
  • As you probably know, Bill Clinton threw a hissy fit on FOX News Sunday when he got asked some extremely obvious questions about his conduct in trying to fight terrorism during his two terms in office. I didn’t watch the interview because, oddly enough, I have no interest in watching the former President throw a hissy fit.
    Incidentally, the question labeled a “conservative hit job” was also asked by Chris Wallace to Donald Rumsfeld, who, presumably, didn’t throw a little tantrum in response.
    Tip for Bill Clinton: Your Presidential legacy is a stained blue dress; learn to live with it.
    BTW, Clinton says he was criticized for being “too obsessed” with Osama bin Laden. Can anyone come up with a single example of that criticism being used again Bill Clinton? Not only do I doubt any politician or pundit ever said such a thing, I don’t even think you could locate a crazy drunk on the street who ever spouted such a thing.
  • The Arizona 9/11 Memorial consists of a bunch of America-bashing MoveOn.org talking-points, but somehow I just can’t get worked up about this. Maybe I’ve just come to expect this sort of thing now and am a bit outrage-fatigued.
  • One thing I’m outraged about (because if I’m not, SarahK will hit me) is that Citgo is owned by Hugo Chavez. I’m supporting the boycott on them to avoid being hit and because I don’t want my money going to a Venezuelan thug. I know oil money probably goes to a lot of people I don’t like, but we have to focus on one at a time until America can handle all of its energy need internally.
    Anyway, ThoseShirts.com has a shirt for the Citgo Boycott. Check it out… and then buy an IMAO t-shirt because we need more money or SarahK will hit me.


  1. Here in Toledo, it seems that everywhere there is a Citgo, there is a more-conveniently-placed Speedway station right across the street. No one ever has a reason to stop at Citgo when there is Speedway right freakin’ there.
    And I have been boycotting (unofficially) Citgo for years. For once, I am ahead of the curve!

  2. Oil is a commodity and therefore fungible. Boycotting Citgo therefore will accomplish exactly nothing. Not that I like the annoying little putz, but buying gas where it’s cheapest is actually a better way to keep petrodollars out of the hands of nutjobs.

  3. No, no Spidey! I have been ahead of the curve before you! Me first, me first! I tried to warn everyone of the danger Chavez posed but they didn’t listen. You are trying to smear me, it’s not fair. Everyone is against me, boo hoo hoo. Sob.

  4. dpatten,
    I understand that oil is fungible and that Venezuelan oil is going to be bought by us no matter what, but Citgo is a gas station owned by Hugo Chavez, so that money goes specifically to him.
    Gasoline (theoretically) and gas stations are not fungible.

  5. I’m ahead too. I started a year ago when Danny (traitor)Glover went to Venezuela and talked trash about our President and our country. To hell with those creeps. I like that I can say hell on your blog frankj. I can’t do that on Sarahk’s. Bloody Hell.

  6. Clinton used the word “neo-con” in his interview.
    Actually I like the word “neo-con”. It characterizes a conservative to be like Neo fighting to free the human race from the democrat Matrix that’s enslaving mankind in an illusory world to occupy their minds with lies, while the democrat Matrix drains the life from them. Yeah, baby! True, times two.
    As far as the erl money(in Texas it’s pronounced “erl” or “ol”): I wonder if we could create backyard refineries? It couldn’t be much harder than building a moonshine still, right. Then we’d just have to get deliveries made from a source of erl outside the Mid-East. Kinda like the propane gas delivery trucks – you know. We could have a gasoline still for each neighborhood. Oh, yeah. I think I hear the bells of self-sufficiency ringin’.

  7. Frank, Gasoline IS fungible. Seriously. Also, not all gas stations selling Citgo gas are owned by Citgo.
    There are ~14,000 independent gas stations selling Citgo gas.
    Do you really want to take the bread from the mouths of the Pakistani family that owns an independent station that sells Citgo gas?
    No, I don’t own Citgo stock. Nor do I buy gas there. I prefer BP. I’m just pointing something out in my contrarian manner.

  8. To correct this poor soul who has obviously made a statement by saying:
    “I didn’t watch the interview because, oddly enough, I have no interest in watching the former President throw a hissy fit.”
    Has very little knowledge to judge something He/she ahs never seen. This si the ignorance that we have today. If you watch the interview you will see an admirable Former President Clinton handing these questions in a quick and respectable fashion, without notes and quivering in his chair like Chris Wallace.
    What you will also find by watching something is that you will gain knowledge from what Presidetn Clinton said during the interview and there will be able to then view the evidence, form a thesis, run a test by reading a book(if you can) and then come to a conclusion and form an opinion. (Without someone else, like word from the grapevine). I am also assuming that due to your lack of taking in the facts that you ahve already stopped reading, if you are still reading this I apologize for underestimating you.
    Now to say that Chris Wallace asks the same questions to The right wing, no he does not. Clinton responded to every question, when Chris got scared he tried to change the subject, Clinton would not let him. That was great. As we do know as told by Richard Clarke(a Republican) who worked since Reagan, that Clinton got closer to Killing Osamo than anyone else. When Clinton tried to invade Afghanistan, there were not enough findings to do so, so he left a comprehensive report For Bush, who did nothing. When the FBI handed Bush a document warning him a possible Al Queda Attack on the USA, Bush played golf, and ingnored it as well. That was the point by Clinton.
    Watch the interview, the full interview and then give an educated response. Until then, don’t come on like an expert politcal analyst. And don’t drink my Kool-Aid.
    PS- I know Clinton got a Blow Job and commited a form of adultery, Bush watced the fall of two towers, a fifth of the pentagon, over Two Thousand of our brave young men and women die in his war for Oil conquest, and the sinking one of our greatest cities. Not to mention violating our Constitutional rights, ignoring the wishes of Americans, slapping the UN in the face and then begging for their forgiveness, etc etc, etc.

  9. Ryan, come back. We obviously let you out too soon. We’re sorry. President clinton is a good and honorable man (wink, wink, nudge, nudge.) President Clinton was totally factual and did not lie (snicker, giggle.) His legacy of fighting terrorism tirelessly will be the bedrock for future tales of epic heroism (roll on the floor wetting ourselves, haahahahahahahaa).

  10. As for Richard Clarke being the “evidence” that supports Clinton’s “I tried” – HA! I believe that Clinton called Clarke’s book “factual assertions” rather than “opinion”. Maybe I isn’t understanding me English so well, but ain’t assertion just a fancy word for opinion?
    But then again, what would you expect from someone who thinks Clinton’s telling point was how he pointed out that he was unable to do anything about Bin Laden because there weren’t enough findings but he did leave a comprehensive report for Bush. And then Bush, based on this “comprehensive” report that showed there weren’t enough findings to act – wait for it – ….. DID NOTHING!! How dare he?!?!?!! He had a COMPREHENSIVE report!!!!!!
    I shouldn’t get so upset, especially now that I know there is a cause for this lack of simple comprehension in your typical moonbat. Poor BDS sufferers!

  11. Assertion |??s?r sh ?n| noun a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief [with clause ]
    Opinion |??piny?n| noun a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
    I can tell you don’t talk Enlgish good(wink wink, nudge nudge) Try a little harder next time.
    And Frank thank you for proving my point.

  12. “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president…is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonous to the American public.” – Teddy Roosevelt
    Just for those who believe that BDS is a bad thing. It does make me laugh to see how many people are brainwashed into believing everything the president says. It is our right as each of our founding fathers have said to question those in office to see that our rights are upheld and democracy lives.

  13. “There are some people, and I’m one of them, that believe George Bush was placed where he is by the Lord,” Tomanio said. “I don’t care how he governs, I will support him. I’m a Republican through and through.
    Are you serious?

  14. “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
    Thomas Jefferson
    Something both parties need focus on

  15. Ryan, could you try not quoting something? I’d like to think IMAO promotes some original thought (if with nothing other then humor). So in turn I present a quote to you I once heard…”Better to be silent and thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt” by Somoneorother. And be careful with those “big words” they scare us gun-toting folk.

  16. “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”
    I belive in this one Ryan is saying that because Bush doesn’t read the news papers there are 2000 dead American soldiers in the “War 4 Oil”

  17. What’s all this I keep hearing about Ryan being a hose? I don’t know Ryan and I’ve never met Ryan but my guess is that Ryan is a human being and not a garden implement. Now that we have that straightened out, would someone please tell me why Ryan thinks he’s funny? If Ryan was a hose, then that would be funny…who names a hose Ryan? A door-knob maybe, unless that’s spelled door knob or maybe doorknob, which I’m sure Ryan, who is not a hose, but his grade-school spelling champ will undoubtedly point out…or is that point-out? Maybe Ryan will spell some other things for us. Won’t that be fun? Maybe, if we all ask nicely, Ryan will spell some of his favorite humor-related words. Would you do that Ryan? I do so look forward to reading non-hose people spelling their favorite words. It adds such excitement to life. What kind of a garden implement would you name “Ryan”…I’m thinking it would be a nice name for my compost bin.

  18. Sean, what is it with you people and the dashes (-). There is no – in-between gun and toting. it would be just gun toting folk, not gun-toting. Fear not, I am a “GUN-TOTING” person as well.
    Try again.
    Oh and spacemonkey, if you have nothing intelligent to say, just don’t say anything. GOT IT.

  19. Frank – I can’t answer your assignment. I’m still laughing that Little Willie Clinton’s big accomplishment was conducting an interview without notes, cue cards, or teleprompter.
    He’s such a big boy now. They grow up so fast. Why it seems like just yesterday that he was having adolescent escapades in the oral office.

  20. I see my little “gun-toting” thing worked. Again pointing out the fact that people suffering from BDS can’t stay focused on anything substantial. You immediately forgot that I basically called you an unoriginal moron and attacked my grammar. Enjoy life behind a simpleton’s eyes.

  21. Ryan,
    Here is a little something for you.
    On page 223, Clarke describes a meeting, in late 2000, of the National Security Council “principals” — among them, the heads of the CIA, the FBI, the Attorney General, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the secretaries of State, Defense. It was just after al Qaeda’s attack on the USS Cole. But neither the FBI nor the CIA would say that al Qaeda was behind the bombing, and there was little support for a retaliatory strike. Clarke quotes Mike Sheehan, a State Department official, saying in frustration, “What’s it going to take, Dick? Who the shit do they think attacked the Cole, f***in’ Martians? The Pentagon brass won’t let Delta go get bin Laden. Hell they won’t even let the Air Force carpet bomb the place. Does al Qaeda have to attack the Pentagon to get their attention?”
    What it would have taken was a Presidential order. That order never came. Critisizing Bush for not doing something in 8 months that Clinton did not do in 8 years is a bit ironic. Dont you think? Dont give me the “He launched cruise missiles at him” line. Clinton has already admitted that he waited until OBL and others were absent so that no one would be killed.

  22. I think I got it Former Mr. Roddam-Clinton pitched a hissy fit because “Bush Lied, people died, war 4 oil, and then we’re going to take back the White House YEEEAARRRGHHH.” I never realised how much fun BDS is.

  23. Top four ways to tell if Clinton is lying.
    4. His tone gets strident.
    3. His eye’s get larger than normal.
    2. He points alot.
    and the number one way to tell if Clinton is lying.
    1. His lips are moving.

  24. //PS- I know Clinton got a Blow Job and commited a form of adultery, Bush watced the fall of two towers, a fifth of the pentagon, over Two Thousand of our brave young men and women die in his war for Oil conquest, and the sinking one of our greatest cities. Not to mention violating our Constitutional rights, ignoring the wishes of Americans, slapping the UN in the face and then begging for their forgiveness, etc etc, etc.//
    As Pres. Regan would have said, “Well Ryan, there you go again.”
    President Bill Clinton while not the worst President in history (Jimmy “the Bunny” Carter) holds that distinction, comes a close second (anybody realize how hard it is to say anything about Clinton without double entendre falling out everywhere)
    He had opportunty after opportunity to get Bin Laden and didn’t. Why? Because he spent the majority of his two terms dodging “bimbo’s” and “trailer trash” according to James Carvelle.
    Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and of course Monica are just the women we know about. Bill Clinton was a liar, cheat, traitor, and fool. That is his legacy to the future. The fact that he melted down on Fox is just another act in his already steller “on screen” production. He planned it, wanted it that’s why he went on Fox in the first place. It’s either that or the “smartest man in the world is really an idiot.

  25. Ryan – were you afraid of the rest of the definition of assert(ion)? Like the part that says: “…SYN.-to assert is to state positively with great confidence but with no basis in fact.”
    I would think that you would want to include this since you seem to be so good at it.

  26. Ryan, you want to call-me-out on my spelling; that’s fine. you’re really good at spelling your-self.
    “Bush watced the fall of two towers”
    And I can do quotes as well – “Let he, who is without sin, cast the first stone”
    But to be honest, want to give you the benefit of the doubt, because you said you have a gun. Maybe there is hope for you yet.

  27. I love how Ryan’s rebuttals are nothing more than pointing out simple spelling mistakes.
    I propose we turn the tables.
    “Broaden your horizons Frank”
    Baaaaaaaaad, baaaaaaad Ryan. You see, your punctuation is weak. Commas and periods are your friends. Hug them. Love them. Take them out to a ball game if that’s your cup of tea.
    Until you prove that you are perfect, infallable, and incapable of even thinking about making a silly mistake, STFU NOOB.
    This is the INTERNET. You don’t have to be an English major to use it. In fact, by the looks of things, you don’t even have to have any grasp whatsoever of the English language. Stop your hatemongering, you hatemonger!

  28. Ok, I have read all these comments (what is up with liberals always asking me if I can read?) and everyone is doing a lovely job. But I just have one question…Ryan, would it be too much to ask for you to place your comments in a nice, neat paragraph form instead of having a single sentence for each post? It is bad enough that I have to read what you write (as much as I enjoy reading) but to compound it with so many unneeded new posts…wanders off to find something easier to read

  29. Not to mention violating our Constitutional rights…
    What rights?
    ignoring the wishes of Americans…
    Methinks you mean ignoring the wishes of liberals.
    slapping the UN in the face
    You have no idea how much money I’d spend to see Bush knock the holy *#$^ out of Kofi Annan. I mean, dang. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
    and then begging for their forgiveness…
    When and where did he beg for forgiveness?
    etc etc, etc.
    What is this etcetera you speak of? Your strange alien language hurts my head.

  30. Steve the Pirate:
    “I am also assuming that due to your lack of taking in the facts that you ahve(sic) already stopped reading, if you are still reading this I apologize for underestimating you.”
    From Ryan’s first comment.

  31. Actually, Ryan, it IS gun-toting. It works as a noun…just as Frank and Spacemonkey would be liberal-punching conservatives.
    I suspect you graduated from a government school, which would explain a WHOLE lot.

  32. Come ON, Steve, get it right: it’s what is this etcetera OF WHICH YOU SPEAK?
    Geeze…I’m turning into Ryan now…ahhhhhhh.
    OOOh. It IS fun. Shall we all take turns poking fun at everyone’s spelling/grammar? hehehe

  33. I always wonder what grade level in school someone like Ryan is at. It’s blatently obvious that he’s still living with his mommy and daddy and has no real-world experience at all. How old do you have to be to vote these days?

  34. Ryan,
    Wow! You can acutally pick up a book and copy quotes?
    We are more anxious to speak than to be heard.
    -Henry David Thoreau
    I’m impressed! What an increadably difficult thing to do!
    Nobody will keep the thing he hears to himself, and nobody will repeat just what he hears and no more.
    -Lucious Annaeus Seneca
    I bet that really helps you score with all the high school chicks!
    When you have nothing to say, say nothing
    -Charls Caleb Colton
    Or did your Red Diaper Doper Baby teacher tell you that it makes you look more intellagent around us normal rubes?
    We only confess our little faults to persude people that we have no large ones
    -Fancois, Duc de La Rochefoucald
    Your self proclaimed mastery over English…you awe us with how superior you are to all of us trailer dwelling, gun fondeling conservitives!
    The louder he talked on his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Did KOS teach you these tactics? Unfortunate. You see, the more you speak the more we can see through your “clever” ruse.
    *Beware a conversationalist who adds “In other words.” He is merely starting afresh.
    -Christopher Morley
    Comerade Clinton may be the earliest president you can remember, and all of your social progressive teachers may have raised you on “hate Bush,” but if you are capable of any original though, have you ever asked them why they hate Bush? Do you just soak it up or has your “superior mind” ever considered questioning their line of thinking? I’m not Bush’s biggest fan, (listening to people like your teachers is why everything has bogged down), but my brain cells work well enough to know everything that’s happened isn’t his fault. Please get back to us when you’ve graduated high school, when you have to deal with a job, and your life experiance extends beyond figuring out that you don’t know everything at 17.

  35. Ok, one more.
    if you have nothing intelligent to say, just don’t say anything. GOT IT.
    Ryan, no fair making up rules you don’t even follow your bad self. But then I guess we’d never have even heard of you if you did.
    But hey, at least your quotiness (I made that word up) appears to be subsiding.
    Already we are controling what you do, of course now the tempation will be A) to quote TJ or FDR again (be predictable), B) to not quote and flail with your puny faux wit and not quote anyone (be controlable) or C) to go away, be despised by the rest of your 8th grade class and prepare for a dismal future as a fiscal drain on the productive members of society (Woops, that one’s also predictable).

  36. Since cutting and pasting seem to be the flavor of this post, I want to play.
    Psalms 17:28 Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.
    I try to follow this council but as you can tell, I don’t do such a good job. Better luck tomorrow.

  37. What right’s. Well when you look at Mt Rushmore, Thomas Jefferson was democrat by the way. When you look at Mt Rushmore and say you are proud to be an American, or look at our flag and then say what rights?(Steve) well maybe you should pack up your bags and go somewhere else. But I guess that is what this country is coming too. We have now turned everything sacred and made it into a battle against “liberals.” Let’s see. This country is founded on a two party system, without one you can’t have the other. The goverment of the USA needs to have arguments on both sides. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and John Adams each were the main writers of the Constituiton. When there were disagreements, mainly between the two front men, TJ a liberal and JA a conservative, the two men decided that it would be best to put aside their differences and work together and meet on terms. They did exactly that and that is a big reason why we have system that reaches out to both sides. I would hate to have a single party system, that would be a dictatorship. The problem today is that people like Bush, several leaders of both parties in congress have been tearing this nation apart, and people are following right along. It is up to you. Try to educate yourselves, learn both sides of the argument, which I do because I am just as quick to attack the left as I am the right. If you can’t find faults in yourself than you don’t know yourself. OF course I have faults, we all do. We have to be aware of them. We should not be so stubborn anymore to believe that we know everything, because we don’t. It was a pleasure tlaking with you all. I hope you enjoy your time and have nice lives.

  38. “Well when you look at Mt Rushmore, Thomas Jefferson was democrat by the way.”
    Well, you use the lowercase democrat, meaning a supporter of democracy. I don’t think anyone will argue that. Of course, George W. Bush is a democrat as well.
    “This country is founded on a two party system, without one you can’t have the other.”
    No it isn’t. The Constitution was designed to have the president elected by Congress, on the assumption that the country would break up regionally rather than ideologically. It didn’t start out as a rigid two-party system.

  39. Poor Ryan,
    He suffers from a strong lack of facts.
    Neither Jefferson nor Adams (who ended up in “opposite” parties) wanted a partisan government. If you think this country was founded on a two-party system, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
    It wasn’t until the passage of the 12th Amendment (1804) and the first election after its passage (1808) that the electoral college elected both a president and a vice president. Before 1808, the VP was simply the also-ran in the contest.
    Ryan, you need to learn the difference between a fact and an opinion (or belief). Re-read your own definition of assertion and you will see that an opinion can be asserted. They are asserted all the time.
    In fact, you’ve been asserting them since you started your tirade.

  40. Ryan, thanks for playing! Here are some lovely parting shots, er gifts:
    I guess you prove that even god makes mistakes sometimes.
    I think you should live for the moment. But after that, I doubt I’ll think so.
    There is no vaccine against stupidity.
    Why don’t you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?
    You are not yourself today. I noticed the improvement immediately.
    I researched your entire family tree and it seems you were the sap.
    Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn’t have given you worse advice.
    We know that you would go to the end of the world for us. But would you stay there?
    And finally, I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with Ryan, as I will not take advantage of the handicapped.

  41. Why does my compost bin keep trying to correct people’s spelling? …or is that “speeling?”…maybe I should ask my compost bin. Having a talking compost bin is a problem that I’d rather not have, but having one comment that Spacemonkey should be quiet…or is that be-quiet…is just wrong. Why does my compost bin hate hyphens? I’m guessing that my compost bin has never read Strunk’s or he’d like hyphens a whole lot more. Maybe I should compost my old copy. I wonder if my compost-bin would rather be a composte-bin? And just where does my compost bin get off claiming to be a “GUN-TOTING person?” I would certainly never put a gun in a compost-bin. And speaking of other crazy things, how does my compost-bin know about Mt Rushmore? Does my compost-bin know that the thing is an affront to the Sioux Nation? I wonder if he cares? Does he know that Mt Rushmore is America’s favorite place never to visit? I wonder if my composte-bin would correct Thomas Jefferson’s spelling? Funny compost-bin!

  42. Man, I have to give you folks some credit for being so persevering! I tried to struggle through wry-anne’s maudlin musing … but, quite early on, discovered “PS- I know Clinton got a Blow Job and commited a form of adultery” … SHOCK and AWE. Only a brain-dead liberal nutcase could think “a form of” … it is not a nuance; it is sexual harrasment by the very laws the coward signed. He was/is married — hence it WAS adultery … pure and simple. He LIED about it … not in private but in full PUBLIC view. He was, and is, a typical liberal clown with no virtues whatsover. Selling pardons. Assaulting women. Blowing up aspirin factories to distract the public.
    And he’s only the SECOND-WORST (note the hyphen … I like it almost as much as the ellipse) president! After the rabbit-fearing Jimmah Carter.

  43. Pete – I don’t want to get all “Ryan” on you…because G_d knows I can’t stand myself when I’m being that stupid…but Emily and I own the elipsis…we filed the papers with the blog patrol, the internet police, and the ultra-top-secret punctuation bureau…it’s ours. You can have the hyphen…it remains in public domain. Don’t make me come down there!

  44. Hey Ryan, can I be smart like you too? OK, cool. I’m going to point out all your typos from your last post.
    What right’s.
    Uh, actually, this is a plural, not a possessive (no apostraphe needed). And it’s also a question, not a statement (needs a question mark, not a period). It should read, “What rights?”
    Well when you look at Mt Rushmore, Thomas Jefferson was democrat by the way.
    Even when you don’t look at Mt. Rushmore, Thomas Jefferson was a Democrat. Plus, this sentence could use a little punctuation touch-up.
    When you look at Mt Rushmore and say you are proud to be an American, or look at our flag and then say what rights?(Steve)
    This is not a complete sentence (or even a complee thought). Try dropping the word “what” at the beginning.
    well maybe you should pack up your bags and go somewhere else.
    “Well” at the beginning of the sentence should be capitalized.
    But I guess that is what this country is coming too.
    “…coming to”, not “too”.
    We have now turned everything sacred and made it into a battle against “liberals.” Let’s see. This country is founded on a two party system, without one you can’t have the other.
    Actually, this country was founded (not “is founded”) on the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. It was not founded by ANY political party. And BTW, you CAN have one party without the other.
    The goverment of the USA needs to have arguments on both sides. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and John Adams each were the main writers of the Constituiton. When there were disagreements, mainly between the two front men, TJ a liberal and JA a conservative, the two men decided that it would be best to put aside their differences and work together and meet on terms. They did exactly that and that is a big reason why we have system that reaches out to both sides.
    Impressive, an actual glean of sense.
    I would hate to have a single party system, that would be a dictatorship.
    No, it could simply be a one-party system, depending on the type of governence. I don’t have time to go into all the intricacies.
    The problem today is that people like Bush, several leaders of both parties in congress have been tearing this nation apart, and people are following right along. It is up to you. Try to educate yourselves, learn both sides of the argument, which I do because I am just as quick to attack the left as I am the right.
    Actually, we DO look at both sides of the argument, and some of us do criticize Bush for many things (if you would take the time to read and broaden your horizons). But, because we do look at both sides, we realize that the left is muy loco.
    If you can’t find faults in yourself than you don’t know yourself. OF course I have faults, we all do. We have to be aware of them. We should not be so stubborn anymore to believe that we know everything, because we don’t. It was a pleasure tlaking with you all. I hope you enjoy your time and have nice lives.
    We do have nice, happy, litlle lives. Now, if only you could go get one for yourself. Maybe then you’d have time to take a class in grammar and punctuation:)
    (BTW, that’s not punctuation at the end of that last sentence. It’s called an “emoticon”. Google it.)

  45. The principal author of the Constitution was JAMES MADISON. As Sumbody points out, Jefferson was in France in 1789. Jefferson formed the Democratic-Republican party. He also said “the government governs best that governs least.” Does that sound like any liberal or Democrat you know today?
    If we’ve lost some rights under GWB, would you kindly list them? One or two at least.
    It is not the conservatives that blindly follow their leader like lemmings off a cliff, but the Clintonistas certainly drank the Kool-aid for their boss.
    GWB pisses me off roayally, sometimes. He let Teddy Kennedy write his (GWB’s) first education bill. He paid the UN dues. Talk about a complete waste of money! He didn’t nuke Afglassistan, Iran, Syria, and Iraq after 9/11. He is just 1,000 times better than John “the Gigolo” Kerry.

  46. I know no one is probably going to read this, as the post is getting old and tired, but I believe (to Ryan’s post about Thomas Jefferson being a Democrat) that (I also don’t know when) the Republican and Democrat parties actually switched. The Republicans becoming today’s Democrats and vice versa. I’m not sure though, but I remember that from somewhere.

  47. Ryan –
    Thomas Jefferson was President before the modern Democratic Party came into existence. He called his party the Democratic-Republican Party. It has no connection to either modern party. The modern Democratic Party dates from Andrew Jackson and the modern Republican Party dates from the 1850s.
    Thomas Paine had absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution and Thomas Jefferson did not even attend the Constitutional Convention, much less write it.
    There were no parties when this country was founded and many of the founder explicity stated they wished to avoid having any. I don’t see them as that bad, but the country was definitely not founded on a two party system.
    Furthermore, Thomas Jefferson’s support of states rights was central to his political outlook and would cause any modern liberal to recoil in horror.
    “Try to educate yourselves, learn both sides of the argument”
    Good advice, but ya ought to follow it some more.

  48. Bill Clinton is right. It’s good to see him stand up and quit taking the abuse and blame for everything that is wrong with the U.S. It is high time that the Republicans take responsibility for what happens on their watch and quit hiding the truth behind national security and classified documents. There is a reason why so much has become classified and it has little to do with national security. It has much to do with not being able to withstand the light of day. What kind of democracy can survive being ignorant to truth? I suggest none and that would include the United States. Sadly, that is the state of affairs with our Federal Government at this time.

  49. “It is high time that the Republicans take responsibility for what happens on their watch”
    Question – do we get credit for 18 consecutive and no terrorist attacks in the past five years or does that bypass us?

    Bonus question – Can you answer the above without a “yes, but…”

    I’m bored, so a few more other things:
    “It’s good to see him stand up and quit taking the abuse and blame for everything that is wrong with the U.S.”
    Clinton held at least five interviews over the past week, how many other interviewers brought the up?
    – If he’s taking regular abuse, don’t you think it’s good to give him a chance to respond?
    – If he’s taking regular abuse over this, don’t you find odd Chris Wallace was the only reporter to even bring it up?
    – Chris Wallace asked the same question of Donald Rumsfeld – do you feel the same about that, or was that fair game there, but not for Bill Clinton?
    – Would asking George Bush “why haven’t you done more to capture Bin Laden?” be an unfair question.
    If not, why is it fair there, but not for Bill Clinton?
    – Chris Wallace is Mike Wallace’s son. Sure, he’s on Fox News, but do you really think the guy is that big of a conservative?
    “is a reason why so much has become classified and it has little to do with national security. It has much to do with not being able to withstand the light of day.”
    – Your evidence for this is what?
    – Do you feel the same way about our withholding of information (breaking codes, not revealing losses, not even revealing some attacks) during World War II?
    – If not, why is it okay there, but not here?
    – In the late 90s we had a program that allowed us to listen in on terrorist cell phone calls. This was leaked to the press. It caused terrorists to be more cautious about using cell phones and caused our information about their activities to dry up. Was this leak a good thing or a bad thing?
    – Was leaking that we could follow some terrorist financial transactions a good thing or a bad thing?
    – Since Bill Clinton’s administration was okay with the above (listening in on cell phone calls happened on his watch, tracking their financial transactions was cool) do you feel the same way about him you do about Bush?
    And, finally – sorry I know it’s cheap, I can’t resist –
    – As long as Clinton’s defending his record as being unfairly maligned here – do you think he’ll get around to explaining what records Sandy Berger stuffed down his pants and why he felt the need to toss them in the garbage and put them in a shredder?

  50. Jeffersons party was actually the “Democratic Republicans” which in the 1850s split into the democratic and the republican parties. the Republican party was the anti-slavery pro union party that supported buisness. the democrats were highly corrupt in the south, pro slavery and just bad presdients
    ‘nuf said

  51. Anonymous above, we do know what documents Sandy Berger stole, but we do not know what was on them.
    He stole the copies of a combined FBI and CIA briefing on the known loopholes in the U.S. Security and the possibility of terrorism.
    What we do not know, is the notes that were taken at the meeting, since everyone wrote their individual nots and opinions on their briefing papers. These notes would give us the insights into whether anyone at the meeting was even taking the terrorism possibility seriously.

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