I Hope My IMW Book Will Get This Sort of Product Placement


It’s a great read about America’s imperialistic excesses. Plus, you can beat dissidents with it.

I’ll announce the winner of the previous caption contest soon and award him or her the IMAO bonus points.

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  1. Not available in stores!! AND . . . if you act now, we’ll throw in, absolutely free, at no obligation, a barrel of absolutely authentic oil-for-terror, er, food, crude oil. Operators are now standing by! Dial 1-888-MOONBAT!

  2. Hugo Chazev introduced the latest menu item in Venezuela’s government regulated school cafeterias… “It’s fulfilling, and hopefully, by ingesting the material, the children will absorb the anti-American propaganda our socialized schools have failed so miserably to teach them.”
    P.S. Any interesting anagrams for Noam Chomsky? I got “Sky Mocha, Mon” from a Jamaican Starbucks…

  3. “i heartily endorse this book; it gave me justification for calling America the debil, and it took the coffee and nicotene stains off my teeth. i would use it again, if i were sure i’d survive this trip to America.”

  4. Well, since we all know what Chavez is actually doing
    up there..
    “Whew! No offense to Chomppers, but his writing just can’t stand up to the deluge like a good Sears-Robuck mag, know what I mean? I tell ya, his stuff fares about as well as tempered steel against Aliens blood.”

  5. Ladies and gentlemen I’ve just been informed that after the Iran leaders speech yesterday, we’ve temporarily run out of toilet paper. Until this crisis is solved, I suggest this soft and supple substitute. Buy yours today in the UN gift shop.

  6. “Order today, amigos Yanquis, and, for your enhanced reading pleasure, we will rub your copy of “Hegemonia” with El Diablo BrainFart, a sulphurous scent composed of my speeches, DNA from El Jefe Castro’s cadaver, and Rio Rosa Chomsky’s brainwaves! 100% guaranteed to attract the babes–Cindy Sheehan, Rosie O’Donnell, and other burros!! You’ll score, for sure!!
    “Apparatchiks are standing by now, waiting for YOUR call at 1-800-La Caca Grande, or order on the web at www.pendejosR.Us.com! Have your VISA or Citgo credit card handy!!
    “And, as I declaimed in my rock-star UN General Assembly peroration–‘mi nutcasa es su nutcasa!!'”

  7. “Hugo mad. Book not have nough pictures. Hugo like pretty pictures. Hugo blame Bush! Bush kill pretty pictures! Bush is devil! Bad Bush! Hugo very upset, need nap now.”
    Could we get a marine to punch Hugo in his ape face? I would pay good money for that.

  8. Chavez: “And my greatest regret is that I never met Mr. Chomsky before he died.”
    Chomsky (offscreen): “I’m still alive! What are you, an idiot?”
    Chavez: “Well, at least I’m not deceased, like you.”

  9. Look what I found in a little shack with a moon on the door! It was missing several pages, but…
    Look what I got with my subscrition to the New York Times!
    And you,too can become an incoherant, ruthless dictator! With the help of this handy manual, learn how to talk trash about America while being invited to the “World’s Collection of Slimebag Club”, better known as the U.N….

  10. Okay, class, now let’s take a look at page 19, you’ll see the…..hold it a sec….
    Okay, now, where were …oh yeah, the third paragraph here says that…just wait a sec…………
    (Gott, vas dot a tight vun!)

  11. “I must now confess to you that Noam is my father. He and my mother had a brief and passionate encounter after a “Youth for Che” rally, and who knew alcohol would have the effect on a goat that it does on a human? But anyway, after momma sobered up I was born a few months later and…”

  12. “Just remember: Don’t bring this book too close to a Bible, a church, or the Pope – doing so may cause printed material written by Noam Chomsky to spontaneously combust, resulting in burns and sulfurous odors.”
    P.S. Just had an idea for cleaning up the U.N. – get the Pope to supply some holy water for all those little water glasses the ambassadors keep next to their microphones. If nothing else, we could probably get Kofi Annan. Heck, it’d probably work on Congress too – though it might take some pretty strong stuff to work on Hillary . . .

    1. “Anybody know what this thing is?”
    2. “What’s this round thing a picture of?”
    3. “How come there are no animal pictures to color in?”
    4. “Who took my crayons?”
    5. “Can somebody read this to me?”
    6. “A free bottle of ENZYTE comes with every copy.”
    7. “It turned me into an idiot commie mouth-breather. No- wait…”
    8. “It gave me pig eyes, huge nostrils and a drooping nose.”
    9. “It’ll suck your brains right out. It did it to me…
      10.”You’ll LOVE the forward by Jimmie Carter.”
  13. “And now I say to you that even this book which is-what you call-romance novel, it show that Bush is devil, and that he coming to kill innocent Venezuela babies like he kill Iraq babies, and…espanol expletive…idiot teleprompter! You no turn pages fast enough! I have you shot!

  14. Silicon Valley Jim:
    There’s nosy hammock, and cask homonym (which, I think, resonates reasonably well with Chomsky’s field of study), and Mash coy monk, and, of course, my homo snack. You can check all (presumably) of them out at http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram
    How about the next best one,

    Uh, sorry about the late post. I’m in Baghdad so I hardly get a chance to get online anymore.

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