is a violation of someone’s civil liberty to be ignorant…

  6. Wonder if the film touches on:
    Travel Gate
    Vince Foster
    Juanita Broderick
    Rose Law Firm Records
    Jennifer Flowers
    White Water
    Chinese Campaign Contributions
    Monica Lewinski
    Yup…god, I miss slick willy!!!

  7. SkyeChild is right.
    Why do the Lefties suddenly quit commenting when thay are being disengenious. They cannot possibly defend their stand, when they did not object to the hatchet job done on Reagan. Typically, another Leftie double-standard-which is the primary reason that I am not a Lefty, I cannot stomache the twists and turns they take to justify their double standards.

  8. Daily Kos is so upset that they are afraid that we on the Right will institute Fascism, that they cannot see they are the one who support it. They have become no different from the Nazis, despite their continued protests that Naziism is a Right-Wing phenomena. They deny that the term NAZI came from National SOCIALIST party-the Lefties themselves. Look at DU or Kos and search for Lieberman, you will find hundreds of anti-Semitic screeds. They have become exactly what they claim to most fear.

  9. nazis were big fans of revisionist history, just like the bush administration and abc. you suggest dems should just let blatent lies air uncontested…did you do that on the reagan piece…no and 3000 people didn’t die for the reagan piece.

  10. I hate to rain on your happy parade of left-bashing, but I happen to be a liberal, and also agree with you about this going too far. The difference is always about who has the power. If this had come from the right, while Republicans were in power, there would have been cries and screams from the left. Abuse of power should never stand. It’s ALL about oversight. The president has been quietly and loudly seeing what he can get away with for the last five years, and the Congress has been letting him (how many investigations have been started on Bush, vs. Clinton? Remember when the worst thing we had to worry about was a stained dress? Where is that review of pre-war intelligence, that was supposed to be ‘almost done’ when the Democrats shut down congress almost a year ago?) I actually can’t wait until the liberals are back in power so I can join in pointing out their abuses, rather than the ones on the right. I’m happier as an outraged right-winger, and an outraged left-winger. I just haven’t had much opportunity to be the former the last few years.

  11. We need to be reality based. Even now substantial numbers of Americans believe the version of history being fed from the Bush administration despite its internal contradictions. This miniseries will add substantially to the non-truth these Americans believe. Democrats are not asking that the perpetrators get thrown in jail, we are asking that they tell the truth.
    Then we will have them thrown in jail.

  12. You right wing nut jobs are too much! If what the liars who scripted this “documentary” said are true–that Clinton “ignored” the dangers of Bin Laden, then what excuse do Bush and Rice have for continuing to ignore the danger after Bush’ inuauguration? Even tho they got briefings entitled “Bin Laden determined to strike the US”? You can’t have it both ways, you idiots. And something is wrong with these nachos I’m eating. And when Clinton moved to strike Bin Laden he was castigated by right wingers who said he was trying to distract from the Lewinsky scandal. Again, you can’t have it both ways. Again, I’m pretty sure that the cheese is bad or something with these nachos. And we can certainly blame Repugs whose relentless hounding of Clinton made sure he had little time or scope to concentrate on terrorism. The fact is, it happened on Bush’ watch–he was too f***ing busy clearing brush and vacationing to pay attention to the problem–and Rice, a fourth-rate academic with a Cold War mindset, also wasn’t paying attention–how about a reflection of these realities in ABC’s show? I saw a National Geographic special on 9-11 the other night that claimed Bush “spoke to the nation from the White House on the evening of 9-11”–complete and utter bullshit–he was “cutting and running” and didn’t show his face for three days. I also saw the National Geographic show the Dog Whisperer and his big pit bulls scared me and I hid behind the couch for a day. The corporate media is spreading these lies because they are terrified that they will lose their hold in the coming elections–that’s what this is about. Also, they’re jealosu of the size of my bong. We may as well be living in Stalinist Russia reading Pravda–is this your idea of democracy–to use public airwaves to spread lies and give yet ANOTHER pass to this bumbling, incompetent lying pseudo President?

  13. A couple points here:
    1. half of you are already heavily indoctrinated with right-wing propganda (anyone who calls him “sandy burglar” qualifies here)
    2. The movie has multiple scenes that very deliberately distort the record for the political advantage of the right.
    3. Most liberals just want the movie labeled as fiction.
    4. The right reacted the same way to the CBS miniseries titled “The Reagans”
    5. Fascism involves the merging of corporate and state power, destruction of labor forces, etc… the Dems are threatening ABC with legal recourse if they don’t fix or make non-libelous the series. This is not fascism. It might be censorship, but it’s not fascism.
    6. There is a reason why the left labels bush a fascist, it has to do with bush’s policies and how they match those of a modern fascist. You reject this formulation outright (because the word fascist seems so nasty and over the top) but you never actually analyze it non-emotionally. You never looked at what makes a regime fascist and honestly compared it to Bush’s regime because that act of defiance, just thinking about it, would be too revolutionary for you.
    7. As I write this, I’m fantasizing about a sexual tryst with Hugo Chavez.
    I’m sorry.

  14. Filancia,
    It is not the Right that has claimed that they made up stories about weapons of mass destruction, neither did they continue to insist that 911 was an inside job, nor do they claim that the CIA is listening in to everyone’s phone calls. They are continuously accused of Fascism, when they disagree with any policy of the Lefties, simply so that the Left can evade having a logical (not emotional) discussion. Now they are going too far with their insistence on gagging dissent and need to be identified and recognized as the true Fascists they accuse others of.

  15. “Fascism involves the merging of corporate and state power, destruction of labor forces, etc.”
    No, it involves the government seizing control of corporations. It’s not a merger, its a take-over. It’s taking socialist ideas like controlling health-care, and taking people’s money away from them with the promise that they’ll get SOME OF IT back when and if they’re old, and expanding that idea (“Involving the Government ALWAYS MAKES THINGS BETTER!”) into the private sector, what can people buy, how much can stores charge people for those state-approved purchases, etc.
    And Fascism does hurt labor forces, because if you don’t work when the government say you work, you die. But you know, last time I checked, nobody ahd been shot for missing their shift under the Bush administration. Weird huh? I guess maybe he’s not a fascist.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not expecting you to listen to reason, after all, who wants to recognize and accept that they’ve been acting like a total jackass for 6 years (or more)?

  16. Conservatives rightfully blew a gasket about error and bias in the made-for-TV movie about Ronald Reagan. Now liberals are rightfully blowing a gasket about error and bias in the made-for-TV movie about the 9/11 attacks.
    I really can’t see what’s the difference. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If conservatives are OK with cancelling the Reagan movie due to its many factual problems, they should be OK with cancelling the 9/11 movie due to its factual problems.

  17. Editor & Publisher reviews the film. The “drama” in “docudrama” apparently consists of indicting Clinton for things that never happened, and glossing over anything that might make the current president look bad.
    If ABC really thinks that this is a “dramatization” (their current defense) then why have they distributed study guides to over 10,000 students? You don’t ask students to study made-up history. Somebody honestly thought that they could get away with rewriting the history of the most traumatic even in recent American history. Nauseating.

  18. No, it involves the government seizing control of corporations. It’s not a merger, its a take-over. It’s taking socialist ideas like controlling health-care, and taking people’s money away from them with the promise that they’ll get SOME OF IT back when and if they’re old, and expanding that idea (“Involving the Government ALWAYS MAKES THINGS BETTER!”) into the private sector, what can people buy, how much can stores charge people for those state-approved purchases, etc.
    I thought that was socialism. Can you discern a difference between socialism and fascism? is it the same word to you?

  19. Lindata,
    People still say “reality-based” with a straight face?
    Some of you people need to try actual reality instead of something merely based on reality.
    And don’t give away the answers to Faux-Troll Patrol or I might ban you for un-sportsman like conduct.

  20. “Unprecedented” except for that little bit of “censorship” that the winger nutjobs enforced on CBS for the “Reagan” miniseries a year or two ago. Yep, I guess if you make shit up and call it “news” then people get a tad peeved over it. On both sides.

  21. Writer:
    How about those weapons of mass destruction? If Clinton was hounded for a consensual sexual affair with an adult, why haven’t we seen like investigations into the falsehoods of the Bush admin? And lumping the Left with those who think 9-11 was an inside job or claimimg that “the Left” thinks the CIA is listening to “everyone’s” phone calls–is THIS your idea of a logical non-emotional discussion? Give me a break! And as for fascism–check out ME’s # 6 comment further up–one aspect of fascism is using a supposedly “free” press to put out propaganda–precisely what ABC is accused of. The Left “evades” discussion? Where are the investigations into Bush’s failures? Why does the “Right” persist in ducking valid question about this utter loser? Why so many investigations of Clinton and no Congressional examination of Bush? Why hasn’t Jack Bauer been put on trial for his torture of prisoners? How about an examination of the fraud and theft in Iraq?? How about an investigation into how the Bush admin wouldn’t even ask for the millions back that were pilfered by Custer Battles even AFTER CB was convicted of fraud??? How about someone finally look into why corporations have been bilking us for years by selling hot dogs in packs of 10 while selling buns in packs of 8???? The problem is, many rightwingers seems to have an infantile need to project strength and competency onto a fool and won’t even begin to look at the truth. Guess what–this bs is not working any more.

  22. Three years ago, the right-wingers forced CBS to cancel the airing of “The Reagans” because it was not sufficiently glorifying St Ronald.
    So, STFU, whiny jackasses.
    The truth of the matter is that some Neo-cons thought they could exploit 9/11 (yet again!) by making a libelous and defamatory movie about the event, in order to reject the responsibility of the affair squarely on Clinton.
    Worse, they claimed that the film accurately followed the 9/11 Commisiion Report. Well, that claim has now been publicly debunked by some of the members of the 9/11 Commission and those in the public who actually READ the 9/11 Commission Report.
    ABC and the Neo-cons thought they could get away by slandering Clinton, Albright, and Berger. AND refusing to give them a copy of the film. AND refusing their sexual advances.
    In other words, that’s the Neo-con tactic: slander people, and refuse to give them a chance to precisely respond to the charges by refusing to show them the evidence.
    Well, you fascist skanks, the Democrats and the progressives in general have finally had enough of your crap. They are fighting back. This is only the starting point. Next we will conquer the Food Network.
    You can be sure that they are lawsuits in the making against Cyrus the Not So Great, Cunningham the religious cultists, and former FOX scumbag Iger.

  23. Mike,
    You tell Writer! You go, girl!
    Don’t you think the Democrats threats to pull a broadcast license makes things a bit different than just putting normal pressure on the network like what happened with the Reagan miniseries?

  24. Reality-based vs Propaganda-based. You guys believe your own propaganda. You know that Clinton’s people told the Bush people they needed to pay attention to terrorism. Bush demoted Clarke, failed to meet to be briefed on terrorism for 9 months, dismissed the PDB “Bin Laden Determined to Stike in US” as a CYA memo, and sat like a deer in the headlights for seven minutes after hearing that the second plane had hit the World Trade Center. None of that is in the movie. The non-facts of Clinton being distarcted by the impeachment fiasco, Albright warning the Pakistani’s of the missels headed to the camps, and Berger failing to authorize to imminent taking out of bin Laden are in the movie.
    Good old So-Called-Liberal-Media.

  25. Calm down everyone. We Democrats are too sleepy right now to get organized enough to carry out our fascist fantasies. Remember that one year when we won an election?
    Yeah…that was awesome. I think it was when Eisenhower or that other guy, Dewey, won. For class treasurer or something.
    Please recall that the last time we weren’t so sleepy, we flipped an A-bomb on Japan, so it is probably a good thing that we’ve turned our considerably weakened naptime powers of “persuasion” on something innocuous and overlooked, like network television.
    I guess what I’m trying to say is that we Democrats are a sleeping giant, but don’t worry. Once we finally do wake up, I assure you, we’ll be for war and the flag and government secrets all over again.
    Until then, leave us be. I think we’re getting to the juicy bits of dreamtime, if you know what I mean, involving the political courage of 7 of 9 considering her implementation of 6 of 9.

  26. “AND refusing their sexual advances.”
    “Next we will conquer the Food Network”.
    Typical fascist pig behavior: sneak in, distort, and manipulate.

  27. Well, I see that you right wing nut jobs have had to insert ridiculous comments into my posts–what’s the matter–is what I’m saying hitting too close to home? Is that your only weapon? Ridicule? I guess it’s all you guys are left with. I’m so mad I pooed my pants. So much for a logical discussion of the issues–you simply aren’t capable of it. You truly are pathetic.

  28. What are the democrats scared of exactly. That a dramatization of the Clintons attitude about terrorism pre-9/11 will make them look bad? A little too late for that. Everybody knows that Clinton was not serious about terrorism vis-a-vis only doing any bombing when he is headed for a grand jury testimony. Letting Bin Laden go two times. The list cold go on and on. The only thing this docudrama did was protray what everybody knew already, that Clinton was goofball/jackass about any serious issue.

  29. That was my post above, denouncing the IMAO creature’s tampering with my previous post.
    And yes, IMAO, Democrats are fighting back after six years of abuse, defamation, and libel, from low-lives like you. Come November, we’ll kick your slimy asses all over the place.
    Don’t you think the Democrats threats to pull a broadcast license makes things a bit different than just putting normal pressure on the network like what happened with the Reagan miniseries?
    Posted by: Frank J. on September 8, 2006 11:48 AM”
    Reagan was not being slandered. There were some scenes that depicted him as a bit confused in his second term — which he was, since he was suffering from the onset of Alzheimer. Some scene also depicted him as being somewhat callous about the AIDS pandemic. Which he was, all you have to do is Google the facts.
    Threatening to yank the license of ABC is the correct response in the face of the brazenly defamatory and libelous character of the 9/11 docudrama. ABC brought this onto themselves.
    Had they stuck to the facts of the 9/11 Commission Report as they claimed, this would not have happened. They tried to pull a fast one and they got caught. Tough shit!

  30. Filancia,
    Once again you go off with half of the truth. The Right objected to the Reagan lies. They did not threaten the network with pulling its license. Single Standard-say it 100 times and maybe it will stay between your ears.

  31. There is nothing in the Democrats’ letter that constitutes a threat of taking away ABC license. This is a phony charge by right-wingers who want to divert attention away from the false version of the 9/11 Commission report as presented by the ABC crockumentary.
    By making up this false charge, you only marginalize yourself.

  32. Speaking of ridicule:
    Mocking Bush is my patriotic duty
    A comedian explains how cruel jokes about the president can stop terrorism.
    By Bill Maher
    Print Email Digg it My Yahoo RSS Font: S / S+ / S++
    Photo: Richard Lautens/Toronto Star/ZUMA Press
    Bill Maher
    Sept. 8, 2006 | New rule: Bad presidents happen to good people. Amid all the 9/11 anniversary talk about what will keep us safe, let me suggest that in a world turned hostile to America, the smartest message we can send to those beyond our shores is, “We’re not with stupid.” Therefore, I contend — with all seriousness — that ridiculing this president is now the most patriotic thing you can do. Let our allies and our enemies alike know that there’s a whole swath of Americans desperate to distance themselves from Bush’s foreign policies. And that’s just Republicans running for reelection.
    Now, of course, you’re gonna say, “But Bill, ridiculing Bush is like shooting fish in a barrel,” or, as Dick Cheney calls it, “hunting.” Maybe, but right now it’s important, because America is an easily misunderstood country these days — a lot of the time it’s hard to make out what we’re saying over the bombs we’re dropping.
    But we are not all people who think putting a boot in your ass is the way to solve problems, because even allowing that my foot lodged in your ass would feel good, which I don’t — what then? OK, my boot is in your ass, but I can’t get it out, so I’m not happy, and it’s in you, so you’re not happy — there’s no exit strategy.
    Anyone who opposes the indefinite occupation of Iraq shouldn’t be labeled an al-Qaida supporter. That’s like saying that if I tell my exterminator that there are more efficient ways to rid the house of vermin than hitting them with a hammer, I’m “for the rats.”
    Questioning whether it still makes sense to keep troops under fire is supporting the troops. Asking for a plan supports the troops; asking when they’ll be leaving supports the troops. Sitting around parsing the definition of “civil war” doesn’t support the troops, it supports the president, and he’s not a soldier, he just plays one on TV.
    So yes, for the sake of homeland security, I ridicule the president — but it gives me no pleasure to paint him as a dolt, a rube, a yokel on the world stage, a submental, three bricks shy of a load, a Gilligan unable to find his own ass with two hands. Or, as Sean Hannity calls it, “Reaganesque.”
    No, it pains me to say these things, because I know deep down George Bush has something extra — a chromosome. Cruel? Perhaps, but it may just have saved lives. By doing the extra chromosome joke, I sent a message to a young Muslim man somewhere in the world who’s on a slow burn about this country, and perhaps got him to think, “Maybe the people of America aren’t so bad. Maybe it’s just the rodeo clown who leads them. Maybe the people ‘get it.'” We do, Achmed, we do!
    And that’s why making fun of the president keeps this country safe. The proof? I’ve been doing it nonstop for years, and there hasn’t been another attack. Maybe the reason they haven’t attacked us again is they figured we’re already suffering enough.
    If I could explain one thing about George W. Bush to the rest of the world it’s this: We don’t know what the hell he’s saying either! Trust me, foreigners, there’s nothing lost in translation, it’s just as incoherent in the original English. Yes, we voted for him — twice — but that’s because we’re stupid, not because we’re bad. Bush is just one of those things that are really popular for a few years and then almost overnight become completely embarrassing. You know, like leg warmers, or Hootie and the Blowfish, or white people going, “Oh no you di-int.”
    So while honoring the anniversary of September 2001, we must also never forget September 2000. That’s the month when Gov. George W. Bush said, “I know that human beings and fish can coexist peacefully.” If you don’t believe me, you can look it up on both internets. The world changed on 9/11. He didn’t. That’s why we owe it to ourselves, and our children, to never stop pointing out that George W. Bush is a gruesome boob. Full disclosure: Salon editor-in-chief Joan Walsh will be Maher’s guest on HBO’s “Real Time” on Friday, Sept. 8, at 11 p.m. EST.

  33. //So much for a logical discussion of the issues//
    A logical discussion of the issues would require you to address said issues with fact Mikey. You’ve come to a battle of wits unarmed. The comments are edited to make them interesting. Perhaps your skin is a little too thin.

  34. Is it just me or are lefties morons? A public figure cannot sue for libel for misrepresentations or comments made concerning their position as a public official. Clinton should no better with that lawyer bitch as a wife! It is funny though to here the party of the ACLU try to censor speech and the press!

  35. Do you realize what a bunch of pussies you supposed tough guy Republicans sound like? Perhaps if your homoerotic obsession with Clinton’s cock didn’t cloud your collective judgemnets circa 1996 you all could have been onboard the anti-terrorism thing when it could have helped make a difference. Instead you opted to declare Clinton “wagging the dog” when he bombed the Afghani terror training camp. But, doing your duty as the Congressional majority party wasn’t as important as your little day dream fantasies of Clinton’s dick.
    Buncha homos. I hate gays and think we should drop walls on them like our enlightened Muslim friends!

  36. The premise of the original post is absurd–there is not a single line in the Democrats’ letter that threaten’s ABC’s license. Besides, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a “network license”–licenses only go to individual stations (though I do believe that all of the networks own a few of their affilliates).

  37. Oh by the way Ed – I love how you made an errata post that was as filled with as many typos as the post you were correcting. And you, you freaking mouth breathing moron, feel you have the neural cells (those are the cells that comprise most of your brain, by the way) to discuss politics? Maybe you had better get back to work, boy, and leave the grown up talk to grown ups.
    By the way, did Mr. Wilson next door let you use his computer while you were on break from raking his lawn? Can’t imagine a bottom 10 percenter like you actually being allowed to operate a computer in your workplace…

  38. The amusing part about this whole business, is that the Lefties are acting EXACTLY like the Islamo-Fascists wanting to kill Salmon Rushdie. What part of “docudrama” and “fiction” do the group of you not understand?

  39. Dr Phat Tony: I have posted, several times and have had ridiculous comments inserted into my posts–and this, on a Repug whine about censorship!
    Moneyman: I’ve put out some facts, like about Custer Battles–where are your facts in response? Oh. I forgot–you don’t have any- hence the reliance on making fun of “The Left”–see you losers in November!

  40. Hahahahah! This site is GREAT!!!!!
    I actually had a post altered by someone with admin rights!!!!!! Oh my God, you Snake Handling John Birchers are like the gift that keeps on giving – squealing about fascism and freedom of speech while changing the content of a post that disagrees with you! Bravo, my little Pink Comrades. Pravda and your neo-con hero Trotsky would be proud as little babushkas at your efforts.
    I am going to come here a lot I think.

  41. No Frank – I had my comments altered. Nice bit of fascism from the site’s admins. Nice little attempt at a touche there with the “hate myself” crack. God, you just sooooo ruined my lunch hour.
    But Frank – don’t you think you and your fellow whiners come off as a bit pussy-ish over this whole thing?

  42. //I also saw the National Geographic show the Dog Whisperer and his big pit bulls scared me and I hid behind the couch for a day. //
    Can we play faux Troll patrol now or are you going to make my eyes bleed, Frank?
    This point may already have been made, but trying to find “teh” funny in the troll posts hurt my head, so I skipped a bunch, but I must say that while the libtards and whiny media keep wailing that this ABC movie being a pack of lies, the libtards also bashed and hammered(as much as their little brain muscles would allow)any blogging attempt to point out that F-9/11 and the Reagan documentary were absolute liberal dogma. Double-standard much, libs?
    Oh you MF(not “monkeyfaced”) libs, just so you know, none of this is going to make any difference in the next millennia, so might as well shut yer yammering…’kay?

  43. And Mr. Oh Come On Now – you forgot to point out the most obvious part of Writer’s comments: that he admitted that this was fiction (that he can’t distinguish between calling for someone’s death via Fahtwa and attempting to use political/legal/consumer protest to get a piece of propaganda off the air is also quite damning of his character, but this is a typical right winger character flaw).
    So – now that we have a typical poster on Pravda West admitting this is fiction, let’s all dialogue a bit. Since we admit its fiction, what is the agenda behind showing a piece of fiction about one of our nation’s worst days? Since no one else cares to answer, I shall start:
    The agenda behind this now admittedly fictional account of the events leading up to 9/11 is to reach the millions of impressionable, non political Americans who typically don’t read the Int’l sections of newspapers and who certainly didn’t read the 9/11 Commission Report, to belive in the distorted reality that would most benefit the neo-con agenda. This is an attempt to inject a false meme into our popular culture and once that meme mestastisizes, it is very hard ot remove it.
    Does that make sense to the mouth breathers and the closet cases still dreamily thinking about Clinton’s johnson?

  44. sorry Frank I gave away a faux troll post…but it was VERY funny and I couldn’t let it go.
    You libtards don’t have a clue…this is how Frank FORCES us to read your nonsense…you should THANK Frank for making us take your point of view into account, even if it does make you more vulnerable to ridicule…
    Thank Frank…that’s a good catch phrase.

  45. Boy! I haven’t had this much time since my last physical.
    FrankJ: You sure know how to draw the trolls out in droves. I think we need more of these posts to boost your ratings!
    Me, I just won’t turn on the television until all this is over.
    As I understand it, Clinton took over ALL media outlets (to include cable) in order to supply subliminal messages telling us to be little lefty diehards.
    I am going to spare my brain and not watch TV until those of us at the VRWC have conquered.
    Ah, yes… a return to reason through a determined and calculated extermination of lefty blowhards.
    I am all for double standards, unless the one portraying them happen to be leftist Sandanistas and Bolsheviks.
    But then again, I can readily admit to being a hypocrite.
    I hate everyone.

  46. Shimauma,
    It might be possible to take you seriously if you were actually able to make a coherent argument, rather than spewing a string of ad hominem attacks.
    Would any one of the righties here please tell me where in the Democrats’ letter it threatens a broadcast license?

  47. shimauma – how much time, on average, do you spend per day thinking about Bill Clinton’s penis? Have you lost jobs or relationships because of the time you spend thinking about Bill Clinton’s penis? Have you ignored personal hygiene because of thinking about Bill Clinton’s penis? Then perhaps, shimauma, you are a Bill Clinton Penis addict. I know I can’t stop writing the phrase “Bill Clinton’s penis.” Call your local chapter of AA – I’m sure they can direct you to a good 12 step program. It almost worked for me – Bill Clinton’s penis.

  48. htat33…I do recall mentioning little brain muscles…if you mistook that reference for Slick Willie’s boy parts, I think you slipped a little Freudian-wise yerself there, sweetie.
    OCON-said “you were actually able to make a coherent argument,” and I have to reply, I’m not here to argue, I’m here to laugh at you.
    So keep it coming ‘tards, fight the good fight; we appreciate the humor, and don’t forget to THANK FRANK!

  49. PaleoMedic – something tells me you were one of those kids who I absolutely used to f***ing terrify in dodgeball back in high school, circa ’84, ’85. The kids with the pink polo shirts with the popped collars (back in style) who could only get on the lacrosse and soccer teams and not real men sports like baseball and football. I always enjoyed punking those kids in the hallways. I stopped short of actually taking their lunch money because I am a liberal after all. No need to mug the fatuous, ya see.
    Does that descibe you 100% or more like 99%? How horrible and terrifying WAS your high school life? If only I had Bill Clinton’s penis to help me through school.

  50. Shimauma,
    In other words, you can’t be bothered with the truth.
    This happens on so many blog comments–lefties present fact-backed coherent arguments, and righties respond by calling them “libtards”.

  51. No fair mentioning Freud, right wingers. You have spent most of this century discounting his theories (as well as those of Einstein, Darwin, Milton Keynes et al). So, although it is in your nature to wield that which you don’t believe in as a weapon I’m sorta immune to it. Go ahead, keep calling me gay or repressed or whatever. It simply rolls off of me and regardless I don’t have a single issue with homosexuals as I am an evolved human being and don’t writhe on the floor speaking in tongues, worshipping a snake or whatever it is you all do. I just call others homosexuals, you fags,
    However, perhaps you need to explain to me why you and your ilk were dominating the headlines over Clinton’s indiscretions, screaming that he was “wagging the dog” when he (not Bush) actually attempted to do something about Bin Laden. It shot missiles at a tent – a real tent with a metal pole holding up a sheet and everything. Why was I subjected to your smutty obsessions when there was a nation to be governed (oh wait – you all want to “shrink government down to the size where it can be drowned in the bathtub” – sorry, forgot. You don’t want to, or simply CAN’T govern)?
    Anyway – you’re all a bunch of pussies in my book. Control the House, the Senate, the White House, majority on the Supreme Court and when you all get called on a passle of your lies you start boo hoo hoo-ing like a bunch of sissies.
    You DO realize why we call all of you Nancies chickenhawks, right? Right?

  52. //present fact-backed coherent arguments,//
    Nope, hadn’t seen any o’that yet from the libtard trolls, particularly htat33(such an angry troll, all about boy parts and such), but when I do I’ll promise to stop laughing…(giggle, snarf, hrm)

  53. The similarities are obvious. Neither the Lefties nor the Islamists can comprehend the idea of FICTION. Both assume their deity is being slandered, and that the author is claiming he has portrayed the exact truth. Once you learn to differentiate them, you no longer try to gain revenge on the author for his/her portrayal since it is not meant to be the exact truth.

  54. Frank – good. Thank you. You have all been most excellent lunch hour troll bait. Thank you for responding in classic right winger fashion. I tried to get the commie meme going a bit but you all didn’t bite on that one. The attacks on your manhood worked though.
    **** TROLL TIP #58 ********
    Always attack your opponents percieved strengths and they will flock to you. For instance, although neo-cons conduct their business as if they were the propoganda wing of the Stalin era Communist party they seem to think that they are against communism. Simply call them comrade, Ivan, pinko or invite them to return to Russia where they might feel more comfortable. Also, although the neo-con movement is based on draft dodging/deferrment/avoiding military service, the neo-cons like to think of themselves as tough guys. Solution: call them gay or tell stories about how you routinely used to beat up kids just like them in high school. They will flock to you, all the while invoking Freud, a man who’s theories the cons have been debunking for nigh upon a century now.
    ***** TROLL TIP #59 **********
    Even after revealing your trolling strategy, keep it up. After the neo-con pack gets in a lather they can not let go. Keep up the same attacks you used before and they will still invoke Freud (or any other convenient reality based figure who’s theories they actually despise).
    ***** TROLL TIP #60 ***********
    Be unemployed. Jobs get in the way of writing stupid crap to get attention.

  55. I’m a fascist! He’s a fascist! She’s a fascist! Wouldn’t you like to be a fascist, too? Be a facist, drink Dr. Fascist.
    Jesus Christ, already. This isn’t Italy and this isn’t the 1930s.
    Can’t we have a rational discussion for a change. Those on the left honestly want what they believe to be best for the country. Those on the right also want what they perceive to be best for the country.
    Just because those on the left are a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys who would take away our God-given rights in a New York minute is no reason to call them fascists.
    The prefered term is libtard.
    “Can’t we all get along?” R. King
    Have an Evil day.

  56. Reality based is of course a term invented by a Bush admin staffer. I understand that you all “invent your won realities” now and the 9/11 flcik goes to show that I guess.
    OK, I hafta get back to beating up gay neo-con Communists now.

  57. htat33
    //Go ahead, keep calling me gay or repressed or whatever. It simply rolls off of me and regardless //
    Did you just use the Pee Wee Herman defense? I’m rubber you’re glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you?
    Zip up your pants and leave the theater quietly before you make a mess of things.

  58. htat33,
    High school was fine. A little boring. Thank you for asking. I loved dodgeball. that and swimming were my two favorite PE segments. And I’ve never owned a pink shirt in my life. About the only thing you got close was my graduating class.
    Try again, numbnuts.

  59. PaleoMedic – DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner, ladies and germs! Paleo – you did EXACTLY as I predicted in my troll tips provided for you above. And although the secret word was “libtard” you DO get bonus points for using the term “numbnuts” because I suspect that I ACTUALLY GOT UNDER YOUR SKIN YOU BIG TOUGH BAD ASS NEO CON, YOU!!!!!!!!
    Tell Paleo what he’s won, Roddy!
    Paleo, for actually doing everything HTAT33 predicted one of you drool guard wearers would do, you and your National Guard Unit will be called up for 6 more months even though you just returned home from an active tour. In the exteme likliehood that a keyboard warrior, chicken hawk piece of dog shit such as yourself is in fact NOT IN THE MILITARY you have won the honor of being punk’d ™ (c) (r) by HTAT33 (c) ™. Enjoy!
    Thanks, Roddy, and congratulations Paleo. But seriously, Paleo, I really think you did wear popped collar pink polo shirts, with Rayban shades to boot. And of course you wore a pink shirt – you are an obvious adherent to the Maoist dictums of personal conduct and association. Perhaps you’re a Trotskyite, I dunno, but THAT DOES NOT LET YOU OFF THE HOOK for being an OBVIOUS Communist sympathizer, along with the rest of your Lenin worshipping cabal of neo-cons (look up your own U of Chicago history, comrade, and you’ll see what I’m talking about, eh Ivan?).
    Couple of questions, Paleo: why do you hate America so much? And after the cold war defeat of your idealogy, why do you cling to such desensitizing views?
    Paleo will resond to this and he will use angry language. There will be no nuance, no tit for tat clever insult, just bile and vitriol. This even after I pointed out my vaunted troll techniques (mock their perceived strengths and let them know you’re doing it). Shhh – let’s all sit aside and see what unclever vulgar name Paleo has got for me…this should be good…

  60. Actually the preferred term is ‘rightard’.
    But getting back to the subject – lies are wrong, don’t you think?
    Media corporations have broadcast licenses to use in the public interest. To lie about as traumatic an event as the 9/11 attacks, by not only inventing scenes that did not exist but which directly contradict the existing facts – and then trying to insert these lies into the public historical record – goes directly the public interest.
    Were this documentary to have a similar scene, with say Bush and Bin Laden dividing up Iraq while choking back bong hits, the right would be equally justified in looking at the stations’ license.
    All ABC has to do is label this work of fiction as what it is – fiction.
    Until then, saying it’s based on the 9/11 Commission report is a lie. Lies are lies, and libel is libel.

  61. Please! The ABC “drama” evidently invents facts to make Clinton look bad. If they had invented a scene that showed Bush taking bribes from Al Qeda, wouldn’t that a bad thing — wouldn’t that deserve a call to pull and rewrite the drama? This is why the ABC consultant from the 9-11 Commission QUIT half-way through the shooting — he said “they were making things up.”

  62. I would imagine that this line:

    “The Communications Act of 1934 provides your network with a free broadcast license predicated on the fundamental understanding of your principle obligation to act as a trustee of the public airwaves in serving the public interest. Nowhere is this public interest obligation more apparent than in the duty of broadcasters to serve the civic needs of a democracy by promoting an open and accurate discussion of political ideas and events.”

    in a letter from from a buncha lefty congresscritters would be considered a threat.
    Isn’t that the inverse of Tony Soprano saying, “Hey, Mr. Congressman, the boys down at the local aren’t real keen on that bill. Man, I’d hate to see ’em strike or something.”
    You trolls shouldn’t be so sensitive. I wouldn’t have read any of your BS if not for trying to find Frankj’s additions.
    You idiots like Mike Felatio keep writing these screeds about how tough Clinton was on terrorism. What did he do besides shoot a Tomahawk at an asprin facotry in the Sudan?

  63. I realize I may be blundering right into another clever trap, but I can’t resist, what with being a chickenhawk and all.
    htat33, you’re a gem. An honor being punk’d by you.

  64. What did he do besides shoot a Tomahawk at an asprin facotry in the Sudan?
    But seriously.
    Good point.
    And of course he was roundly condemned by conservatives everywhere for not taking the terrorism threat seriously. Boy, I can’t count the number of speeches given by Republican leaders wailing and flailing their hands over this looming and grave danger.
    Maybe that’s because there were no speeches.

  65. All this over a made for TV movie? Who cares! If network TV were concerned with the truth about how things are, they wouldn’t promote sitcoms & dramas as though they represent mainstream America, such as Will & Grace, The West Wing, and so on. I just find it amusing that liberals are so butt-hurt about a portrayal of Willie that actually isn’t far from how he responded to Osama during his sophomoric administration.

  66. fmragtops – so you’re saying you hate America so much that you equate our Congress with the mob? Or do you just hate Congress having any sort of real power, much like your beloved Politburo?
    Which part of the letter to ABC and which part of the broadcasting statute don’t you understand?
    Oh – and Clinton actually created an anti-terrorist task force that was well funded and then nominally ignored by the Bush Admin until too late. And all of you GOPers were too busy pleasuring yourselves over the Lewinski scandal to do anything other than scream “wag the dog” on the two occasions Clinton used missiles against Al Quaeda.
    And before 9/11 the Bush Admin, LIKE THE CLINTON ADMIN, felt there would be too much international backlash to make a move against Afghnanistan. Obviously, 9/11 changed that.
    What else ya got?

  67. I must say, I am having a blast reading through these comments. I agree, we should do this more often.
    Anyways, I want to call the attention of every commenter complaining about the scenes in “The Path To 9/11” to these two facts.
    1) Yes, Sandy Berger did NOT hang up on a CIA operative as he sat outside OBL’s location with a strike team ready to take him out.
    2) HOWEVER, Sandy Berger DID, on four separate occasions, refuse to give the go-ahead to CIA plans to capture/kill OBL between mid-1998 and 2000, AS DOCUMENTED in the 9/11 Commission Report.
    3) Sec. Albright (sp?) did not tip off Pakistan to an impending attack on OBL, allowing the Pakistani intelligence service to pass the tip along. However, a remarkably similar event happened with Richard Clarke and the United Arab Emirates.
    4) Was Clinton too distracted by the Lewinski scandal to make the strike? That’s up for debate. However, it certainly was not a distraction when Sudan offered him to us and he refused.
    5) While “The Path To 9/11” may have compressed events into a few scenes in ways that people object, it IS BASED IN FACT AND ON THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT.
    6) For those looking for where I’m getting all this from, check out
    Now to get back to reading this comment section. I’ll check back on reactions to this when I’m done. Man, am I having fun.

  68. Ha ha.
    So, when our duly elected Representatives stand up for their constituents, that’s “fascism”?
    Right. Just like the Lieberman primary was an “inquisition”.
    You Republicans are such a sad, sack bunch of incompetent morons. We’re really going to have fun w/ you jokers after November.

  69. Can’t we all just get along?? I agree the congresscreatures overreached with the not so subtle threat. But c’mon it just teewee – turn the fricking thing off, pull up a chair and have a martini.
    Doesn’t that feel better?

  70. In reading some of the right’s defense of a obviously flawed “film” is making me feel ashamed to be an American. You folks are insane! I mean, really insane! Ted Kennedy insane! The film is certainly a non-cash donation to the rethuglicans and in them bringing it to the children, they are clearly trying to influence a very important election. Does someone know if an election is coming up, because that would further prove my theory? Osama been forgotten hurt us on Bush’s watch – not clintons. Any strained attempt to link Clinton’s inactivity to getting us attacked is laughable. No one other than chubby interns were attacked while Clinton was President, so no response was needed. Bush was predident when we were attacked, not clinton, get it? Bush had the people and resources at the time – not clinton. Bush should/could have done much more because – follow me on this -HE WAS PRESIDENT! Not clinton! If Gore was President, he would have stopped the terrorist attack with his laser eyes. You can’t let your wierd love of “dear leader” make your head go flat. dear leader will be gone soon, and he will go down in history as the worst president EVER! It is your country also that is getting looted and robbed. It is your future as well that is getting damaged. It is my pop tarts that are being burned. How can you look into your childrens eyes and say to them that you not only “supported” bush, you also looked the other way while he and his criminal enterprise bankrupted the US. We are spending $236 MILLION A DAY in the vanity war your president started – and he has no way out except to leave it to the next president. Does that sound responsible to you? I didn’t think so. I don’t think at all. Please understand that to be a true American, you must think for the benefit of all America. You folks scare the hell out of me. Badgers also scare the hell out of me. Why do you hate America so much? I know why I do.

  71. //What else ya got?
    Posted by htat33//
    Well, we got it on good authority that Willie & friends cut out military capability by half during his time encumbering the position of President, so any anti-terrorism task force he created would’ve been a moot effort.
    Keep posting, bitch.
    //So, when our duly elected Representatives stand up for their constituents, that’s “fascism”?
    Posted by Christian in NYC//
    Yeah, that’s exactly it, dipshit. You sure pegged us on that one… so, threatening legal action over a TV portrayal of Clinton is standing up for which constituents, exactly?

  72. //You folks scare the hell out of me. Why do you hate America so much?
    Posted by Tom//
    What!? A scared leftard!? And trying to hide behind feigned patriotism, too? Go run & hide behind Hilary, li’l Tommy. She’s about as American as Jacques Chirac.

  73. Tom,
    Actually, there might have been some terrorist attacks while Clinton was in office. I’m not sure, but maybe you should look into that.
    Anyway, the point is the Democrats bowing to the nutroots by actually using the government to threaten away free speech. If that happens, then the terrorists and the liberals will have won.

  74. Well, well. I see that instead of just letting me comment on the topic at hand, your blog changes my words and doesn’t note that you indeed changed my words and meanings. Gee, who else simply “makes shit up”. Um, who could that be? The fact that this blog cannot even allow a citizen to comment (without changing his words) should tell a lot about the confidence in your own arguements. Why can’t I simply post my thoughts without somebody changing them? If your opinions are so strong, why can’t you allow somebody else to challenge them (again, without changing my words). The post attributed to me, was changed and edited by somebody at your blog. Do you have the courage to tell your readers that this is standard practice on your blog? If somebody comments in a way that you don’t agree with, you don’t allow them to be heard. You seem to feel the need to change the words of a legitimate comment. You are pathetic!

  75. Frank,
    This has been more fun than usual. I’VE BEEN ABLE TO USE ALL CAPS, laugh at wacko theories, and seen foaming at the mouth liberals. I can only hope that the next mini-series that comes out will be called “Clinton’s Cut-throats: The Ninja Bat. That Never got its Chance”
    I would watch that mini-series.

  76. Tom, Tom,
    The entire point is a matter of Principle. Either you have principles and do not think with a double-standard, or you have no principles and double-standards are fine.
    If you reject double-standards, then this is the same as the Sixty Minutes episode just before the last election.
    If you accept double-standards, then the first one was OK because it was anti-republican, but this one is wrong.
    The fact remains that if you had no problem with the last one being factually debatable, why cry over this one?

  77. AlanABQ – You might want to look up the facts – Bush Sr after the fall of the Berlin Wall is the one who started the downscaling of the military, Clinton continued the job and Bush II (esp. Rumsfeld) continued even further, hoping to create a leaner more effective fighting force that used technology to an even greater extent. All of these facts are in all sorts of books, mags, articles and journals but unfortunately most of these sources have really big words and it might be hard for you to understand, “bitch.”
    BTW, I have a bit of an ego so I have to say I am a bit insulted that a pinhead such as yourself didn’t read all of my posts before you realized who you were tangling with. “Bitch” is such a declasse and unoriginal insult don’t you think? Were you raised in a barn or perhaps some part of northern New Jerswey? What I’m trying to say is that no one calls anyone “bitch” anymore ever since Dave Chappelle ran that one into the ground.
    Work a bit harder when dealing with me next time – you should be f***ing honored I am considering you as my next victim and all I get is “bitch” from you.

  78. Tom, take a breather. You have ranted and raved on a political satire web site that happens to lean to the right end of the political spectrum. This particular website has also, in the last couple of weeks, started a game in which the site’s main author writes extra lines into posts like, well, yours. Then, other readers read posts like yours, trying to guess which lines were added to your posts. So, if you’d like, you can wait until the game starts, then post which lines are added, and you win!! Sounds simple, don’t it?
    BTW, now that I see the way to post hyperlinks, here it is for the website that I referred to earlier

  79. Writer – I agree that double standards are not good at anytime. Frankly, if you cannot see the difference between a 60 minutes episode (one that you couldn’t even identify) and a “film” supposedly based upon the 9/11 commission report (which of course it was not) then I think you need to reconsider that as a component of your reasoning. Thoughtful people see through your twisted logic, and then they discount your ideas even more. Your comparisons are not valid. BTW you also didn’t explain why someone at this blog felt it necessary to change the words on my last post. Again, thoughtful people will see the real meaning of what you consider “free speech” – and again, they will continue to discount your arguements.

  80. Lovely.
    The Right controls all branches of government, have several major media networks on their “side”. Yet all they can do is cry and whine about being “repressed”.
    It’s rather pathetic.
    “Help! We can’t make up stuff about 9/11! To make ourselves look better!” “We are being repressed!”

  81. Fascism is a form of government in which business interests control government for the furthering of their interests. Democracy is a form of government in which people control the governemtn for the futhering of their own interests.
    In a Democracy people have the right to freely speak out against things they don’t like and use their voice to effect change. In a Fascist state people are free to keep their mouth shout and swallow what ever swill the government controlled media decides to present.
    The upcry over this program is an example of a free people exercising their freedom to voice their opinions. If ABC decides to pull the show, well that’s just an example of Capitilism in action in which a vendor who wishes to continue to sell their products to a very wide audience is well adviced to avoid offending a large chunk of their customers. Remember, roughly half of likely voters may tolerate or even adore Bush and loath Clinton, but 70% of the television watching public loathes Bushs and looks back foundly on the Clinton era.

  82. Tom and Antifederalist,
    First, before you go wading into the debate about “making up” facts (about which, I might ask which ones are made up), read my post above, written just after 3:00pm this afternoon. Then, because I’m sure you’ll think I’m making up those facts as well, check out this website for documentation. Then, if you still don’t believe that you are bringing a knife to a gunfight, please tell myself and the rest of us the real truth.
    And Tom, for the record, the “60 Minutes” reference was to the episode in Sept. 2004 during which Dan Rather and his staff tried to peddle off forged memos about Pres. Bush’s service in the National Guard. Those were demonstrably false. If the best you can come up with against the docudrama is that Sandy Berger didn’t hang up on a CIA agent, then you need to retreat from the battlefield before it is shown to you that your knife is worthless here.

  83. “…didn’t read all of my posts before you realized who you were tangling with.”
    “..Work a bit harder when dealing with me next time – you should be f***ing honored I am considering you as my next victim” -Posted by htat33 at September 8, 2006 04:32 PM
    Oh, I am honored. Truly! And totally intimidated, too.
    1. Work a bit harder a being all scary & sanctimonious; I’m just not feeeling the fear.
    2. The liberal left’s main victims are each other, children & the Constitution, so I’m not too worried about confrontation. Intellectually, you’re bringing a knife to a gun fight.
    3. True, I do merely peruse your invective comments, rather than read them in depth. But really now, do you think you’re posting anything that hasn’t been left before, and by those that aren’t nearly as whiny?
    4. OK, OK, sorry I called you a bitch. I didn’t think it would hurt your tender li’l feelings that much.
    5. I’m not afraid of “big words”, as you eloquently put it. It’s the gerrymandering of the the truth from the liberal politicians that does cause some concern.
    6. Australopithecine is a big word.
    7. It applies directly to you.
    8. Disregard #4. You were bitching when you replied to my last comment, and you likely will to this one.

  84. I guess it was ok that Dan Rather ran a completely false story about Bush’s ANG service a few nights before the election. That was ok, right?
    I guess it was ok when Kerry threatened and kept 60 network affiliates from airing ‘Stolen Valor’ before the election? That was ok, right?
    The differences between the Reagan bio and this one are: Reagan was the subject of the film and was unable to defend himself, i.e., dead. Clinton is only part of this story and is very much alive and able to defend himself, i.e., if he is slandered, he can litigate.
    And whatever happened to a traditional boycott? If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. And if it offends you that much, take action (boycott) the network and its sponsors . . .
    Have a nice day!
    Son of the South

  85. Tom,
    I did not identify the Sixty Minutes episode because it was obviously the infamous Bush’s National Guard.
    However, what I meant was that if the Road to 911 is an advertisement for the Right, why is the Sixty Minutes not an ad for the Left?-double standard. If you have no qualms about the first but do about the latter, then you have no principles (ethics). The same is equally true of this drama and the Reagan movie.
    As for what you originally wrote, I had nothing to do with changing that and do not know to what you are referring.

  86. Benjoya,
    “I thought that was socialism. Can you discern a difference between socialism and fascism? is it the same word to you?”
    Fascism is a form of government invented (or at least named) by a socialist who decided that the leaders of the socialist movement in his country were too weak and would never affect social change.
    So he threw down some militarism, some nationalism, and developed a cult of personality around himself and came up with Fascism: forcing socialist ideas on people at gunpoint, and keeping them in place with an iron fist.
    If you really sit down and look at them objectively, you’ll find that fascism and communism differ almost exclusively in terminology.
    (Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming when you said “socialism” you meant communism, because the post you were responding to talked about expanding from/beyond socialism.)

  87. “”Fascism involves the merging of corporate and state power, destruction of labor forces, etc.”
    No, it involves the government seizing control of corporations. It’s not a merger, its a take-over. ”
    You really don’t know what you’re talking about, do you?

  88. “If you really sit down and look at them objectively, you’ll find that fascism and communism differ almost exclusively in terminology.”
    No. actually they are very different forms of government. but don’t let facts and shit get in the way of your two-minute hate.

  89. “I guess it was ok that Dan Rather ran a completely false story about Bush’s ANG service a few nights before the election. That was ok, right?
    I guess it”
    The story wasn’t false. Bush got special consideration in gaining entry to the Guard, he went AWOL, lost his flight privileges when he refused a direct order to take a physical. Then he promised to finish his hitch in Mass, but took a powder and went to Yale. The 60 minutes story presented this information (which has always had solid documentation) but they also presented a memo (the contents of which were never denied by Bush) that turned out to have no clear provenance linking to the the purported author.

    The allegations of Bush’s crappy ANG record are supported by real military records. He was AWOL and should have been shipped off to Vietnam. But being the good republican chickenhawk that he has always been, he had a way out.

  90. “He was AWOL and should have been shipped off to Vietnam. But being the good republican chickenhawk that he has always been, he had a way out.” -Posted by j
    That’s so true, j! Not the impeccable service record like Kerry’s. Or Clinton’s. Oh, that’s right, he pussed out on that.
    If he was AWOL, surely prison would have been the next destination, right?
    Is that “j” as in jihad?

  91. Benjoya-
    Did you miss one? Yeah, you did, and a whole lot more. Do a little more than just research the “facts” that only support your views. If you look, you’ll find a plethora of facts that might even help you to be less ingnorant.
    Or, you can just keep shouting foul every time Democratic hypocrisy is exposed.

  92. Sorry, Alan, guess I did miss it. What were the names of those who got Trudeau’s reward? I guess I understand why Trudeau would play it down – he was convinced that no one would take him up on his offer.

  93. Bah! Capitalist swines! Do you not recognize greatness when you see it? Do not despair, Comrade mike filancia! You are not alone!
    This is obviously the work of Karl Rove who has masterminded the downfall of the glorious DNC by cleverly manipulating the People’s media. DO NOT FALL PREY to those here, and elsewhere Comrade mike filancia! There are many charlatans who would disuade you with logic and mere facts! INSIST that they back up reality with the actual physical evidence that cannot be refuted! Then, if they do prove their point, just IGNORE THEIR FALSEHOODS! It does not matter if they produce evidence of gravity! (Such as a bowling ball dropped on your head.) Everyone knows that Amerika really sucks because George Bush stole the election! It says so in the fax!
    We are behind you, Comrade mike filancia! Forge onward! March to victory and hold your head high, proudly waving it for all to see so that everyone can recognize you – do not be afraid to show everyone who, and what you are – a Loyal Comrade! Proud and full of knowledge that no matter what they say – you know how glorious ‘our way’ will be once we dispose of these nasty little freedom lovers.

  94. frank, i was being sarcastic. i salute all guardsmen and reservists who do their duty honorably. the burden on them nowadays is terrible. your “retarded” remark really hit home. such a rapier wit.

  95. to explain more fully, since you apparently need it:
    i don’t consider 20 grand anything to sneeze at. i find it curious that no one bush served with was willing to take up trudeau on his offer. guess all those who protected texas from oklahoma are made of tougher stuff. or they sneeze at 20 grand.
    shall i dumb it down a bit more? sorry for taking up so much thread. nice blog.

  96. Benjo-
    Did you read it miss the point again, or are you still choosing to remain ignorant?
    $20,000 is a lot of money, though. There are those who would sell out their own parents for less… but still, there are those who hold honor at a higher regard than dollar signs, such as those who serve our country. Like in the ANG & other military service branches.
    I’m guessing that’s a foreign concept to you.

  97. //to explain more fully, since you apparently need it://
    No, I get it. Everyone has a price, right?
    //i don’t consider 20 grand anything to sneeze at. i find it curious that no one bush served with was willing to take up trudeau on his offer.//
    I guess thier price was higher, huh?
    //guess all those who protected texas from oklahoma are made of tougher stuff. or they sneeze at 20 grand.//
    Yeah. That must be it.
    //shall i dumb it down a bit more?//
    Could it be any more?
    //sorry for taking up so much thread. nice blog.
    Posted by benjoya at September 8, 2006 08:02 PM//
    Thanks for…?

  98. Look, you people are taking this way to far (normally I’d be drinking beer and playing WoW by this time Friday night but I wanted to help the push for 150 comments). The simple truth is that all this bickering doesn’t matter. In the end, the liberals will whine and bitch about how we’re doing too much, and then will accuse us when something does go wrong (which went wrong because we backed down in the first place). Then we’ll ramp back up again to try and stem the tide of evil, which will, in turn, only be stopped by the incessant whine once more. What happened in the past is past: I look towards the future. I know that before too long, we will realize the insane threat posed by Iran, etc and it’ll be off to war again. We will never be rid of war or evil people like the Ayatollah and Kim Jong, just as we’ll never be rid of people like “W” who want to stop them. I just hope that when that time comes, I’m in a combat unit, on one of the first groups of C-17s out the door. OORAH.

  99. Even the right-wing talking heads are criticing ABC DocuCrapA about 9/11. Just goes to show you how criminally insane — and unfortunately allowed to roam the streets unmedicated — MIAO is. Check this out:
    John Podhoretz, conservative columnist and Fox News contributor:
    The portrait of Albright is an unacceptable revision of recent history and an unfair mark on a public servant who, no matter her shortcomings, doesn’t deserve to be remembered by millions of Americans as the inadvertent (and truculent) savior of Osama bin Laden. Samuel Berger, Clinton’s national security adviser, also seems to have just cause for complaint. [NYPost, 9/8/06]
    James Taranto, editor:
    The Clintonites may have a point here. A few years ago, when the shoe was on the other foot, we were happy to see CBS scotch “The Reagans.” [OpinionJournal, 9/7/06]
    Dean Barnett, conservative commentator posting on Hugh Hewitt’s blog:
    One can (if one so chooses) give the filmmakers artistic license to [fabricate a scene]. But if that is what they have done, conservative analysts who back this movie as a historical document will mortgage their credibility doing so. [Hugh Hewitt blog, 9/6/06]
    Chris Wallace, Fox News Sunday anchor:
    When you put somebody on the screen and say that’s Madeleine Albright and she said this in a specific conversation and she never did say it, I think it’s slanderous, I think it’s defamatory and I think that ABC and Disney should be held to account. [Fox, 9/8/06]
    Captain’s Quarters blog:
    If the Democrats do not like what ABC wants to broadcast, they have every right to protest it — and in this case, they had a point. [Captain Quarter’s blog, 9/7/06]
    Bill Bennett, conservative author, radio host, and TV commentator:
    Look, “The Path to 9/11″ is strewn with a lot of problems and I think there were problems in the Clinton administration. But that’s no reason to falsify the record, falsify conversations by either the president or his leading people and you know it just shouldn’t happen. [CNN, 9/8/06]
    Seth Liebsohn, Claremont Institute fellow and produce of Bill Bennett’s radio show:
    I oppose this miniseries as well if it is fiction dressed up as fact, creates caricatures of real persons and events that are inaccurate, and inserts quotes that were not uttered, especially to make a point that was not intended. [Glenn Greewald’s blog, 9/7/06]
    Richard Miniter, conservative author of “Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clinton’s Failures Unleashed Global Terror”:
    If people wanted to be critical of the Clinton years there’s things they could have said, but the idea that someone had bin Laden in his sights in 1998 or any other time and Sandy Berger refused to pull the trigger, there’s zero factual basis for that. [CNN, 9/7/06]
    Brent Bozell, founder and president of the conservative Media Research Center:
    I think that if you have a scene, or two scenes, or three scenes, important scenes, that do not have any bearing on reality and you can edit them, I think they should edit them. [MSNBC, 9/6/06]
    Bill O’Reilly, Fox News pundit:
    Ok, we’re talking about the run up to 9-11 and this movie that they’re re-cutting now and they should because it puts words in the mouth of real people, actors playing real people that they didn’t say and its wrong. [O’Reilly radio show, 9/8/06]
    I have no doubt that MIAO, the demented little fascist, trailer-trash, loser will again tamper with this post by including some asinine comments. Never mind. I have linked the little piece of shit to all the blogs that count to less than intellectually deficient blogs, including the conservative ones…
    Even conservative blogs such as Red State, have your number, moron. You make them look bad. They at least aspire to some intelligence.

  100. Bravo! Bravo! Carry on brave and deletorious Comrade! Your revolutionary thoughts cleverly outflanked both insight and reason by circling around their logic and giving a wedgie to the collective boxers of fact and historical data! Carry on! Carry on, brave Comrade! May your talking points ever be loud and your fax machine never be silent!

  101. To the Anonymous commenter at approx. 9:15 pm:
    Thank you for quoting all those conservative commentators at us. That really reinforces your point that the movie is a bunch of…oh, wait, no it doesn’t. All of those quotes that you provided take issue with how the story is told, not what the story tells. And I personally even admitted that “Path to 9/11” makes up conversations to fit the storyline. So, yes, Sandy Berger did not actually hang up on a CIA operative. Yes, Sec. Albright did not tip off Pakistan to an impending strike targeted at OBL.
    BUT (and this is a very large but), these differences all go towards how the story is told. Recorded history still shows the Clinton administration in a bad light. For instance, Sandy Berger DID refuse to approve CIA plans to go after OBL on four separate occasions. A foreign government WAS INFORMED of an impending strike targeting an Al Qaeda camp by a member of the Clinton administration, allowing said foreign government to tip off the Al Qaeda camp to the strike. Both of these things are recorded in the 9/11 Commission Report, and have been highlighted by others during this recent controversy. I have brought up these points several times during the debate in this thread, and those who disagree with my point of view have yet to respond to these points. With that being the case, I can only assume that either they are rejecting my argument out of hand and finding it unworthy of a response, or they are so confused by conflicting information that they prefer to pick petty fights with other commentors. Or they have refused to come back and finish the discussion. I would think any of those three scenarios counts as a win for me, but it does leave me disappointed that I cannot have a good back-and-forth on this issue. Maybe I should take the case into the belly of the beast and see if they let me hang around more than three hours to make the argument. But I digress.
    Should anyone like to make a serious case against the story, rather than the storytelling, I’m all ears. Until then, I’ll be waiting.

  102. “When all the right has left is bashing Billy Clinton you know they’re in trouble.
    Posted by: GlennK on September 8, 2006 08:57 PM ”
    Indeed, under Clinon, the U.S.A. had eight years of prosperity, peace, and just one blow job.
    Under Bush, we have just had six years of wars, terrorism, stagnant wages, further sinking rate of poverty, more people without health insurance, and the highest rate of infant mortality among developed countries.
    The very funny part of this story is that, you little fascist slimeballs, have swallowed the Bush Kool – Aid, line, hook, and sinker. The Bush crowd only cares about the Have-A-Lot and the Have-A-Lot-More, i.e the people who make tens if not hundreds of millions a year.
    Your ilk is clearly not part of the moneyed crowd. You are the foot soldiers in a war against yourselves. And you are too dumb to see it.
    I have been on the look-out for a really patriotic woman who would give a blow-job to Chimpy so we can impeach him, but none so far has volunteered to perform the act. They all think he is dick-less.

  103. OK, so anon managed to post a bunch of comments he didn’t even author. But is that any different from any other leftard who hasn’t had an original thought since Carter was in office? The rant at the end w/ all the insults was the best part. I keep imagining a sexually repressed middle aged person barely able to see straight & grinding their teeth- all four of them- while they were typing that…`
    They sure let loose with the hatred when they get exposed, don’t they?

  104. Even William Bennett, amongst many other so-called Republicans, has gone on the record as saying that this film presents gross and egregious distortions of fact – which wasn’t the case with the Reagan film, which was pulled not because of factual inaccuracies but because it would have been embarrassing. I’d tend to believe the Republicans protesting the film, too, because they’re the only ones who have apparently had a chance to see it yet.

  105. I hope the poster who said that Bush was “cutting and running” (hiding basically) on 9-11 was being facetious. Bush was forbidden from returning to Washington by the Secret Service. But then, facts never mattered much to trolls.
    Actually, he came to Nebraska for a bit…that was a smart move. You get your president OUT OF HARM’S WAY, idiot!

  106. Gee! You, radical right-wing creatures are really high on Kool – Aid!
    Even O’Reilly is growing some balls on this one.
    Your ilk is thankfully the miority that suports your AWOL Empty Codpiece.
    You are the low I.Q., crassly ignorant, jingoistic, racist, cowards, who shit their diapers several times a day whenever your Fuhrer makes an allusion to terrorism.
    Where is Bin Laden, assholes? Got him “dead or alive” yet?

  107. On 9/11, the Coward – in – Chief was nowhere to be found. He was being flown all over the country. Cheney was hunkered down in his bunker. There was no leadership.
    The asshole-in-chief finally showed his asinine face on national T.V. around 8 pm, when he was sure that his sorry ass was safe. Then he went to sleep like the sociopathic low-life tht he is.

  108. “When all the right has left is bashing Billy Clinton you know they’re in trouble.
    Posted by: GlennK on September 8, 2006 08:57 PM ”
    Much like all the left does is bash Bush. Guess y’all are in trouble, as well…

  109. Idiot. The vice-president was physically removed from his office by the Secret Service. Bush was not allowed to come back before the danger was over. The president SHOULD be removed to a place of safety. You’d rather have them DEAD???Then there’s so one to run things.
    Tell me, when the world trade center got bombed the first time, how long did it take Clinton to go and inspect the damage?
    Correct answer is that HE NEVER DID!

  110. Reid was handed some intelligence on bin Laden, but decided to deal with the REAL problem of Disney made-for-TV movies before helping Bush with the war on terror.
    You know, Congress needs its priorities!

  111. “On November 8, you right-wing trailer trash, we will go after you.”
    Posted by: on September 8, 2006 10:17 PM

    Yeah, we’ll be the ones with the guns.
    I hope you got your 18 UN resolutions and 12 years of sanctions in, otherwise it won’t be a ‘legal, moral’ war.
    Also, I hope you’ll make sure no innocent civilians will be killed (what we EVIL republicans call ‘collateral damage’), otherwise you will be just as bad as us.
    And finally, exactly how many of your own people can die before you declare your revolution a ‘quagmire’ and cut and run?
    …just asking.

  112. C’mon, anon. Keep up with the hate, show us your whiny, self-imposed ignorance.
    //The asshole-in-chief finally showed his asinine face on national T.V. around 8 pm, when he was sure that his sorry ass was safe. Then he went to sleep like the sociopathic low-life tht he is.//
    I guess you’re an “ass man”, right? You mentioned George’s ass so much, I think we have a line on what you favor during intimacy.
    Anyway, let’s see some more of your rant; it’s too funny!

  113. Been quite a ride today. It’s been a gas. But, not much has really been accomplished, has it. The left still hates the right, the right still hates the left. I get caught up in the arguments as much as anyone else who pays attention, but I see dark days ahead, very dark days, and political skullf**king gets us nowhere. Politicans and political groupies are amazingly short sighted. The bad guys have a set of goals that have been decades in the making, and they will patiently see those goals to the end, whether it’s next Thursday or thirty years after our children get married. We seem to be unable to see beyond the next stupid election. We will vote for some goober who makes vapid promises to appease our easily distracted minds, and then we’ll immediately get pissed off when they start behaving like politicians. Menawhile hajji is anchoring the caliphate in all of Western Europe and the East Indies, content to let us bitch slap each other over who’s worse, Clinton or Bush, who’s a chickenhawk, who’s a leftard, who’s the big stupid head. We’re in for a world of hurt. I don’t see an alternative. Why? Because we, the people of the right and left, would argue about whether the sun rose this morning.
    We can kick ass if we so choose to do so. I don’t know if we have it in us. I pray we do. Hell, maybe I’m just in a bad mood.

  114. There will always be those who have it in ’em. My Dad fought ’em in his day, I’ll fight ’em now and I’ll raise my kids to fight ’em down the road. The world has always been and will always be an f-ed up place. We could glass Iran, smoke N Korea, and shoot liberals in their dumb monkey faces, but there will always be others to rise and take their places. Just gotta keep fighting the good fight and make sure there are enough of us to carry the torch. Cheer up, man – have a beer.

  115. BTret,
    Good point. And I guess I know that the American spirit can prevail. It might be a genetic thing, but every male in my family has served, as far back as the Revolution, and my sons are intent on doing the same. I have a brother who’s been to Iraq twice, and still reenlisted. Since I learned the Army eased the age restriction I’ve been working to get my fat butt back in uniform so they aren’t taking care of business without me.

  116. “Indeed, under Clinon, the U.S.A. had eight years of prosperity, peace, and just one blow job.”
    Under Clinton the WTC was bombed in the first jihadist attack on American soil. Their goal was to bring the towers down then, they just didn’t have a clue about skyscraper design.
    What did Clinton do? GET A BLOW JOB!
    Under Clinton our embassies were flagrantly attacked by jihadists, killing innocent people and making America appear vulnerable and weak throughout the world.
    What did Clinton do? GET A BLOW JOB!
    Under Clinton one of our missile destroyers, the USS Cole, was bombed and disabled by a raft of jihadists who figured if America wouldn’t respond to an attack on her own soil or to her embassies being blown to bits, why not target the Navy? 17 dead sailors later, what did Clinton do? GET A BLOW JOB!
    19 American soldiers dead in Mogadishu? Get a blow job. North Korea signs a peace treaty then secretly develops nuclear weapons in violation of that treaty, threatening a holocaust on the Korean peninsula? Get a blow job. Iraq thumbs its nose at the cease fire treaty and international law? Get a blow job.
    8 years and Clinton’s greatest accomplishment was a permanent stain on a dress. 8 years and his response to threats and attacks was so weak that the terrorists were encouraged to plan and execute 9/11. They got away with everything else, why not that?
    Hell, Clinton’s response to some religious nuts in Texas, some poor guy in Idaho, and some Cubans with a kid in Florida was more aggressive than his response to the jihadists. Muslims kill Americans and Clinton gets a blow job. But let some dude in Idaho sell a sawed off shotgun and WATCH OUT! Clinton’s quite the bad ass then!
    Has Bush made mistakes? Yes. But at least he responded. At least when Americans died he got up off his ass and went to work instead of playing grab ass with some stupid, chubby intern. At least he has directed America’s firepower at her enemies instead of her own citizens. See, here’s the funny thing about mistakes on the job: they can only be made by people actually working!
    The absurdity of claiming Disney “gay day” corporation is working for the Republicans. No, somebody on their staff just realized that all Clinton did when jihadists attacked was get a blow job.
    And Democrats don’t want anyone to remember that.

  117. “Bottom 10 percenter”
    I never knew I was this dumb….
    Thanks goat fellating terrorist worshippers. I have seen the light. It comes on all the time when I grab a beer. HALLELUJAH PRAISE ALBRIGHT!!
    These nachos really DO suck…
    /goose stepping into the future
    “The only god is Mr. Squiggles, and goat-boy is his prophet”
    Abu Steve Al-…Al… I’m too lazy to see what I called myself this time.

  118. Five years later and Commander Codpiece has not found OBL dead or alive.
    Every time terrorists are arrested or plots foiled, it happens in other countries: the U.K., France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Morocco, Denmark… Of course, the governments of those countries use good old fashioned intelligence and law enforcement.
    In the U.S., our government invades countries that had nothing to do with 9/11. And our government arrests hapless morons like the Miami bunch or kids buying and reselling cell phones.
    Five years later and nothing but disasters to show for: that’s the Bush Administration for you.
    And now the Clown – in – Chief is back in his “9/11, terror” mode 24/7 trying to scare the public into voting the incompetent GOP assholes back into office. It won’t work this time.
    The only people who are scared by this campaign belong to the lunatic right-wing fringe. They are a bunch of chickenhawks and pansies whose fear has rendered them incontinent. They have become the citizens of the United States of Scared to Diarrhea. Cowards and sissies!

  119. So to sum it up; WAAAAAH!!! You repugs are all a bunch of meanies!!! I hate you, Commander Codpiece & everything else that I don’t agree with so much, I’m going to masturbate with my cat’s feces, SO THERE!

  120. Noname, “Good old-fashion intelligence and law-enforcement.” Interesting that you have such intimate knowledge of how foreign covert and anti-terrorism forces operate. How do you know those foreign countries aren’t pulling teeth with pliers? Because Reuters didn’t report it?
    Of course we arrested those guys in Miami. If we hadn’t and it had gotten out, you’d be posting about our inept president not paying attention to what was going on in his own brother’s state. How could we trust a man who lets such suspicious activity go uninvestigated?
    It’s also interesting how you like to accuse Bush-Hitler of invading a sovereign nation under Saddam, yet you want him to violate the sovereignty of Pakistan to try and find Bin Laden. Hell yeah! Let’s just poor over that border from Afghanistan into Pakistan! I’m sure the Pakis wouldn’t mind a bit! And you talk about Iraq being a quagmire, but can you imagine what it would be like to send our troops into that border region? Perhaps you’re not aware of the brutal mountainous terrain and the close-knit tribal way of life that prevails there. Take it from a guy who was in Pakistan for the earthquake relief – just because they tolerated us while we airlifted in a few million tons of supplies and rebuilt destroyed schools, homes, etc in the mountains (and built ’em a hell of a lot better than they ever could have), doesn’t mean they’d mind us pouring through going after Bin Laden and his buddies who have strong ties up there.
    Disasters? We’ve avoided any further attacks on US soil. As for Iraq, I think the concept of war is lost on you. In war, people die. Soldiers die, civilians die, families are destroyed. War is a bloody, horrible business, but the alternative is letting the people of Iraq face tyranny and oppression. If the terrorists would just leave and let the Iraqi people live in peace and freedom, we wouldn’t need to be there. Did you see the voter turn-out in Iraq? I think they want peace and freedom and while we fight, there is hope for that. And no, it’s not us. If we left, the terrorists would still be there trying to subjugate them.
    Incompetent GOP? What have the Democrats done? Of course it’s hard going in Iraq. We’re in a completely unique situation. Where in history do we go to find examples that have worked or guidelines to follow? Post WWII? No, not comparable. I don’t even hear a united voice from Democrats. Some say we need a timetable, others say we can’t set a firm date, but we need a good plan to withdraw. Still others argue that we need to look into reaching out to the world community for help. But where’s the plan? I have yet to see anyone stand up and say, “I have a solid, well thought out, logistically feasible plan (I doubt you’re aware of the logistics involved with a massive military operation), on paper, that I think we should try.” Do you have one? If so, I’m sure we’d all like to hear it. Our military is over 200 years strong. We have military leadership with 30+ years of experience. We’re over there trying to build a national army and security force in a few years. It’s nearly impossible to conceive of constructing an army from nothing in a matter of years, but we’re doing it there everyday. That’s your problem: you have all these ideas that sound really great, but this annoying thing called “reality” gets in the way time and time again.
    Yeah, I know, don’t engage the trolls head-on…oh well.

  121. Liberals are threatening ABC’s “broadcast licence.” Yeah right. Typical right-wing straw man argument. You people are truly pathetic. The right-wing is addicted to any fiction that makes them feel better about themselves, case in point, The Path to 911.
    BTW, the term Islamo-fascist is the real innacuracy. A more accurate discription of regimes such as the one that governs Iran is theocracy, not so much different than the kind of government many American mouth-breathers are so hot for.

  122. So, you’re saying that the “Right-wing mouth-breathers” are the ones who wrote, directed, produced & starred in the fictional Path to 9/11 on a network that has invariably been liberal? And it is fictional for sure? There wasn’t a path to 9/11?
    They sure are a hyphenated bunch. Speaking of hyphens, Islamo-Facist is an accurate term for those who ascribe to Islamic Facism, hence the hyphen. Also, thanks for the sociology lesson. I bet no one knew what a theocracy was ’til you showed up with your impeccable wisdom, Ultra2gay.

  123. Hey J,
    I’ve spent three years studying various forms of government, and I know exactly what I’m talking about. So, if you’d like to have an intelligent discussion (as opposed to sticking with your current formula of one sentence consisting of denying someone else’s claim without any supporting evidence, throwing in an insult and dodging out.) please, feel free to explain to me how these two forms of dictatorship are so very different from each other.

  124. All Partisans of True Democracy and supporters of real Republican (in the sense of a REPUBLIC) values –
    Please abandon all comments on this hoodwinked blog, which has confused the current “Republican” Party with the Real Lincolnian Thing.
    It’s strewing pearls before swine.
    This blogger, as a supporter of the Neo-Cons who have high-jacked the genuine Republican Party and conservative values, is no more a representative of any real values at all than the Dalai Lama is the head of any real state.
    Neo-Conservative is A CONTRADICTION IN TERMS.
    As soon as these idiots are done busy pulling the rugs out from under their own feet, maybe some real discussion between Republicans and Democrats might happen. Until then, don’t linger too long in front of the car crash – you’re only holding up traffic.

  125. Old-School Republican-
    I guess you didn’t notice, but we are up against people who don’t actually have sense of values; that’s why we constantly hear about all the things they’re against & so little about what they are for.
    If you think that you are going to find an enlightening discussion from the people who hold liberal or “Democratic” beliefs & post said beliefs here, you’re going to come up empty handed.
    This is a Neo-Conserverative homor group blog, and as such, it attracts people who have no sense of humor at all, political or otherwise.
    //This blogger, as a supporter of the Neo-Cons who have high-jacked the genuine Republican Party and conservative values, is no more a representative of any real values at all than the Dalai Lama is the head of any real state.//
    Which blogger are you refering to? Are you being facetious? Or are you being serious about what you think is the genuine Rep. party, i.e. “Lincolnian”?

  126. First off – you jagoffs don’t even understand the definition of “Fascism”. I know, I klnow, you disdain all “book-larnin'” and despise anyone you think might be an intellectual, but definitions help the rest of us (we can read!) to determine what words mean.
    And the definition of fascism is definitely that of an economic system where government promotes corporations ahead of citizens.
    So, clearly, the fascists are the Republicans.
    This becomes even clearer when you study (gasp!) h-i-s-t-o-r-y — and you learn that most of today’s politicians are the children and grandchildren of profiteers who financed the NAZI Party, even after war had been declared on Germany and their actions threatened the safety of US service personnel.
    Yes, Virginia, there was a Prescott Bush – and he founded his family’s wealth on slave labor provided from the camp at Auschwitz. And his companies were siezed during the war because of his treasonous “dealings with the enemy”. And his son and grandson have hated the US ever since – attempting to use the Presidency to destroy the US in revenge for their grandfather’s humiliation.

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