Moderate Muslims: They Do Exist!

John Hawkins has a Moderate Muslim sighting. I wish we saw more stories like this. If they only Muslims we see on the news are the terrorists and CAIR, many Americans (including me at times) are going to doubt whether Islam really can co-exist with a civilized society (and, to be clear, by civilized I mean countires that don’t sentence women to death for being raped or have teenagers hung for being gay).


  1. This has always been the problem with the “moderate” Muslims. When some wacky imam stands up in front of a crowd and says they must kill all Americans, they stand up and cheer. When someone claims to be speaking for Christians stands up and says something just as stupid, we tell him to shut up because he is being stupid. Until the “moderate” Muslims take back their religion and kick these imams to the street they WILL be included as the Islamofacists(sp) as they are part of the problem – not part of the solution.

  2. Your post seems to imply that there is some qualitative difference between the terrorists and CAIR. I haven’t seen it yet (CAIR generally appears to be the advance PR wing and infiltrated PC warriors for the terrorists).

  3. Unlike the talking head, politically correct liberal mainstream media talking heads who keep referring to the Muslim religion as a “peaceful religion”, I have read the Quran. If you can read the Quran and walk away from it feeling this is a peaceful religion, I must question your ability to comprehend what you are reading, as the entire redundant message is to lie and pretend to like infidels while you plan to eradicate them so that they can burn in eternal flames in their afterlife.
    With that in mind, I must ask – what the hell is a “moderate” Muslim?

  4. Where would a Unitarian stand upon all this? There’s just gotta be a conflict of interests there. Or you’d think, but I do remember J. Kerry “crossing” himself at Reagans wake, as though he had ANY clue about having a relationship with God, making excuses for the muslim extremists after allegedly condemning them, and then appealing to liberal “spiritualists”…also considering Reagan wasn’t a catholic, we should accept his very televised “crossing…? So, aside from being the poster-boy for the “mouthbreathers”, what was he for? Did he know? It’s a new week; does he know now?
    I don’t say that to offend any Catholic folks, but it did seem cheap to me. You know, as an American.

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