Democrats in Charge #4

What else will those wacky Democrats do if they get in charge? Read comic and find out!

Comic #3
Comic #2
Comic #1


  1. Shame on you Frank J.! Those democrats should leave people’s lions alone! Why…someone could get bitten like that nice magician…then what would they say? It’s always funny playing with people’s lions until you’re the one that gets drug off and eaten. I say, LEAVE THE LIONS ALONE! Frank J., you should know better. Why, playing with lions will give new meaning to cut-and-run! Shame!

  2. I was hoping Hate-Filled Lefty would make an appearance in these comics.
    Unfortunately, it seems if the democrats take charge, the last panel won’t include him saying ‘OW!’
    We’ve got to prevent that from happening!

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